Problem With Linksys WMP54G
Damn, this stupid thing pisses me off. Ok here is the problem. I have the Wireless G Broadband Router from Linksys and a WLAN-Card from the same brand (Linksys WMP54G). Now that stupid Linksys software seems always to forget the security settings I gave him. When I tried to establish an AES encrypted PSK method the softare always forgot the password after some funny connect-disconnect action. Now I've tried it with WEP (128 bits) but that damn software always forgets that damn WEP Key, no matter what. I enter the password in the profile of the connection, the software makes the WEP key, I save the settings, it connects for a while and then it disconnects and when I try to connect again, the software asks for the password -.- It pisses me off. What's the point of that software when It's always forgetting the passwords for every security solution? The only "security" I have right now is the MAC-Address-Filter with only my MAC listet in the list. So what should I do? sell the hardware to another poor guy on ebay and buy new stuff? I would like to, since the router enjoys to poke fun at me too -.- Greetings Uri |
Re: Problem With Linksys WMP54G
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on 2007-08-03 04:52:20
that might be a good idea, sell the "damn" thing... :P |
Re: Problem With Linksys WMP54G
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by lonesparrow
on 2007-08-22 05:12:53
I Have a Linksys Router too. Try to establish a "WPA" connection, with a TKIP 128 Encryption. It would never ask you for your password again. You could always leave the network open for everyone, but that might cause lagging...
Light a fire to the fang that cannot be reached,
So that I do not have to see that star,
So that I do not slit this throat .