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Cutest Galaxy Angel Opening Theme!!!
Link | by Bara Suishou on 2007-06-03 00:53:05
For me it's Angel Ukky... Nothing, it's just cute for me... Hehehehe...

Re: Cutest Galaxy Angel Opening Theme!!!
Link | by HK on 2007-06-06 06:37:26

All of the Galaxy Angels Songs are cute... especially the very first one from the first season...XP

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Cutest Galaxy Angel Opening Theme!!!
Link | by Risu Chan on 2007-06-06 10:22:02
Angel rock n roll!.... maybe...Yumemitai?... I don't know it's too hard xD

ringo urami uta!

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