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Dream names....
Link | by Bara Suishou on 2007-05-30 00:19:27
If you became an anime character, what name would you like to have??? Uhmmm... Mine? Maybe "Ume" for the first name, shortened "Ummei" that means fate or destiny and then for the surname "Hikari" meaning light... For short
"Hikari Ume"... Sorry for being weird...

Re: Dream names....
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-05-30 00:24:06
i like my name the way it is :)
but i'd rather not post it ^^

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Dream names....
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-05-30 00:34:38
Kanayuki Kuran. Done~~!

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: Dream names....
Link | by Lady Maia on 2007-05-30 00:51:51
IRL: i already like Maia. :3 but i would still welcome names that would mean something like: "moon", "destiny", "seer/oracle" X3

SCREEN NAMES: i'm getting a little tired of "Lady Maia" -_____-
i just chose that name because it was a game we used to play when we were little... although at that time they call me "Lady Mai Mai" XD

i'm thinking something along the lines of "RozeFyre" o.O as long as 'Fyre' is there.
i dunno, i have a thing for 'fyre''s or 'fire''s. :3

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Dream names....
Link | by forest on 2007-05-30 07:00:24
Chinese name: Sen-Lin. Done! ~_~

Re: Dream names....
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-05-30 12:43:43
For me, it would depend on the anime so I really don't know. :3


Re: Dream names....
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-05-30 12:58:35 (edited 2007-05-30 13:00:23)
Shinomori Aoshi (四乃森蒼紫), known as Aoshi Shinomori in the English version of the anime, is a fictional "Okashira", or leader, of the Oniwabanshu in the anime and manga series Rurouni Kenshin. He is 26 years old (by East Asian age reckoning) with black hair and ice-blue eyes. Stern, concise and cold, he is a genius spy.

if i were in anime i would want that same name, and description...minus the oniwabanshu and ruroni kenshin bit.

i don't know what it means, i'm not a guy, and yes the name has already been used, but i reeeeeaaaalllly love that name, it is just the best name/ description.

Re: Dream names....
Link | by Sakura on 2007-05-30 18:46:15
Sakura Takako Shimizu! :3 My pen name and my fav!


Re: Dream names....
Link | by koyatogashi on 2007-05-30 21:31:27 (edited 2007-05-30 21:35:34)
Koya(更夜),means late night,from the anime Twelve kingdoms,he is friend of Enki(Kirin of En kingdom).I'm a girl but just can't resist this name^_^

Re: Dream names....
Link | by imppy on 2007-05-30 21:36:37 (edited 2007-05-30 21:37:44)
lol I want my name to be Kiba :D
-another headshot for the retard-
okay fine >_> if I would be in an anime I like to be called by my REAL name or Kiba! (my name is actually the name of a japanese town)
I prefer to still be called imp/imppy as a nickname ^^

Re: Dream names....
Link | by HK on 2007-05-31 04:00:08

*points to my avatar...*

yah... I used that name since my very first story... and it's my name in the online world... (The Haiseki Ikeri is a revised name I use for other characters/personals like for an RP or something that needs a name other than my Keiri name...)

and oh.... I hate people mispronouncing or misspelling my name... though I like to do that to other people as their given nicknames... XP

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Dream names....
Link | by mae mae on 2007-06-04 21:37:50
it'd be Mami (first name) and the last name...Kurosaki (like Kurosaki Ichigo from bleach, i love that show!)
Mami it's like, the Japanese version of my name (Maegan) and it means pearl, so, yeah, it works!

Re: Dream names....
Link | by Username on 2007-06-06 09:29:08
its un my sig...
read it,,.
it means..
God of all warriors..

i wish to bleed for you

Re: Dream names....
Link | by Sir Bon on 2007-06-06 10:14:08
My name will be left as is with the character for it the one used for the festival of the dead.

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Dream names....
Link | by hime197 on 2007-06-27 23:44:24
I would like a boy's name; Tohru shouldn't be the only ditzy girl with a masculine name.

Sagi Keitaro, "Left Tree Blessed Son"

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