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Negima?! Help
Link | by JJ on 2007-05-29 03:29:22
Sorry to post a whole new thread but i really couln't be bothered going through all the old threads looking for a category to suit me...
You out there who know about Negima?! will know that there are two "seasons" of it, the first one and the remake.
I really want to get the dvd box set of Negima?! but i'm not really sure which one is which. I want to get to 2nd season, the remake. I keep seeing all these "magic 101" dvds, but i think they are the 1st season. Could somone please tell me if they know which one is which or if the 2nd one is even out yet?
Thnx heaps...


Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-05-29 04:47:30 (edited 2007-06-11 12:48:24)
As far as I know, the "second" season hasn't been released yet. All the "Magic 101" dvds you're seeing are of the first "season." I hope that helps!

Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-05-29 13:11:07
You're correct.
I think they just started to work on it around October or so of 2006.
I remember reading about it somewhere online before.


Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by JJ on 2007-06-02 18:49:48
Oh, cool, thanks heaps guys ;)

Anyone have any idea when they are released? I don't really care what country as long as they have the japanese language on them.


Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by on 2007-06-03 07:52:49
2nd season a remake? it was totaly different i dont know why u say that.

Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-06-03 07:58:26
OMG, they look so much better!!


Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by tanakacchi on 2007-06-03 08:36:09
You meant you didn't know that they already made the second season already?

Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2007-06-03 09:06:34 (edited 2007-06-03 09:07:31)
"Negima?!" and "Mahou Sensei Negima" aren't actually connected story-wise... Lets stop calling "Negima?!" as the Second Season of the "Mahou Sensei Negima" Series

(same could be said with "Hanaukyo Maids" and "Hanaukyo Maids: La Verite")

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Negima?! Help
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-06-03 09:09:11
I knew they were working on it, I never knew it was released already.


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