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Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by Bara Suishou on 2007-05-22 20:47:50
I would never forgot about Loki in Matantei Loki Ragnarok, Kamishiro Maiku in Onegai Twins and Auel Neider in Gundam Seed Destiny. I love them very very much!!!

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by on 2007-05-23 00:59:12
I just started to watch Code Geass.
And Lulu (Lelouch) with his super smexy voice wont disappear from my mind in just few years xD

And then ofcourse the Death Note chars Light and L. The others are a lot less intresting :S
And some chars from my fave animes.
Like Spikey from Cowboybebop. Ed, Al, Roy & Winry from FMA, and Eureka and Renton from Eureka7 ^-^

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by HK on 2007-05-23 01:24:20


+Hitsugaya Toushirou (my sig says it all...)
+Hisagi Shuuhei (my future sig and avatar will say it all XD)
+Uchiha Itachi (why? guess...)

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by on 2007-05-23 03:26:02

And the bishounen in Fruits Basket (muahahaha!)

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by NeZZuri on 2007-05-23 03:26:06

maybe Syoran from TSC

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket A member of [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club !

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by sai on 2007-05-23 09:41:23
Of course... Son Goku of Dragon Ball... His every shape and actions from since he was small to the point of him being vanished along with the dragon balls are etched forever in my mind... He is like my first ever introduction to action anime... The first ever game i played in sega genesis was also Dragon Ball Z... Ahh happy ol' days :)

Then Doraemon. I don't think anyone in Indonesia can forget that robot cat. With the exception of those who were born in around 2000 though... Doraemon's starting to lose it's popularity here since then, although it still airs now.

also Himura Kenshin... And Sailor Moon... Hahah she was pretty popular back then.

As for some newer animes... Maybe Monkey D. Luffy and Edward Elric

then L, for being the most unique guy i've ever seen... and his name is kinda hard to forget :D

Then i think there's a candidate of some pretty new characters i can never forget... Suzumiya Haruhi and Kyon, anyone?

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-05-23 13:32:39
let see

yusuke urameshi

kenshin himura

son goku


Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by twistedangel on 2007-05-23 18:01:32
Yeah, definitely L since you certainly don't see characters like him everyday.
From FMA, probably Ed & Roy & Al, since I love that show.
Hmm...Naruto because he annoys me. a LOT.
I guess the guys of Gravitation, just because that was the first anime I ever saw (not counting Sailor Moon and a little Inuyasha).
And Spike from Bebop too, since he's just cool.

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by Space-chan on 2007-05-23 18:08:14
It would be SAGARA SOUSUKE from FMP!!!!!so innocent yet hillarious!!XDD

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by thunderkiss on 2007-05-23 22:14:34
The girls from Hinata Inn will be forever remembered, including the four losers Keitaro,Haitani,Kentaro,Shirai...

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by faye on 2007-05-23 22:56:55
rukia and ichigo from bleach

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by blueanime27 on 2007-05-24 07:16:37
Freya and Chii ffrom Chobits..
Edward and Roy from FMa
All the tennis players from Prince of Tennis!

-what is found here might be found elsewhere but something not found in here may also not be found anywhere-

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by detamina on 2007-05-24 07:25:58
I'd probably never forget Kenshin [rurouni kenshin], miaka and her seishi [fushigi yuugi], ChaCha, Shine and Riya [Akazukin ChaCha], and the Elric brothers [FMA]...

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by riou-zero on 2007-05-24 08:19:44
Wasurenaiyo ne~


Ayanami, Rei

Nagato, Yuki


Shonen? later..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by dawntodusk on 2007-05-24 18:33:48
I think it would be Cagalli from Gundam Seed & Destiny... She's a princess who cares for her people truly, and she isn't snotty or a spoiled brat. She's really tomboyish, which is a welcome change from most princesses, and she gots out into war to save her people...imagine a princess who deosn't just give orders but fight at the front lines.

Lacus is unforgettable too, because she is innocent yet wise. She gives helpful advice to EVERYBODY.

what's the currency of Iceland? Ans (by those who don't know): Ice

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by on 2007-05-24 19:36:12
Ayanami Rei - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Nagato Yuki - Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Akabane Kuroudou - Get Backers


Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by 聖竜 on 2007-05-24 19:47:00
Quite a few, really.

Though right now my obsession with Onmyou Taisenki has marked Souka no Onishiba as a character I'll remember forever.

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by kreyzie_chrissy on 2007-05-24 19:57:45
for me, it has to be DR. KAZUTAKA MURAKI of Yami no Matsuei. Who would've thought that a beautiful guy with an angelic face and features turns out to be as evil as the devil. That a doctor who'se supposed to save lives is the one who loves to do unthinkable and deadly things for the pleasure of carnage!!!

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by Arc_asa on 2007-05-24 21:55:21
I have a feeling someone's gonna dis me for this but it'll have to be Uchiha Sasuke....

~"Bury it... I won't let you bury it ... I won't let you smother it ... I won't let you murder it"~ ~~~ ~~~

Re: Anime Characters That You'll Remember Forever...
Link | by KLin on 2007-05-25 00:10:42
Lupin was the first male anime character that really caught my interest. That Lovable Master Thief. He's kind of the archetype for characters like Spike from Cowboy Bebop if you kind of think about it.

Female I would say Lina Inverse from Slayers, while there were other fiery red-headed female anime characters before her I think Lina was the one that definately held the spotlight longest. Doesn't hurt that her VA was megumi hayashibara either.

Most memorable Mecha character I'm tempted to say GP01 from Gundam 0083 Stardust Memories since that was the first mecha anime I ever saw but I'll go with Mazinger. It's the epitome of a timeless super robot.

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