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Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by KLin on 2007-05-22 10:08:55 (edited 2007-05-22 10:10:12)
Kikou Sennyo Rouran Youtube Trailer May 18, 2007
Animenfo page

At heart it was a mecha anime but it nonetheless tried to mash features from several other anime together while maintaining a single storyline. I could see influences from Evangelion, Gasaraki, hajime no ippo, and common anime stand-bys like giant monsters and ninjas.

While it borrowed a lot from other anime, there were a few things about it that made it memorable for me; opening and ending sequence tended to have a very Oriental feel to them exhibited by backgrounds resembling Chinese landscape paintings and liberal use of the Chinese Violin in the opening and ending songs. It was also the only anime that I know of that had veil-dancing in the opening sequence. Each episode was actually pretty short only 15 min.s each so actually made it easy to digest despite all the elements they were trying to cram into the series. It was somehow cut off around episode 24 at a major cliffhanger without any real conclusion. Rumors of an OVA to complete the series abounded, but I never found out whether or not it ever happened.

Just a series that seemed to have been pushed way under the radar despite most viewers finding it to be pretty enjoyable. And which Youtube recently brought back to my attention.

Re: Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by on 2007-05-27 11:23:46
Nope, sorry i've never seen or heard anything about this anime

Re: Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by KLin on 2007-06-01 23:17:09
Did you click on the youtube link? It is the Japanese TV Commercial for the series. I'm thinking about uploading what I have of the series onto youtube. But there doesn't seem to be much interest. ;_;

Re: Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by on 2007-06-01 23:24:55
No haven't seen it. I wouldn't know what it is about :3
But look cool ;3

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Re: Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-06-02 02:46:53
watched this anime before...but i don't really remember what it's all about since it has been like...4 years since i last watched it?

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Re: Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by on 2007-06-02 03:31:08
no don't know it but it looks really cool ^^


Re: Anyone remember this Anime? Kikou Sennyo Rouran
Link | by KLin on 2007-06-03 14:10:53 (edited 2007-06-03 15:01:09)
Well, I've finally gotten around to uploading videos on youtube. Opening and Ending Sequences, and episode one split into 2 parts should be up now. Episode 2 should be up in an hour - hour and half if my connection holds up.

Part 1 of Episode 1
Part 2 of Episode 1

I hope the quality is still good, leave a comment if you like.

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