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Prescription Meds
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-05-16 11:58:22 (edited 2008-06-21 16:52:51)
How do you feel about prescription medications?

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by gendou on 2007-05-16 13:50:47 (edited 2007-05-16 13:51:00)
1. the difference between illegal and legal drugs is their legality. often times, there is a political agenda behind drug laws. this is sometimes unfortunate, but often times keeps people safe.

2. i would say drugs can help people greatly, when used responsibly. it is very important to make informed decisions.

3. It is immoral for people to knowingly release drugs that will do more harm than good. However, from time to time, long term side effects can go unidentified in clinical trials. This is no reason to stop developing drugs altogether, but it does suggest clinical research be conducted more carefully.

4. Probably, for the most part, we are putting research money to good use. The U.S. Government's policies on stem cell research are an example of the WRONG way to approach research.

5. Habit-forming drugs should be administered with care. Patients who are known to be highly susceptible to addiction should be given alternative drugs, where possible. Patients who request drugs because they have become dependent on them, but no longer need them, should be refused the drugs, and they should be directed towards an addiction treatment program.

6. We use mood-altering drugs because they improve our mood. Duh?

7. Nobody should use drugs as a permanent solution to a psychological problem. Therapy is an effective way of treating most psychological illnesses.

8. I don't think that "perpetuating the weakening of the human race" is of much concern right now, what with the more immediate problems we face as a species (namely reality TV shows and nappy headed hoes).

9. Is it scary? No. Not to me. Why would it be? We change our brains all the time, without taking drugs. When we eat food or drink water, we alter our mood and mental state.

10. Both. They are a tool that, being an optimist, I think do a lot of good. For some people, simple drugs like dopamine can miraculously restore muscle coordination. For other people, drugs like Depakote can trap them in a holding pattern of addiction.

11. Depends.

12. No, that's awful. What a horrible thought, to abandon those who are injured or weak. That is NOT an advantageous solution for any social species!

13. Huh? Mating? Who, where?

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by on 2007-06-14 00:47:27
Drugs are the same in medical purposes and outside medical purposes. It all depends on how you use them and who wants them on the market. The legality of drugs all depends on the governments in charge, it's more of an attempt for those in power to exploit and show their authority against those below. Although I will agree that mostly drugs are banned because they cause harm rather then good.

The ability of drugs to help people depends on the person using them. That’s why it is important to know what we are allergic to, if we really need them and if they are addictive. Although they are not always good. Nothing is an absolute good unless you want to get into a debate about thanks there by the way.

The short sided views of companies and trials for drugs can sometimes cause desperate parties to distribute needed drugs before they are ready to be used. This does not however mean that we should stop using them for medical purposes. It's the case of 'they meant well but they screwed up'. As Gendou said it just means they need to be more careful in their research.

It's hard to say if we are researching the RIGHT industries. We don't know what problem we may face as people in the future so it all depends on that doesn't it? For all we know our problems could be in an entirely different area in a few years. As for now though I think we are mostly on the right track, although sometimes I wonder why they are spending money to develop drugs like birth control pills for men...sheesh considering the amount of money going into research I would say it's more or less a waste.

I guess addiction of drugs should be weighed against how useful it is to use them. If it will do more harm then good its pointless trying but if it will go greater good you need to be careful in regulating and monitoring the patient.

Mood changers? Well yeah it can be as simple as saying they improve are mood but it's more of a psychological view. Sometimes we feel we 'need' things like that to survive, we depend on their ability to elevate our lives rather then going through it ourselves. Basically we are all lazy when we don’t 'need' to do things ourselves. Take away the mood enhancers and I bet we will all work a hell of a lot harder on feeling good.

Eh well if you have cancer or something I wouldn't tell them to 'solve it on your own' but if it's something like depression then no drugs should not take the place of human interaction. It would be much more sensible to consider allowing the person to get stronger by working through their problems (with therapists if needed) rather then making them dependent on drugs and unable to solve problems later in life. Once again...lazy.

Artificial means are as much a burden as they are a help. You can say as Gendou that it isn't that much of a problem now...but of course we will regret that if it turns out to happen later won't we? Although we do need to take care of those nappy headed hoes and reality TV shows (lets add little devil kids with stupid parents to that list) that does not mean we should ignore the fact we are entirely too dependent on electronic means. Yes they do allow a more efficient production and more accurate possibilities, but sometimes I wonder if we go a bit too far. Soon enough I’m sure we will have machines to take care of are sexual needs for us too. Although I'm sure nothing like the matrix will happen (I hope) we may however see how entirely undependable some technology can be.

Although Gendou says our brain state changes all the time...which is true, it usually isn't by forcible means. I find it odd (not scary) to know that my brain is being forced to change its normal patterns in order to handle the problems at hand. Although since we are all lazy we need that push I guess.

A god send? Hardly. Sure they can be a great help when considering how much more manageable many seemingly hopeless problems can be, but they also have their horrors. Since at this point we still have to make educated guesses on the effects of some and testing them on new situations they can be damaging and start forcing a higher dependency on them

I would say yes we should stop taking them eventually since many of them are doubtful to have been tested in long term instances. Although some problems may need a constant intake I personally wouldn't risk it.

On a moral level I wouldn't say we should let the old and weak die out without giving them all the help we can, but on a logical thought it would be very beneficial if evil and gruesome. Think of the Spartan society in Greece where they dropped any babies who were of ill quality off a cliff or left them to die. Not only had that but their military training sent many of them to their graves. Not only does it keep the population from expanding beyond sustainable means but it also makes sure the survivors are highly productive and useful to society where we also don't have to waste our money curing their problems. Although once again on a moral level, hell no should we let them all die.

I wouldn't exactly call it a mask since if you mean to reproduce with someone the chances are that you know what illnesses they may suffer from. I know a few people who won’t hesitate to look through your medicine cabinet. But anyway I guess they have the same right to have children, especially considering it is not guaranteed that their children will suffer from it.

Thanks for the interesting things to think about by the way.

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by on 2007-09-13 07:25:20
Hmm.. a biological essay to me..

Drugs are intended as medicinal aid to treat dieseases. They may be abused by the users, often leading to ill-effects such as dependency on the drugs and may lead to permanent damage of the internal organs. It is not an issue to be sneezed at.

Damages done would include brain damage, blood clotting, liver damage and more.
Such irresponsible acts would yield dire consequences.

Darwinian theory? how did that come in..??

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by on 2007-09-14 01:58:45 (edited 2007-11-06 09:35:34)
Some drugs are ok. But some others defenitly need to be monitered. Like pain killers and stuff. The other drugs like "Anti-depression" drugs and like that are total bull shit and I know personally. During all my school life when I started acting differently my parents made me to the thearpy and gave me ani depression drugs and ritilen and all that crap. I was nerouvs at first cuz I thought it would change me. After awhile I noticed that it wasn't doing anything. I stopped taking them without telling my parents and after awhile I told them and they realised that it wasn't doing anything so we stopped. With all those psych drugs I say it's all in your head.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by Aramis on 2007-09-23 07:29:32
Nothing wrong with drugs if they're used properly, but in administering drugs the motive should be helping people, not making money.
Pharmaceutical industry should be a tool of the doctors, but instead it's deciding how patients are treated, and as a result there's unnecessary use of drugs, especially the psych drugs.

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-09-23 13:56:06
Okay, here we go. Automatic Pilot.

1. The traditional definition of a drug is a substance, solid, liquid, or gas, which alters the physical and mental condition of the person taking them. As far as the given definition is concerned, yes, prescription drugs are the same as illegal drugs. From a practical standpoint, no, they are different from illegal drugs since prescription medications are legally distributed to cure, or at least assist with medical conditions, and illegal drugs are not.

2. Often, prescription drugs are helpful in assisting with the rehabilitation of the human body during or after the introduction of an illness or disease within the human body. However, sometimes the side effects of the drugs may be more numerous or dangerous than the actual disease itself. When a prescription drug label says not to operate heavy machinery, it’s best that such actions are avoided, because of the potential dangers of the side effects.

3. I agree with gendou-sama. Knowingly releasing drugs to the public that have potentially lethal side effects is immoral, and should be dealt with in an appropriate manner. However, as gendou-sama said, clinical studies may not be conducted long enough for these problems to arise and be properly documented. If that is the case, then there is no question of morality, since it is technically the company’s fault.

4. That depends on which drugs you believe to be the drugs that need to be researched. In a way, we could research every single drug that exists, but that would be expensive and time consuming.

5. If the drugs have positive effects during an illness, then yes the drug should be administered. However, on prescription med containers, at the bottom of the label, there is a line that states how many refills the prescription has remaining. Once that hits zero, no more of the drug is to be administered. That is the way the drugs are meant to be controlled, but often the companies that distribute the drugs do not pay attention to that label. That is how the drugs become available to an addict. The companies that distribute the drugs are at fault, and need to take a look at their procedures before drug overdoses become a bigger problem than they already are.

6. Mood changing drugs are used to influence the brain into creating a difference in moods, often to enhance feelings within a person.

7. Sometimes, it may not be a matter of whether or not a person should try. It may be a matter of whether or not a person can solve their psychological problems on their own. Unfortunately, some people are incapable of solving their problems, but I personally feel that psychological drugs should be an absolute last resort. Only when therapy and other methods are not enough should psychological drugs be administered.

8. Sorry, I don’t quite understand the question.

9. Yes, it can be difficult to imagine that drugs are altering the typical patterns of their brain. But, that is to be expected, since humans instinctively fear what they do not understand.

10. I personally feel that they are a crutch. People who take the drugs often become addicted to the drugs. They believe that they cannot function without the medications, and if they do not receive the drugs, may become suicidal. They are more of a “crutch” than a “god-send.”

11. Yes, those who take prescription drugs should stop taking the drugs. Ideally, when the person taking the drugs does not need them anymore. Unfortunately, they do not see that they do not need to take the drugs anymore, so it becomes an issue for the person taking the drugs.

12. From a “survival of our race” standpoint, it would be better that we let Darwinism fulfill its purposes. However, think about it from a personal standpoint. Would you think that it would be right for nature to allow your mother, father, brother, or sister die and to let you live because you are the only one in your family that the forces of nature find strong enough to survive? I know I wouldn’t, so I think that having so many medications is a positive thing.

13. If you’re asking if medications allow undesirable people to mate and reproduce beings that are dependent on those same medications, then yes that could be the case. Drug dependency has been an issue for some time, and the best solution to this is to not take the drugs. Say “no” to Viagra.

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by Sprity on 2007-09-29 16:01:44
1. That really depends on the person alot of the time. But overall no and its a matter of what is legal. Prescription drugs obviously are and are given to a person to help releave whatever may be troubling the person. Where as illegal drugs are usually taken as a sort of escape/self destruction. However, people that do the illegal sorts if given the perscription drugs the likely hood of them abusing them is high.

2. They don't always help. Some may have no effect others may have large, or just make the person taking them sick lol They're idea is to help but with so many people having different make ups they don't all agree with the medication which can bring out side effects or just making the medication useless. When they do work it is for the better.

3. Obviously not. The point of them is to help,and by releasing them before they know the hurtful potential of the drug they shouldn't be releasing it.

4. I'm really not up todate with ones that are being XD so I can't really say. I do think that there should me more alternative ideas going around to apply to the research instead of using the same ole methods.

5. It's really hard to say. FIrst thought that pops up is "no" but in may cases they are often the best drug to help with whatever the problem may be. Should they or not? It's better than being dead, so I think they should be the last ones to be tried but still available.

6. Because our mood is intollerable? Mood imbalances can ahve to do with alot of things, the way our brain fires back and fourth to the chemicals being all whacked out. We use them to correct what is going wrong o_O

7. Med's are not the only way HOWEVER many times by the time someone goes to be put on meds they are so far gone that they are incapable trying to make changes in themselves. Speaking for a point of depression; when one falls deep into it a cycle begins that most people can not break out of it on their own. With how they think at this point they are unable to change their thoughts, then there is the chemical imbalance that has occured. It's like making someone with one leg hike up a hill, they just often are incapable to fixing things. Then there are those that try but are still unable simply because of the chemical imbalance, positive thoughts can only go so far. The medication provides a crutch in a way. They are not hte end all solution people do need to deal with their problems the medication can just make it possible for them to do so.

8. err what now?

9. To me no, to other I guess it might but as said before it's being given in the hopes for the better so any change that may be better is a good thing. Plus many drugs although they make a change, you can come off it and go back to how you were, it's not alway a permanent thing.

10. Sorry but personally I think a god send and a crutch are the same lol Medications are a crutch in many cases, but they may be needed. Some obviously are there just to make things easy (like a pain medication. You could go without but that would be really unpleasent). Some are need for civil survival too. People are born with erm accidents I guess you could say, in their brains and in those cases there is nothing that person can do outside of medication to change or fix those problems.

11. That's the idea with most medications (with anti depression meds, pain relivers). People really shouldn't become dependent on them. But like I said before some need them just to live normal/semi-normal lives.

12. Well it would be stronger and healthier most likely however we'd all be immoral jerks. That idea is how the animal kingdom is run to optimize survival of each species. Humans are far from needing to optimize that and I don't know about anyone else but I kind of think since humans have the ablity to reason and are in a relativly safe enviroment that we shouldn't act like a bunch of barbaric animals. Its like killing off white people because their white skin burns in the sun - which could cause cancer. It's just craziness.

13. Man bums reproduce and the likely hood of them being dirty and having bugs is high. Most people find that undesirable, but love takes all kinds XD As far as that goes as long as their is crazy there will be someone that likes it. o_O As far as children go it is likely that the child will exhibit the same sorts of illiness as the parent but not always. But just because someone has the same illness as their parent it does not mean that person will need meds, or the same ones. Dpending on what the illness is the child could end up working through it and where they may have suffered some they could end up being more empathetic, and well adjusted than your average joe. Can it created a biological cycle, yes. Will it always be the same? no.

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by Kai-chan on 2007-10-03 12:30:18
Only take OTC drugs if you have a prescription. At least you can blame the doctor afterwards if something bad happens to you. A creative game of 'pass the buck' if you ask me :lol:


Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by on 2007-10-03 19:52:33
I'll answer the Darwinism part since Gendou answered the questions like how I would, along w/ a few others before me.

Now Darwinism, I take it you are referring to the "The strongest will survive" stuff, natural selection?

Well, moral issues goes against this theory. It's horrible to not help the handicapped and disabled. What if that was you? I'm pretty sure anyone would want help. Those meds help them... although they are "drugs."

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by gendou on 2007-10-10 00:07:04
The most fit survive. Everyone knows this, and it's almost part of our definition of "fit".
Darwin showed us that the origin of species lies in descent with modification, plus a selection that causes species to adapt to their environment.
That has little to do with medicating illness.
However, if we support "broken" or "disease-causing" genes, we allow them to spread, which is undesirable.
Schizophrenia, for example, has high heritability, which is to say, there is a significant genetic predisposition.
If we medicate this disease so that sufferers show no symptoms, their genes will do just fine, as the individual will only suffer the minor added cost of the medication.
Let us take this to an extreme and imagine that many heritable diseases have been cured by taking drugs all one's life.
People with those diseases are dependent on medication.
In a world where these medications become quite common, we would also expect them to be quite expensive.
Therefore, individuals on the medication will be poorer, which I know all to well is less desirable.
So, in the extreme, these people with genetically inherited disease are still less likely to pass on their genes.
There is still selective pressures at work, but they are far more subtle in a medicated world.

With advances in biotechnology, it may be possible in the future to "fix" disease causing genes in the reproductive cells, producing a healthy baby from an effected parent.
This would side-step the selective process, and put the selective powers DIRECTLY into the hands of the individual.
The selection would no longer be "natural", in a sense, but what does that really mean?
Our choices as individuals are just PART OF THE ENVIRONMENT as far as genes are concerned.
If one of my genes causes me bald at age 30, it is not going to do well in the environment where I have the ability to get rid of it the easy way, and still pass on my other genes just fine.
This does not pose any sort of contradiction to The Theory of Evolution!
It is a complex and new sort of environment, and those heart disease genes are not going to be happy about it.

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by on 2007-10-13 11:28:43
Lol. I've read in a science mag that they are now producing superhumans XD!

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by Aleks on 2008-01-07 15:37:57 (edited 2008-01-07 15:39:32)
Drugs (medicine) are helpful for many of us. I admire people who can carry on with their lifes without the aid of medicine. And I think that we all can live naturally without it. But I am greatful for medicine. It has helped me overcome migraine. Without it, I wouldn't last a month. But I still belive that an ideal society doesn't need drugs. Natural selection will favour those who are healthy. Drugs shouldn't be a necessety for anyone. Sadly though, drugs are also abused. Though, the intentions might be good at first, it could develop into nasty habits such as addicitons. The debate about drugs will never end.
As mentioned, I am greatful for the use of drugs through meddical means, but I prefer a world without it.

BTW, I'm no darwinist.

Re: Prescription Meds
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-01-14 03:39:53
I have epilepsy (every superhero needs a weakness, heh). I am now going to be taking sodium valproate for life. At first the side effects to the drug were crap. It affected my mood and attitude for a good while until I adjusted to them. It brought out all my worst qualities for a month and I did a lot of apologising after I realised what I was doing.
And darwinism is a bit flawed really. It explains that species survive by adjusting to their environment. The flaw lies in humanity. We don't survive by adjusting, we survive by destruction and reconstruction of our environment to suit our own vanity. Would I have epilepsy if I was in a world where all things technological didn't exist? Probably not.
All that doesn't matter, though, I'm here now and rely on these chemicals to balance electrical activity in my brain.

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