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Help with a C program
Link | by Frost-Heart on 2007-05-13 22:31:57 (edited 2007-05-13 23:23:32)
Hi, i'm looking for some help with a C program of mine that i'm writing. Fairly simple i guess, it's just to encrypt a 5 character string using an integer key and then decrypt it back. Problem is...When i compile it, no problem. When i run it and input the string and the key, they display alright, but then i get 'Segmentation Error' at which point my program stops running. Not quite sure if it's allowable to post the code but...oh well XD {it's not too big, really}. Oh, by the way, i have to use pointers. Which is why the functions are 'void'.

#include <stdio.h>

void getPassword (char *Pass);

void getKey (int *Key);

void encrypt (char *Pass, int *Key);

void decrypt (char *Pass, int *Key);

int main(){

    char * password[6];

    int * key;


        printf("Password: %sn", password);


        printf("Key: %dn", key);

    encrypt(password[6], key);
    printf("Encrypted password: %sn", password);
    decrypt(password[6], key);
    printf("Decrypted password: %sn", password);

    return 0;


void getPassword (char *Pass){

    printf("Enter password: ");

    scanf("%5s", &Pass);


void getKey (int *Key){

    printf("Enter Key: ");

    scanf("%d", &Key);


void encrypt (char *Pass, int *Key){
    int i;

    for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){



void decrypt (char *Pass, int *Key){

    int i;

    for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){




Re: Help with a C program
Link | by gendou on 2007-05-13 23:38:31 (edited 2007-05-13 23:54:14)
you want to declare char password[6]; and not char*, because the [6] makes it a character array already.
when you pass password as an argument, you are already passing a pointer, and must leave OFF the [6].
example: getPassword(password);
You have one key, and you need to properly instantiate it as an int, not an int*: int key;!
Below is the edited program, but it appears your encryption algorithm is flawed.
#include <stdio.h>

void getPassword(char *pass);
void getKey(int *Key);
void encrypt(char *pass, int *key);
void decrypt(char *pass, int *key);

int main()
	char password[6];
	int key;

	printf("Password: %sn", password);

	printf("Key: %dn", key);

	encrypt(password, &key);
	printf("Encrypted password: %sn", password);

	decrypt(password, &key);
	printf("Decrypted password: %sn", password);

	return 0;

void getPassword(char *pass)
	printf("Enter password: ");
	scanf("%5s", pass);

void getKey(int* key)
	printf("Enter key: ");
	scanf("%d", key);

void encrypt(char *pass, int *key)
	int i;
	for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
		pass[i] = (((pass[i] - 65) + *key) % 26) + 65;

void decrypt(char *pass, int *key)
	int i;
	for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
		pass[i] = (((pass[i] - 65) - *key + 26) % 26) + 65;

EDIT: I fixed your encryption/decryption algorithm.
You need to reverse the sign on the KEY but not the +/- 65!
Also, you won't get good numbers if you % on a negative number, so just add 26.

Re: Help with a C program
Link | by Frost-Heart on 2007-05-14 02:14:23
Ahh, i see, i see ^^

Thanks alot, This is extremelly helpful.

Hmm, i see what you mean about string (password[6]) and the int Key. I keep getting confused about what needs to be done with arrays when using them as pointers XD

Thanks for fixing up me encrypt/decrypt as well. I figured i'd just reverse all the signs in decrypt XD

Well anyway, many thanks ^^ (How'd you do that box ting? Nice ^^)

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