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i'm a japanese do ask questions... ne!
Link | by MekiBoz on 2005-04-14 01:25:46

question waiting...

Re: i'm a japanese do ask questions... ne!
Link | by gendou on 2005-04-14 09:57:53 (edited 2005-04-14 10:00:14)
関西外国語大学1学期間勉強したから京都のことが好きだろう (^o^)

Re: i'm a japanese do ask questions... ne!
Link | by Confissao on 2005-04-17 05:25:40
I really REALLY need to learn (at least) basic Japanese sentences right now since I can't talk properly with my Japanese cousins who are having their vacation here. We look like idiots when we are talking to each other for crying out loud! T^T Last night, my non-Japanese cousins and my brother was hanging out with the younger of my two Japanese cousins. Since she has a neat looking gadget (looks like a Nintendo palm pilot...I dunno)one of my non-Jap cousins asked who gave her that. They tried to ask her that in english but she still can't get it. Then, with only my little knowledge of Nihongo thanks to anime subs, I decided to try and ask her in Japanese and ended up in a very, very embarrassing and awkward moment.

Cousin #1: Who *pointing at a teddy bear* gave you *does some weird hand gestures* this *points at the gadget she's holding*?
Jap cousin: *stare*
Me: Dare? ("who")
Jap cousin: *points at herself*
Me: *slaps forehead*
Everyone: *stares at me trying to stiffle their laughter*

Tasukete onegai!!!!!!!

Re: i'm a japanese do ask questions... ne!
Link | by GaiJin on 2005-04-17 10:54:57
i have a question, e-mail me or talk to me on aim.


aim: lowtcp

i do prefer aim its faster

anywho, hows japan life to a gaijin?? i assume its getting better how is it really? im prepared give it to me! i plan on going to japan to fall in love with the culture but i'm a black man interested in japanese so i obviously want to break stereotypes and break down TEH WALLS RAWR@!

so yeah, is it possible to explain what I can expect? Given that I will be able to speak japanese does it make it easier? In the end how big or small will i find of group of people who will geniunily and honestly accept me and treat me like any other person?

thanks and im sorry if this questions is so wierd or too hard to answer. I realize that your answer wont represent the 25+million japanese people its just from one person, so no pressure!

If you are japanese you must speak to me for I am always trying to learn new things!

Re: i'm a japanese do ask questions... ne!
Link | by MekiBoz on 2005-04-20 17:58:05 (edited 2005-04-20 18:03:58)
to Confissao:

the reason why they laugh is coz you slap your forehead

sorry for my late reply... I was having a good time in japan and i forgot the forums.

slapping your forehead is somewhat like a japanese tsukommi that they just laugh coz you did something stupid that they did'nt expect what to happen next or something like that and my english are'nt as good as yours.

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