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Link | by Hopeless on 2005-04-13 23:13:08
I was wondering if anyone here has played MGS3.But since i didn't SEE a thread about it, I thought I'd start one about this excellent game(which I highly recommend to everyone). If you have any questions, post them, I'll help if I can, if not, then maybe someone else can.

"I'm not afraid death, but dying scares the hell out of me!"

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-04-15 12:02:10
wel i played MGS3 i completed it twice (i aint touch and i kinda find the bosses aint that hard... especially the Shagodad...but it got the excellent storyline and i find the steath pretty cool
i fd MGS2 bosses more fun in my opinion
The only boss i found hard in MGS3 or most fun and challenging is the Fury and the Boss... The boss is fun to mess around with
I also beated Volgin in like 2mins.... he so easy.....

What is your favourite weapon?
Mine is the whats it called that sniper..

O yea who knows how to get stealth or something good.... i got the patriot and the revolver while having fun in the 2nd go of the game recklessly using the Revolver....

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-04-15 12:04:37
when i sometimes hit the Boss and im using a machine gun
all of a sudden the Boss got a stupid invis wall in front of her

oops i mean i been using he patriot recklessly on the2nd try

Re: MGS 3
Link | by TheGrimmreaperX on 2005-04-15 15:41:36
whats MGS?

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Daisuki on 2005-04-17 11:10:23
Maybe Metal gear solid 3 ?

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-04-17 11:58:15
But when u clocked it once this game u will seriouly look at it and dont think its that much of a good game

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-04-17 12:00:42
well first try on te game did take long due to some messin around such as snipering and makin alert mode on.....
something around 16hours.....
the shagodad took like 7min for me... it wasquik bu its got that long procedure u gota take to hurt it
i reall love the Shotgun
bt i hate it when they shoot u with one

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Razgriz on 2005-05-12 16:26:19
Did you try beating the bosses with the tranquilizer?

Re: MGS 3
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-05-13 23:07:46
done that.... just takes abit longer

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