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Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Daisuki on 2005-04-12 13:34:46
I wasnt sure to talk about this subject.. I really want to go to Japan and i will therefore ..i would better be prepare.

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by gendou on 2005-04-13 08:20:23 (edited 2005-04-13 08:20:54)
here is what is cheap to buy in japan, compared to the US:
  • fish
  • sushi
  • anything at a 100-yen store
  • fish

here are some of the more painfully expensive items in contrast to US life:
  • beer
  • hygienic products
  • a house
  • beer

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Maddy on 2005-04-20 05:40:55
Add this to your list


I think it's a bad sign when you have to shell out 60 bucks for a good burger in Tokyo. Or maybe I should'nt have eaten so posh. Ah well.

Some people play tennis, I erode the human soul

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Mika-rin on 2005-04-22 20:20:53
Video Games and Music Cd's are expensive too. Lets see......NEVER shop in the Ginza district its soo expensive there....the most expensive place in japan. Video games usaully run maybe $60.00 to about $100.00 meat place are also expensive too ^.^;;; also some apples cost $20.00 for one apple while just one watermelon may be $100.00 so its really big if you get one. ^^

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by pie on 2005-04-27 11:02:39

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Kagome5681 on 2005-05-01 13:31:53
Yes, life there is expensive. I've been there several times for business and there are lots of things that are more expensive


a Playstation 2 game America is around $40-50 but in Japan (translated into American dollars is $60-70

food is also more expensive depending what your getting (like someone said before sushi is less expensive) and the food is also more artificial and not as much as the real foods.

Microsoft rules the world because most software now is designed for Microsoft ONLY so therefore Microsoft is a MONOPOLY

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by glenn on 2005-05-01 14:27:17
I dunno, I spent some time eating in restauraunts and didn't find it very expensive at all. Around 700 yen for a good dinner, and donuts at a Mr. Donut usually cost around 120 or 130. Maybe a bit more than normal, but nothing too bad. I found the prices of cds to usually hover around 1200 for singles, and maybe 2500 to 3000 for albums.

The thing that I found was interesting is that there's very little price variation within towns, so shopping around becomes much less effective.

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by unknown-man on 2005-05-02 19:43:08
i loved that!

in jap the games are like 7200yen these days
$1 = 118yen(at least when i was there)
the PS2 console costs $240 (US)
(at least when i was there)

good luck w/ your trip.

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by pie on 2005-05-05 18:13:16
wtf last time i went there 1 us dollar was like 200 something yen how the hell it became 100 something yen?

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by shimoda on 2005-05-09 14:42:16 (edited 2005-05-09 14:42:32)
1 us dollar has ALWAYS been 100-something yen...

mb you didn't pay attention enough.

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by KrnPakRat on 2005-05-12 15:49:22
yea's never exceeded past 200-yen because the japanese economy hasn't done that poorly in a while. When one US dollar equals 200 yen, that means things are a lot cheaper for tourists, versus the other way around, if one dollar gets you close to about 100 yen, than the US dollar is losing to Japanese currency. That's only happened once, back in the late 1980's up to the early 1990's. Luckily, (for tourists) Japan has been in a rather long recession, so the US dollar holds out on top. Of course, this doesn't take into account, once you actually start living there, commodities are expensive as they should be. Basically, Japan right now is good for tourists and crappy for people who live there, that's the way it works. I'm probably wrong about this or something, maybe somebody can correct me?

Ano, anata wa anime-junkie to itte hoo ga ii deshou ka?

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Sephiroth191 on 2005-05-12 20:53:58
Dang, I wish i even could afford to GO to Japan, almost everyone at my school has gone, and I'm starting to feel quite sad, It's been my lifeling wish to go othr places in the world, and not to be bound to the USA, *sigh* I tire of this

"All tremble before the awesome might of......this peace..of..cheese!?"

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by YeNg on 2005-05-17 07:43:03
It´s my wish to to be able to visit japan. I mean it´s a real interesting city and it´s worth of seeing... But I dont have money for it when it´s that expensive :-(

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by angel on 2005-05-20 21:29:27
One day, i'll visit japan! i don't care if it's just me or with some1. it's always been my wish to go there!

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Jet on 2005-05-24 23:35:28
Was lucky enough to visit Japan this April right during the Sakura blooming week! It only lasts around a week so had to schedule it right. I was lucky enough to find a great anime/manga/collectibles shop in Tokyo, and spent most of my pocket money there. Expensive, but worth every yen ~ just like the trip!

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Magus on 2005-05-28 19:42:38
I would have to go against that "food is more artificial" claim. That's why watermelons cost like freaking $80 and such. Because the fruit and everything there is PERFECT, because it's had people specifically take perfect care of it, so it tastes better, is healthier, and thus, more expensive (did you know watermelons are round in Japan? ^_^)

In anycase, the worst I have EVER, let me repeat that, EVER felt in my ENTIRE LIFE is when I came back from Japan and had to get re-adjusted to American food. It was horrible re-adjusting to what we call "healthy."

The black wind howls... One among you will shortly perish...

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by unknown-man on 2005-05-28 20:55:16
my urine is very yellow here in the US (笑

and the food's flavor is VERY strong. (?

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by makitsukii on 2005-05-28 23:10:07
i really want to go to japan and buy anime/manga collectibles and stuff.. where in japan can i buy them at a less expensive price?
jet said he found a shop in tokyo.. what is the name of the shop?

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by Ami Kay on 2005-05-31 21:35:01
There are lots of places you can get used items for alot less than the normal prices...I'm trying to remember the name of the book/game shop I used to frequent when I lived there...umm....Best Book or something like had a big yellow & blue logo - they had all sorts of used books, manga, CD's & video games for way less than the original prices. Hundreds of manga set at 100 yen each, instead of 250-900 each. (some were more than 100, but still cheaper than original).

I ended up buying at least half of my fruits basket manga's in a used manga shop :)....I have to admit, I was sorely tempted to get that wonder swan color as well :P

Life is only expensive there, if you don't know where to shop :)

Just like in Canada, or the USA, if you don't know where to go for good prices, everything is expensive.

can you say pink socks? and green hair? :P

Re: Japan life really THIS expensive?
Link | by nightmare on 2005-06-13 17:17:48
I dont really know anything about Japan, is 100 yen expensive?
Ive always wanted to visit Japan and buy a Katana, not one of thoes cheep ones you get here, I want one of thoes REAL HANDCRAFTED ones like they were made in the days of the Samurai. Does anyone know how much one of thoes would cost? I was thinking somewere along the lines of 5000 US dollors. (i have no idea how much yen that is) If anyone could check that out for me, that would be awsome.

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