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mp3 file quality analysis
Link | by xTargetx on 2007-03-26 05:47:45 (edited 2007-03-26 15:27:01)

For those of us with music folders filled with several mp3 files for the same music/song with diffrent qualities that we cant get rid of because we cant decide which one has a higher quality, there is a nice tool named ADVERTISEMENT CENSORED that somewhat assists in determining the quality of each file. (Longest sentence i have ever written...)

I use it quite alot to gather info about the quality of tracks and get rid of inferior files, even though you cant rely on it only, you have to listen too.
You can download it a ADVERTISEMENT CENSORED
And its totally free! :)

Re: mp3 file quality analysis
Link | by on 2007-03-26 10:50:19
I think anything that has a sampling rate >128kbps is no longer distinguishable by normal human ear, unless you are an audiophile whose has very well trained ear that can hear above 22KHz.

So my solution to choosing between mp3s of different quality, 128kbps is my cut-off point.

Re: mp3 file quality analysis
Link | by アイザック (Isaac) on 2007-03-26 15:04:44
It's pretty easy to discern things above 128kbps actually, as long as you have a decent pair of speakers/headphones.

Re: mp3 file quality analysis
Link | by gendou on 2007-03-26 15:27:24 (edited 2007-03-26 15:28:05)
Advertising of any kind is strictly prohibited in these forums.
Nobody has expressed interest in this technology, so this thread is unsolicited spam.

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