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Portable Programming
Link | by ArrowHead on 2007-03-06 18:08:46
Do you know about program that can be run in different environment...
PHP (web programming, i don't know if I can call it program...), and
Java (from Sun Microsystem)
I know that it needs a support compiler to run, which is environment dependent, but the Java program I made with my computer with Windows can run in my friend's computer with Linux. if s/he have Java Runtime Environment in his/her Linux.
If this really developed then we won't need to make program in different version to run in Windows and Linux. Do you think this is good? will it be a future standar programming? what is the minus point for the portability?
I want to make some writing about this, and I want to hear from you first before I start looking it up in Google so that I have some clue to start and finish. Thanks...

I'm a newbie. Although I know about Java, I never make any program with it, please give me some tutorial also. ^_^

Re: Portable Programming
Link | by EmptyMind on 2007-03-07 12:50:21
It's true that java can run across multiple platforms. However, since the java runtime environment take up a lot of processor time, java programs tend to be slower and more memory intensive than similar programs written in C.

Programs written in C are can also be compiled on multiple platforms, but when the code uses operating system dependent libraries that's where the portability ends. Those libraries enable the program to communicate with the os more directly, bypassing the need to go through the runtime environment and increasing execution speed.

As for making Java a standard, there are many programming "tricks" such as pointer manipulation that were deliberately left out in order to make the language easier to program in and less prone to bugs. While this is fine for normal application programming, it can make lower level programming very difficult.

There will always be some need for lower level languages, since Java can't run without a compiler for each platform, and that compiler would have to be written in something besides Java.

Summary (since I kind of rambled) Portability = good. Portability comes at the cost of speed. Since it's slower it will probably not become a "universal" programming language.

>,>; Did I just say that...?

Re: Portable Programming
Link | by ArrowHead on 2007-03-11 18:43:49
Although Java Programs can be built with various IDE, the compiler of the source code is only javac. This single compiler will output the same bytecode for the same sourcecode, right?
While we have various C compiler for single platform (say Microsoft Visual C++, winDev C++, Turbo C++, or many others for Windows platform) which make various output from 13kb to 47kb for the same source code.
Do you think that Java programs are easier to be cracked (reverse engineered) ? since the bytecode is dependent on the source only...

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