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Ascending-descending order using Java
Link | by »»Ran on 2007-02-11 04:11:51
How do you do this?
You have to input 10 integers and the java program will arrange it in ascending descending order. Gotta use arrays... Plus, the program must ignore the spaces between the integers...

And here's the twist... You have to use buttons labeled as ascending, descending or cancel, like jbtAscending, jbtDescending, ang jbtCancel. Including the jlbl (Input 10 integers)...

Thanks a lot :D

Re: Ascending-descending order using Java
Link | by you look tasty on 2007-02-12 03:45:53
Get your GUI interface up and running first.

Look at the java api, there is a sort function for ArrayList.

So instantiate one, and loop for 10, while adding. (Use an add button).

So Cancel resets and the Ascending/Descending order determines the sorting function to use.

Re: Ascending-descending order using Java
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2007-02-14 05:11:20 (edited 2007-02-14 05:16:47)
for »»Ran:

If that is your school work, I don't like to teach you those, but I like to give you hint. But if it is not, I don't believe at you, find it for your self.

Just try Logical Algebra, Java String Principles, and Consule Codes (for Consule Programming) or Java Script Codes for Integers (for Web or Windows Programming).
That's a hint to put some codes in your Java Ascending/Descending Program.

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