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would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-02-10 02:58:56
One of my fav game in WoT, so I want to revive it~!

In this game, you will ask 'would you rather be *blank* or *blank*?

you can give up to a maximum of four choices

then the next person says what they would rather be...

then they ask their own question

Got that? Let us begin! Oh btw, 4 post-rules did not applied here~~! Have fun!!


Would you rather be an astronaut or a lawyer?

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by IzumiLuvAnime on 2007-02-10 03:33:05
astronaut It's cooler than lawyer.

Would you rather be tv freak or computer freak

I'll be every thing that I want to be and you can't stop me.V^^,W

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by ~~*Sparkle*~~ on 2007-02-10 05:29:47
computer freak that's what i am

would u rather be conan or kaito kid

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 06:09:05
conan...dunno kaito kid...

would you rather be race car driver or a speedboat racer

example Keep Holding On...: My diary ^^.

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by Huy on 2007-02-10 12:21:26
Hmmm...Race car driver. ^^

Would you rather be a kitten or a puppy?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by ~~*Sparkle*~~ on 2007-02-10 22:17:47
i would rather be a puppy
would you rather be a lesbiano or a gay?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by imppy on 2007-02-11 01:42:59
lesbiano :D yay for the ladies (o3o)

would you rather be a donut or a cookie?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-02-11 07:07:30
Errrrrrrr........ a cookie-wait no, a donut! Errrr, cookie, donut, cookie..... I CHOOSE COOKIE!

Would you rather be a taxi driver or a bus driver?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by Huy on 2007-02-11 12:00:06
Taxi much faster.^^

Would you rather be dead but happy or alive but unhappy?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by ~~*Sparkle*~~ on 2007-02-13 04:42:02
I would rather be dead but happy!!
Would you rather be a rich and famous person
but everyone hates you or you would be a poor person with no food to eat but people likes you?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-05-18 07:23:18
be a poor person with all people liking me~!
g0o0o0o sleepovers!! XD

would you rather be a dragon or a phoenix? :o

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by Immortal on 2007-05-18 07:31:55
Phoenix! Phoenix are immortal! mwahahahaha! XD

would you rather love or protect?

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-05-18 07:46:54
Er....... protect I guess?

Would you rather have SARS or bird flu? (Ha.)

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-05-18 07:49:17
i guess bird flu?..

would you rather have horns or fins?..XD


Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-05-18 10:01:53
Erm... Horns... I can cut em off afterwards :D

Would you rather hate your enemy or love somone who dosent know you exist?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by Huy on 2007-05-18 10:20:03
I'd rather hate my enemy. It's easier to hate someone than to bear with the other thing. But normally you can't decide.

Would you rather be yourself or your idol?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-05-18 10:29:29
me myself...I!! xD

would you rather be da SMEXY me, or DA ZMEXY GODZILLA?!!? xD

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by forest on 2007-05-19 17:24:00
Da smexy Godzilla: yay Flonne! XDDD

Would you rather be watching Shonen Omyouji or HunterxHunter?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by on 2007-05-20 01:31:10
I chose by counting the number of buttons on my keyboard, and the result is Hunter x Hunter! :P

Would you rather have a lot of anime but no manga or a lot of manga but no anime?

Re: would you rather be? (read first post), V2
Link | by forest on 2007-05-20 01:40:24
Lots of manga, cos the majority of manga are better than anime!

Would you rather be soap or shampoo? :P

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