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No. of Threads
Link | by CondoR on 2004-05-31 09:57:11
i am a new member. i just joined three days ago. what i dont understand is why there are so many members wihtout any forum posts. i already have thirteen including this one. i was looking through the user list and there are about three or four pages on which all users have no posts. you would think that if someone was doing such a big favor as this, even if you didn't want to donate, you would at least participate in the forum to make it look like you had a shred of gratitude ** pauses to shake fingers from furious typing rampage **

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: No. of Threads
Link | by Sheep on 2004-05-31 14:58:01
I guess a lot of people have joined to post a request for a song they want, or to vote for one...

[Quiet dogs know when to be silent]
Sheep & Tiojar's Anime Episodes

Re: No. of Threads
Link | by jarudin on 2004-06-01 10:51:05
Or just so they are able to actually download the songs!
You can only download them if you are logged in .. gj on that one Gendou :)

Re: No. of Threads
Link | by rikki on 2004-06-01 11:45:47
...or maybe they just want to keep their opinions to themsleves, and just read what other people have to say...

Re: No. of Threads
Link | by CondoR on 2004-06-01 23:47:12
yeah i guess that sounds fair. i can understand how some people might not like the prospect of having all the other people on the forum judge them all the time. but by the same token, i'd like to encourage all of you who do have opinions to share them. i'm always interested ;)

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: No. of Threads
Link | by jarudin on 2004-06-02 09:20:19
Lol, that actually sounds very provocing ^^

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