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Japanese Songwriters: Most Emotional In the World
Link | by riffscreamer on 2005-03-31 22:16:10
As a songwriter myself, I think, japanese songwriters have the greatest song lyrics. Everytime I see the lyrics of a japanese song(Except dance songs, rap songs, some rock/punk songs), especially ones by can/goo, Utada Hikaru, I get blown away by the very beautiful lyrics.

Does anyone here think so too?

Re: Japanese Songwriters: Most Emotional In the World
Link | by Ben on 2005-04-01 19:13:54
If you listen to Nana Kitade sing some of her songs, you can tell she is feeling the song. You can tell by the way her voice just livens up and becomes powerful. Overall, yes, Japanese singers, do get into their music. And also as a side note. Do you notice that most Japanese guitarist wear scarves? I noticed that through about 5 bands.

Though I'm not a failure, if I've got nothing to lose. Though I'm not a failure, I've got something to prove. - Papa Roach

Re: Japanese Songwriters: Most Emotional In the World
Link | by Talis on 2005-04-02 12:53:22
That's what I think as well. Us english song writers just can't compare, sadly. Would it be nice if songwriters these days could write the same lyrics as the Japanese?

Re: Japanese Songwriters: Most Emotional In the World
Link | by riffscreamer on 2005-04-04 02:33:01
Mr. Talis, I'm not American, I'm Filipino. Still, you're right, we should learn from these great songwriters.

Mr. Ben, I can't confirm that observation of yours but I DO see most japanese guitarists wearing long sleeved clothes such as suits, polos and the like. I can see Filipino band members wearing sleeves though...

Re: Japanese Songwriters: Most Emotional In the World
Link | by Keikunmx on 2005-04-04 13:15:05
anyone ever heard Yoko Kanno song's, I think he is a greata japanese song writter

Re: Japanese Songwriters: Most Emotional In the World
Link | by sapphire_kumamon on 2005-04-11 16:44:06
I love Utada Hikaru.

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