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Fanfiction Part1. Please continue the story.
Link | by on 2007-01-28 20:08:25 (edited 2007-01-28 20:20:37)
“What is it?” asked Yuki and Kyo in unison.
“GRRRRRRRRR” Kyo looked viscously into Yuki’s eyes but Yuki just blinked at him.
“A…… A…… A SPIDER!” stammered Tohru.
“A spider?” Kyo blinked unimpressed.
“Don’t worry Honda-san. I’ll get it” Yuki smiled as he picked up Kyo’s shoe.
“HEY! DON’T USE MY SHOE!” Kyo yelled at Yuki angrily.
“They’re the closest” Yuki mocked. “You don’t want Honda-san to get spider on HER shoes”
Kyo sighed and gave in. “Fine, but you have to wash it off”
“uh-uh” Yuki shook his finger as if Kyo was a little boy.
Kyo got mad, thinking ‘Urge to kill rising’.
Tohru could see that Kyo was getting angry. “Ummm….. it’s…. it’s okay Yuki, I’ll just….. I know!…… I’ll just ignore it”
“NO!” Replied Yuki and Kyo.
“EH” Tohru was shocked.
“We can get rid of a spider” Kyo said in a frustrated tone.
Yuki smiled and picked up the spider. “Just a moment” Yuki quickly threw it out side.
“Thank you Yuki-kun” Tohru was so grateful that she was blushing.
“It’s okay, but I am kinda hungry” Yuki was trying to be subtle.
“Oh yes. Dinner will be ready in just a minute” Tohru smiled and went back to making dinner.

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Re: Fanfiction Part1. Please continue the story.
Link | by shiroyuu on 2007-01-28 21:21:31
Meanwhile Shigure was playing with his newly-bought bonsai when a spider landed on his head out of nowhere.

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: Fanfiction Part1. Please continue the story.
Link | by IzumiLuvAnime on 2007-01-29 02:37:57
"Kyooo... Yukiii.... What's this little thinggy on my head??" Shigure said with his annoying, girlish voice.
"URUSEI!" Kyo sit down yet staring deeply with angering face.
"What??" Yuki said.

I'll be every thing that I want to be and you can't stop me.V^^,W

Re: Fanfiction Part1. Please continue the story.
Link | by Flame on 2007-04-19 05:07:46
Suddenly Zoro and Sanji burst into the room.
The entire place was smashed apart and the spider's body lay on the floor in five hundred pieces thanks ot zoro's attack.
"You shitty swordsman,"
Zoro took out a sword and readied into the 3 sword style position,
Suddenly Luffy rammed into Zoro and sent Zoro at Sanji.
Kyo looked at the group in shock.
"What the...,"

I kill dead people

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