Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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Has anyone played this game?I'm passing it again to unlock costumes,but even if I've had it for a year I'm still scared of it,especially when I screamed and blacked out after this body appeared out of nowhere and began swinging back and forth in front of me after I took a picture of a bodiless hand.My mother took it away from me,but reluctantly gave it back when I told her I'd be okay,though right now I'm too scared to see a bodiless pair of legs *shivers* just thinking about it makes me scared to be alone right now,and my brother wasn't even with me when the boxed stated DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME ALONE! I was FORCED by my brother to play the game when I first got it,but eventually I began to love and become frightened of it.If you have played this game please give your opinions on it.
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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lol i felt like that when playing fatal frame. unfortunately i refused to play fatal frame 2. we returned fatal frame 2 to get DDRMAX2 instead. =P my stupid brother and father scared me when playing the first game too. =D nice to know there's someone out there who can play the game alone and actually complete the damned thing. :) |
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I never played the first fatal frame but my brother did I used to sit and watch him play.There were two parts in the game that freaked him out,one was when the broken neck woman popped out of nowhere when he turned around in camera mode and the time when the dolls' head rolled off in the doll room.There is a part like that in fatal frame 2 but instead of the head rolling off the doll slide off the shelf and broke I had gasped and exited quickly,but that didn't take place in the doll room it happened in the doll maker's room.I have been scared of dolls since I was 4 so that scared me to the very core.
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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by StriderNeko
on 2005-04-05 02:47:36
I haven't played Fatal Frame 2 yet; I got it a few weeks ago, but haven't had time to start playing a new game; I have, however, played all the way through the first Fatal Frame (well worth playing if you haven't!) I've got to admit, even given that I've played through just about every survival/horror game out there, and watched movies like Ju-On alone in the dark, that I still jumped back gasping for air when I looked through the hole in the wall at one point in the game and that spirit's face was suddenly right in front of me staring right back! :) |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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My brother has informed me that they plan to make a Fatal Frame 3,I can't wait.I plan to buy it when it is released *squeals*I'm so excited!
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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by Jerc E. Ophe
on 2005-06-28 13:26:53
I had the director's cut of the game for a few days until my sis returned it to the video store. She thought it was a shit game. I played it for a while and it wasn't so bad. I really liked that game. |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
i played fatal frame 2. heheh i have to admit it really does scare me. hehe i finished the game twice but now on nightmare mode. freakin hard... heheh well anyway umm does anyone here know the tile of the ending song in fatal frame 2. im trying to download an mp3 but i can't seem to find any. ^_^
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
I have play Fatal Frame 2 this game was really really cool!! I'm waiting for fatal frame 3 : the tormentor~~~~ that was great!!!!!
visit my website at http://k1ru.minitokyo.net/
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
Oh my god... Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly will be the last horror game that I ever play. Sure, the graphics andd cutscenes and the story was really breathtaking, and the horror part of those persistent old ghosts are also breathtaking, too breathtaking in fact so that me and my friend scream all the time... Clock Tower 3 was said to be more bad, I think, but it is scary because of the sudden appearance of crazy ghosts or deformed bodies...(*eeewww*) Anyhow, I don't own a PS Two, I played at my friend's, and we never pass the Kusabi part...
Believe in something you can't see, and you will see it much more beautiful than you would've imagine...
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
i'm obsess with Fatal Frame 1 & 2... i dont know how many times i repeated playing it, lost count already that game kept on giving me nightmare, but i still love it ^^;; best horror game i've played~! ima waiting for fatal frame 3 to be release ^o^ |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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My bro passed fatal frame 3,he plans to pass it again,but I still haven't passed fatal frame 2,I've passed it already but...I forgot where the pinwheel crest were located,I know there in the houses some where,right now I'm searching for one in the Kiriyu house,but it pretty much stinks when almost every room I go to the Twins' appear for a fight. You think it's easy until random ghost pop up and scare ya to death while your doing something else.
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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by Sae Kurosawa
on 2005-12-04 17:02:36 (edited 2005-12-04 17:03:52)
I have finish playing fatal frame 2 but its not that difficult. The ghost is too slow too easy but still I love it. Story line, graphics, characters development,ghost and character appearence is great, and the enviroment is very nice. But fatal frame 3 is a bit of dissapointment. Graphics is great (best graphic I've ever seen in a horrow game) , ghost and character appearence is amazing it pushes the PS2 graphic engine to the max, the ghost is fast and hard to fight, and its VERY SCARY. But thats all that fatal frame 3 is good at. Plot is very confusing, Kei doesnt play a big part in the story (with or without him the plot will still be the same) , too little Mio appearence (might as well dont include her and Kei in the 1st place) ,Kei hidding ability is useless, too little cutscene, doesnt explain much on the house of sleep and the ritual, and the ending just not satisfying. The ending only explain about Rei and did not mention anything about Miku and how she survive. Nevertheless I still enjoved playing it but it just dissapointing................ |
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Yeah that's what bro said the ghost were fast and hard to catch,but pretty much not alot of appearances,and the hiding bit with kei,he said that ability shouldn't have even existed,about miku well all he said was "What about Miku?".
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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by Sae Kurosawa
on 2005-12-04 20:51:22 (edited 2005-12-12 20:30:28)
Dont forget about the voice acting, Fatal Frame 2 voice acting is great especially Sae when she laugh like a psychotic hyena (love that scene). Thats why Sae is my fav character look at my name and you will know. The voice actor captured and delivered the emotion and feeling of the character perfectly. Now for Fatal Frame 3 is not that is not good its just not as good as Fatal Frame 2. I was hoping Tecmo would use Sae voice actor again but that would remain a dream I guess. Now MAYBE just MAYBE since FF3 The Tormented is all about Rei, I guess (and hoping, finger cross) Tecmo would realese another FF3 xxxxxx and yyyyyy that would focus on Miku and Kei story (so there would be three disk, The Tormented for Rei, xxxxx for Miku and yyyyyy for Kei). Tecmo guys if your're reading this please make this game, everyone wans to know the conclusion and how and why Miku and Kei survive...... *spoilers* (if u get the 2nd ending Kei survive even after he had turned to dust !!!!!) |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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foR mE, i thinK iT doeS reflectS urM, welL u noE thE worD lyK "fetisH" anD "paedophilE"? anD thE gamE iS lonG toO... tooK mE a mtH tO completE iT thougH... anywayZ, thE gamE iS daM nicE, buT i prefereD thE originaL fataL onE >.< |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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by merely13769
on 2006-02-07 00:24:52
Fatal Frame 2 was an great game. The game ain't too long, its just the right length to finish over a weekend. And the environment of the game is beautiful, but for me a game with a dark atmosphere is always beautiful. I just kept wanting more of the game as the story unfolded. The controls are so easy and the plot was good. Fatal Frame 2 is overall a great game to play again and again. |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
one word... F R E A K Y ! ! wasn't able to sleep for a wk aftr playing and finishing it ![]() ![]() |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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meh, it wasn't as scary as the first but I still love the game. It has better characters and a great theme song. |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
I think this game is a super cool game my reasons. - becoz the song RULES (chou- tsukiko) - The story lines is good - the games IS DARN SCARY - The art work and designing are HEAVEN - etcetc ithink i'm inlove with this game even though it scared the hell out of me |
Re: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson butterfly
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i heard that there will be a FF3 titled FATAL FRAME 3: The Tormented just check it out.... ... ... ... ... ... ![]() |