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same song, different artist?
Link | by Little Chi on 2005-03-29 18:32:03
well, the title says, I've found two exact same songs, but have different artists. I'm pretty sure the title of the songs is the same, just one in English and the other in Japanese (Wheel of Destiny; Akatsuki no Kuruma), but is it meant to be this way or is it just a mistake on song title? They're both from Gundam Seed...anyone know what's up with that? thanks

Itetsuku hoshi no yami e
tsumugu inori ga
Tooi anata no sora ni
todoku you ni?

-Radical Dreamers

Re: same song, different artist?
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-30 08:48:07 (edited 2005-03-30 09:03:40)
thank you for pointing this out, i did not know the translation! i will fix the database.

this is an odd translation:

あかつきのくるま=暁の車=(dawn, daybreak, in the event of) + (posessive particle) + (car, vehicle, wheel)

my dictionary does not have this idiom, but i think i understand it well enough. the "wheel of destiny" is like the wheel turning the earth, which causes the sun to rise at dawn.

Re: same song, different artist?
Link | by Little Chi on 2005-03-30 15:55:53
haha..I was just curious. I did think it was strange that "atsuki" had something to do with dawn. But know I know why..even though I didnt' understand what you wrote! :D thanks for clearing it up

Itetsuku hoshi no yami e
tsumugu inori ga
Tooi anata no sora ni
todoku you ni?

-Radical Dreamers

Re: same song, different artist?
Link | by Talis on 2005-04-02 12:55:12
That makes no sense as well, since they appear to have two different artists, if you look.

Re: same song, different artist?
Link | by Dreg on 2005-04-07 08:23:21
What are the two artists? The artist for Akatsuki no Kuruma is definately FictionJunctionYUUKA, or the full name of the person with last name as Yuuka [forgot it right now..]

Re: same song, different artist?
Link | by baby babu on 2005-04-17 23:15:48
it is actually fiction junction feat yuuka

and fiction junction is actually yuki kajiura (composer for .hack, madlax, etc). she also composed for "fields of hope" and "life goes on" for the gundam seed ost. yuki kajiura is also a member of the group see-saw. she does not sing, but she's more of a composer, songwriter, etc.

yuuka .. her full name is yuuka nanri ^o^ and she's also a seiyuu (voice actor)

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