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anime guys
Link | by Yami on 2005-03-29 10:28:53
Would someone mind explaining to me why most anime guys are just so perfect? And why can't real guys be like that?

Re: anime guys
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-29 12:51:39 (edited 2005-03-29 12:56:52)
i know! like, for example, Ataru Moroboshi from Urusei Yatsura, he is so dreamy! *swoon*

not to mention EVERYBODY'S favorite male anime character of all times: Ikari Gendou. can i get a "hells yeah"?! gendou's da pimp. gendou says your mama's a hoe. gendou says a lotta things. everybody square dance like its 1492! *breaks it down pappy shaw style*

Re: anime guys
Link | by Niko Hiltunen on 2005-03-29 14:49:53
And not to mention their eyes are always really cool.
Hee hee. O_o

Sing to me. Goodbye, Christ-killer...

Re: anime guys
Link | by shizu on 2005-03-29 22:14:40
oh wow
gendou went a little crazy there xP

The past is the past...
...and the future is the future.
A man is a man, and a woman is a woman.
I am who I am, and you are who you are.
Like it really matters any...


Re: anime guys
Link | by Ili on 2005-03-30 05:59:23
What anime have you been watching? Most of the guys are psychos or perverted, LMAO! ... or... maybe that's just coz my perfect guy is an Angsty bishie O_o


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,
and the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger,
somewhere there's injustice,
somewhere else the tea's getting cold.

Re: anime guys
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-30 08:23:00
yps a eb nac uoy siht daer nac uoy fi

Re: anime guys
Link | by Keikunmx on 2005-03-30 14:41:41
Get to watch Fruit Basket and you'll see the reason of this post

Re: anime guys
Link | by sumeragi sei on 2005-03-31 07:52:08
lol ?yps a eb nac i naem siht seod
^^;; ... rednow i

as for perfect anime guys... I guess that's why they're only fiction and not real life. It'd prolly be a bit weird if there's someone *that* perfect. >.<;;

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Re: anime guys
Link | by shio rocks on 2005-04-02 23:58:14
True. Buden won't it be nice if there happened to be such guys in real life. But that would cause some people to be confused as to who's a guy and who's a gal. I have friends who can't distinguish male n female in manga/anime.
I guess it's the eyes, and the almost standard 'v' shaped figure... Look at CLAMP's bishies n u get wad i mean. they're all so perfect... awwwwwwww...

Tenimyu, my life. First Generation of Seigaku Regulars forever!!
nagayama takashi! - eiji takigawa eiji - buchou kimeru - fuji moriyama eiji! - momo shiozawa hidemasa!!! - mizuki

Re: anime guys
Link | by BerBers on 2005-04-03 01:10:09
I agree.. Their eyes seduce us girls alot... It's just too bad the guys in the real world do not have such seductive eyes, sexy body and cool attitude...(Not meant to be an insult to the real world guys):P

---GokuAndKira'sGirlJustWroteSometing ---

Re: anime guys
Link | by TenjouMeia on 2005-04-13 03:10:39
I totally agree!! Why can't real guys be juz like the cool guys we see in anime? But this makes us expect more from real guys than we really should, ne? I mean, we keep wanting real guys to be as cool as anime guys when in fact, they cannot live up to our expectations, BCOZ THEY ARE REAL... Perfection is quite an impossibility, but i'm still waiting for the right guy anyway... =)

Re: anime guys
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-04-16 13:11:57
Maybe the raeson as to why they're soo perfect is because they don't exist in real life... I mean, I've only met, what, one guy? Who barely came close to being an anime guy... and it was the eyes!

Re: anime guys
Link | by Animeoutcast on 2005-04-29 15:10:40
I would have to say the hottest anime guys would be in Fruits Basket. I can understand why boys in real life can't be as perfect as the guys in anime but sometimes I wish they were. Or the anime guys could come into real life or I go into theirs...I'd probably stalk them or something. ^.^

Re: anime guys
Link | by TenjouMeia on 2005-05-08 02:45:24
Haha, good one gendou. Then i have the makings of a spy, dont i? =P

Re: anime guys
Link | by angel on 2005-05-20 20:57:42
yeah, i can read it gendou. that means i can be a spy! yeah! i guess!

anyways, i like anime guys because of their eyes and hot bodies!! hot!!! *dribble*....hehehe

Re: anime guys
Link | by Shindou Hikaru on 2005-06-27 00:14:20 (edited 2005-06-27 00:14:40)
The hottest guy I think is Sai from Hikaru no Go, Sesshoumaru and Naraku from Inu Yasha. I love feminine looking guys ^_^!

1st) Sai - Cause he can act really whimpy and whiny (which is CUTE) to really serious and deadly (like Sesshoumaru or Naraku) and I can't resist the purple/pink lipstick! He!He!he....

2nd) Sesshoumaru - Deep voice, hates/indifferent to everyone, need I say more?

3rd) Naraku - Deep voice and just 100% pure pure evil!

Fujiwara No Sai

Re: anime guys
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-12 17:24:40
LOL The hair, it's gotta be the hair!

The fact of the anime guy's perfection is that people don't take time with *little* flaws, or little perfections, for that matter. Most human beings have hundreds of little flaws, and an anime guy might only have several. For instance, picking your nose, staying up late, biting nails, not dusting the mantlepiece, etc. An anime guy might have some of those flaws, but probably not a realistic amount.

Plus you can draw anime characters with perfect bodies. :-P

Re: anime guys
Link | by Murrue Ramius on 2005-10-20 17:33:37
Anime guys are to hot!!! but in a good way!!!! ^_^

Re: anime guys
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-20 17:35:58
everyone, introducing Touya, the cooking, cleaning, and caring machine. the 3 Cs, all taken care of.

I'll eat you.

Re: anime guys
Link | by SantoryuSwords on 2005-10-21 04:38:07
ANIME GUYS RULE!! Seriously..maybe it's because I've watched too much anime, maybe it's because the guys in my school are all crap.I dont know. But I've only fallen in love with like, 50 anime characters.What a pathetic life....ah well

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