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Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by KeLRei on 2007-01-04 17:31:51
hmm.. Im such a good info source.

shura no toki, mushiking, mix master, revenge and vandread are being dubbed. hehe expect them to be aired soon. Vandread will be the last to be aired.

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by myplasticheart on 2007-01-05 11:03:56
i never knew that they had anime in the philipines

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by kutchero on 2007-01-05 11:22:01
Almost all of the popular anime Is being shown her ein the philipines

Zenki , G-Wing , G-Seed , FMA , FMP ,
Voltes V , Samurai X, Kare Kano , Fruits Basket , Tokyo underground and many more

Here are the ongoing Animes Here in the philipines

Yu-Yu hakusho (chanel 7)
Naruto (updated season) shown 5 times a week (channel 2)
Prince of tennis (channel 11)
Tsubasa chronicles (channel 11)
CCS(Card captor sakura) (chanel 7)
Chrono Cruisade (chanel 7)
samurai X (channel 11)
Rockman exe

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2007-01-05 11:36:03 (edited 2007-01-05 11:37:30)
Sorry but "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is not an Anime and its "Beet the Vandel Buster" not "Beat"

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by Aoi Itsuki on 2007-01-09 18:59:01
Errr... DBZ and Yu Yu? Didn't they showed that like... 15 times already?

I watched GSeed till Destiny in Youtube. So -1 for that, too.

The only animes worth mentioning here is DNAngel and Peacemaker, and those are shown in private cable.

But +1 for the continuation of One Piece animes. Hope they have that in Yuyu's time slot.

Image hosted by I hate it when you're too smart >,<.

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by KeLRei on 2007-01-14 02:12:32
hei, Bleach will be on GMA7 this february and GTO:live action(not anime) will be shown this march.

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by bleucosmos on 2007-01-14 02:21:58
GMA is so irritating!! last year, they said Bleach will be aired on October...then November...then it's Feb??? oh brother...

i cannot protect you without a sword.... but i cann't embrace while holding a sword...

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by KeLRei on 2007-01-14 02:25:32
i dont think they announced that bleach will be aired on a specific month exept february. meron din hamtaro.

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by on 2007-01-14 04:53:33 (edited 2007-01-14 04:55:09)
Sus man magsalita ka ng ingles kelrei.

back on topic, there is a lot of animes shown here in the philipines...

Right now Im pretty much on the animax and hero channels for animes

but did someone mention GTO live Action Drama amd bleach???

Man I need un update on the anime shows on GMA....

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by ren-ai_hina_xxvi on 2007-01-15 02:33:48
i saw the trailer too.

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by blueanime27 on 2007-01-15 05:14:41 (edited 2007-01-15 05:20:03)
anime sa pilipinas...
hehe anime here in the Philippines
there are lots of them.and good ones too..
but i'm not watching the tagalog dubbed of anime in GMA or ABS..
i prefer watching in ANIMAX or HERO. since it has a wider genres of animes..
I also saw the BLEACH trailer.. i thought that will be shown olredy..
oh well hoping it'll show soon.. and try to watch it..

-what is found here might be found elsewhere but something not found in here may also not be found anywhere-

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by SinWeaver on 2007-01-15 15:26:39
I am so frustrated with the Anime here in Japan. The ones they show at TV is sh*t cause of dubbing butchery. At least in Philipines, the anime subbings and dubbings are kinda good (I had a private cable before, so I get to watched subbed anime. That is how I learned english so well. And they say you can't learn anything in the TV....). I miss philipines.....


Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by KeLRei on 2007-01-16 04:15:40
-onepiece will be shown in the morning(bulilit tv). bleach and live gto will be in afternoon(swakk pack).

-i like animax but i was frustrated ever since it became english!
i like jap w/subbed and filipino dubbed. filipino dubbers are the best but sometimes they mispronounce some foreign words. hero is the best.

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by »°z룣°« on 2007-01-16 05:18:31
the best anime in the Philippines are aired on Animax...

english-dubbed, new releases, nice storylines...

though Bleach on GMA 7 is something to look forward to...

im sick of the filler episodes in Naruto so ive stopped watching for awhile...

id prefer One Piece to be shown on weekday afternoons...

i just wish they'd stop airing anime that has been shown more than thrice...

it makes me sick...

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by on 2007-01-16 07:27:41
Amen to that Zell

Even the Best Animes lose their apeal when watched over and over.

Well GTO Live actio and Bleach Is something i wana watch.

Also hajime no ippo During weekends at 9 though it a replay I still love it

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by imppy on 2007-01-17 05:08:00
Anime in the Philippines are common, of course~ I heard that the first anime came from our country dattebayo~ but I don't know oωo best animes are aired on animax, but because of their lame dubbing, I was disgraced dattebayO~!!

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by KeLRei on 2007-01-18 05:24:04
hey, there is gundam seed on studio 23. i think its 6pm

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by Puku~San on 2007-01-18 05:37:13 (edited 2007-01-18 05:38:04)
According sa sources ko, ito ang mga alam kong anime:

YU Yu Hakusho [GMA]
Pokemon [Cartoon Network]
Beet The Vandel Buster [ABS-CBN]
GTO live action COMING SOON! [GMA]
Doraemon [GMA]
One Piece [GMA]
Cardcaptor Sakura [GMA]
Tsubasa [QTV]
Prince of Tennis [GMA]
Hikaru No Go [QTV]
Samurai X [QTV]
Those Who Hunt Elves [QTV]
Absolute Boy [QTV]
Seiyya Knights [Tama ba?] [GMA]


Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-01-18 05:38:31
oNe of the veRy fiRst animes i've eveR watched/seeN and i misS so much-- aKazukiN cHacHa!!ö xD

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Anime in the Philippines..
Link | by karuzo on 2007-01-18 05:47:58
as long as my databank was concern

Chrono Crusade- [Hero, GMA]
YU Yu Hakusho [GMA]
Pokemon [Cartoon Network, GMA]
Beet The Vandel Buster [ABS-CBN]
Doraemon [GMA]
One Piece [GMA]
Cardcaptor Sakura [GMA]
Tsubasa [QTV]
Prince of Tennis [GMA]
Hikaru No Go [QTV]
Samurai X [QTV, Studio 23]
Those Who Hunt Elves [QTV]
Absolute Boy [QTV]
Seiyya Knights [GMA]
Magic Knight Rayearth I and II [ABS-CBN, GMA]
Naruto [Hero, ABS- CBN]
DNAngel {HERO, Qtv]
Erementar Gerad [Qtv]
Ah! My goddess [GMA, Qtv]
Prince of Tennis [Qtv]
Grand Doll [GMA]

there are too many animes....

i will try to update this......


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