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Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by kuni89 on 2006-12-12 20:19:50
Inuyasha vs Naruto. Who do you think will win this battle?

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Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-12-12 21:20:25
Hmmm, that's a tough say. Considering the process usually goes something like this...

Step 1: Naraku proves to be too strong for Inuyasha's abilities.
Step 2: Inuyasha, through usually a plot line involving his father and his demon buddies in one way or another, finds a powerful new ability.
Step 3: Inuyasha faces Naraku and overpowers him with the new ability.
Step 4: Just before Inuyasha can fatally wound Naraku, Naraku vanishes barely surviving the encounter.
Step 5: Naraku gains much more power through a fantastic plot twist.
Step 6: Go back to Step 1.

I would have to say that Inuyasha might just run out of ideas since Naraku just continues to increase in power (even though the supporting characters would add in some complication). Of course then again, Inuyasha might just defeat Naraku in a dramatic and climactic outcome!!

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by gendou on 2006-12-12 21:31:30
Mr. T would throw both of them into orbit.

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-12-12 23:55:51
Sasuke wins. Naruto and Inuyasha commits suicide searching for an escape after being forced to listen to his whinny "woe is me" punk ass.

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by aby on 2006-12-13 02:11:20
naruto is an idiot, but still finds a way to win, with either finding or improving his usual techniques, or fooling around
inuyasha is also an idiot...up to the end. he'll probably swing his sword until the opponent is finished, or he's the one drop dead.

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-12-13 17:56:22
Damn, now that I think about. Mr. T WOULD win.

What the hell was I thinking?

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-12-13 18:14:59
I hate both of them. If they were smart they'd just fall off a cliff and make people happy and this thread would therefore be pointless and be locked.

I agree, go Mr. T. oh shit, I am rhyming...


Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by jiajia on 2006-12-13 19:09:53
naruto wont be lucky all the time! inuyasha win! i like him!

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by toushiro-10 on 2006-12-13 19:33:58
i like both of them, i think it gonna be a draw match

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Throgmoth on 2006-12-13 20:14:36
the Inuyasha cast would win. Sesshomaru gets a pimp attack with his Tensaigia that sends people straight to hell, its not blockable either.

cheap attacks win over ninjutzu.

it would be an interesting fight, for a while, but then either Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, or Naraku would do something spectacular to win.

funny though, a battle between my two favorite animes XD

sig made by brightdarkness

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-12-13 20:43:30
Neither. They are both main characters in shows targeted towards a younger teen audience. Therefor, they would be stubborn oxen and keep fighting until they'd lost 17 gallons of blood and their eyes had gone out of focus. Then they would both collapse at exactly the same time.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Mone-Chan on 2006-12-13 21:03:09
inuyasha will win i think

â„¢..:: Think fast or be last ::..â„¢

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by ibi001000 on 2006-12-13 22:53:19
Haha Gendou-sama. Yeah Mr.T is the way to go :D
But seriously, Inuyasha stands no chance against Kyuubi naruto. He's just got his nice imposing sword and his one only attack whereas Naruto has a couple of ninjutsus up his sleeve. I mean, when Naruto goes into kyuubi stage and then runs around and Rasengan's Inuyasha's bum. That's pretty much the end of it :D

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by UsernameHuntress Krystle on 2006-12-14 04:50:25
i think the type of battle that would take place is verbal lol. i can vividly visualize the two shouting and taunting each other until they're both exhausted :P

» A true fan is not a fan of the image, but of the spirit «

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by tomomasashoryu on 2006-12-14 05:55:04

雁国の王-延王尚隆 しょうりゅう

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Throgmoth on 2006-12-14 10:54:40
[quote]Haha Gendou-sama. Yeah Mr.T is the way to go :D
But seriously, Inuyasha stands no chance against Kyuubi naruto. He's just got his nice imposing sword and his one only attack whereas Naruto has a couple of ninjutsus up his sleeve. I mean, when Naruto goes into kyuubi stage and then runs around and Rasengan's Inuyasha's bum. That's pretty much the end of it :D [/quote]

when Naruto goes into that stage though, he becomes demonic, and Inuyashas backlash wave would take Naruto out.

also, Inuyasha has more than just one attack. he has quite a few, they just all do the same thing.

wish i knew how ot spell the japanese name of backlash wave. its like bakuurahaa or something. :3

either way, my vote is on Inuyasha (or Sesshomaru)

sig made by brightdarkness

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by on 2006-12-14 10:57:43
Inuyasha would win hands down!!

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Madzy Tao on 2006-12-14 10:59:29
Inuyasha. <3

Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by Image Hosted by on 2006-12-14 11:17:57
Naruto is a person of....must win..but he will think the way for win..
chance very less..i Think Inuyasha will win..^O^

~Devil J~

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Re: Inuyasha VS Naruto Who will win.
Link | by 0ceanBlue on 2006-12-16 18:00:42 (edited 2006-12-16 18:01:29)
Because I don't like either, they both will die due to a fatal accident involving a tank, two mini-vans, frogs, and a nuclear bomb.

But honestly, I think that this is a biased thread, based on whether you like Inuyasha or Naruto better. It'll be hard to find someone who can accurately analyze who will win.

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