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Link | by Shadow_BladeX on 2005-03-22 09:30:14
Are there any hellsing fans in Gendou???

Re: HellSing
Link | by Ankh on 2005-03-22 11:06:56
Hey, a Hellsing fan! Hello there! XD

The anime series was too short for my liking, but it was great nonetheless. My fav character was Paul Wilson (even though he only appeared for like, two episodes -_- ).

Re: HellSing
Link | by Serenity Silvia Malfoy on 2005-03-22 19:46:29
but it rocks! i love anime iwth vampires in them thier really cool!

If you are wondering where I got the pictures, I made it. You can see me in my account on Gaia whose name is Serenity Silvia Malfoy

Re: HellSing
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-23 00:24:24
aaah! help, there are hellsing fans inside me! they appear to be invasive parasites i may have ingested in some bad sushi. how to get rid of hellsing-loving parasites? easy! swallow some DVDs of shoujo anime and my little pony.

Re: HellSing
Link | by Psycho-dono on 2005-03-24 13:33:12
Yes, I am a fan.

The anime was good, but the manga is a billion times better. Seriously. And do you wanna know where the wacky previews came from? Read the manga. :p

Do not fear for my sanity, for it is already gone.

Re: HellSing
Link | by Kage on 2005-03-26 04:22:36
yes i am also a fan of hellsing
like the OST the way they voiced out integra is totally so cool(^^)

Re: HellSing
Link | by Niko Hiltunen on 2005-03-28 19:06:31
And I feel bad that I've never seen the anime. I've read quite a few of the manga books, and I'm trying to scrape up some money so I can hopefully buy the anime somewhere.-_-;;

Sing to me. Goodbye, Christ-killer...

Re: HellSing
Link | by jiromai on 2005-04-12 03:06:22
Hellsing is such a cool anime~~ I hope alucard ends up with integral!!!
they're so kakkoi!!

~Please visit my website **Satoshi daisuki!!!

Re: HellSing
Link | by Siryu on 2005-04-24 17:23:49
-shudders-Sir Hellsing and Alucard?Eww,ick,and yuck.Their relationship is strictly bussiness and family.Alucard would never be with Integra.I have seen the whole series and for those who are left in the dark...something happens that will be a complete and total twist.

Re: HellSing
Link | by ice18 on 2005-05-10 23:53:39
hellsing so far is one of my fave dark anime/manga. very kewl. art of both anime/manga are great. voices(japanese and english[the BEST ive seen]) are amazing. and the music is addictive ^^; shubidoobidoo..

ahe. anyway, im happy to say that they'll be doing an ova series of it, and their basing it on the manga. no definite # of episodes yet.. but they'll be running for about 35 mins. each. i cant wait to get that released.

Re: HellSing
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-05-29 19:31:32
Hellsing is sweet as it can get. It's just disappointing that it's so short. They should at least at the undead Nazi story from the manga series to extend it a tad.

Re: HellSing
Link | by Rikku on 2005-06-07 05:52:03
I love Hellsing it is such a great anime! I love it I think Alucard is hott! I think he is so cool! I went to a conv. and I saw someone dress like him and Victoria! They looked just like them and I mean just like them! my friends call my Seres(Victoria) I have not clue why? maybe because we have the same color hair? I dont know!

You think you know who you are and what is to happen with your life you have no idea......

Re: HellSing
Link | by j on 2005-06-10 02:04:38
The Manga features more characters, but it is more gory n violent.

Re: HellSing
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-11 06:28:41
Yeah, it's more violent and gory, but you got a longer, more intense story.

Re: HellSing
Link | by hinaru on 2005-06-27 23:27:47
Hellsing is one of my favourite anime/manga! Seen all the episodes (got the DVDs) and currently reading the manga... reached volume 5

Alucard kicks ass!!

"Wise men wonder while strong men die" So Cold (Breaking Benjamin)

Re: HellSing
Link | by Manteki on 2006-04-21 11:49:33
Have anyone watch Hellsing OVA vol 1? COOL!! KAKOI!! a very nice remake.Everyone must watch IT!


Re: HellSing
Link | by Hirozanriu on 2006-04-24 18:39:37
Hellsing was one of the firts anime I wacth, and I like it ^_^

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Re: HellSing
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-04-24 19:45:07
I've watched the series and just started reading the manga.
The Manga is loads better.
Lots more Anderson.
Alexander Anderson is the coolest priest ever...

Re: HellSing
Link | by RzmmDX on 2006-04-25 05:21:19
they sure are taking their sweet time releasing the OVA

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: HellSing
Link | by on 2006-04-25 16:45:29
I'm not that really obssesed but I like Alucard and Sir Integra's personal assistant, the one that uses strings. ^_^

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