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The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 03:27:11 (edited 2007-05-29 23:41:57)
Title speaks for itself eh? ^^

You don't need to register or anything, everyone is welcome here.



The Insane World isn't really a world since it can be seen at Gendou City, a building.
It's like a mall, bar, lounge, bedroom, house, inn, supermarket, restaurant and restroom [o.o]
COMBINATION! yes! wai~! it's all that!! it IS a world :3
anyway, as the owner of this "world", since it's too big, I need a staff!!!
and, NO it's not the wooden wand thingy that magicians use. <_<
anywhoo I already have the Co-owner! it's rEi ^^ wai~!


Owner: Lady Maia
Co-Owner: rEi
Waitresses/Saleslady: Evil Kitty. Hika-chan. Nekomimi.
Guards: zparticus. Huy.
Random Bartender: Bloodymoon/Kay
Chef: RightHere
The REALLY, UBER big dragon: Dragon_Negro
First Aid Master: Soli

~just tell me what you want to be, and I'll list it here ^^~


1. the most important rule: BE RANDOM!
2. When someone sees Santa, Barney or Paris Hilton, KILL 'EM!
4. No God mode, people! anyone who tries to do that here shall meet my EbiGoo Frypan and be banished +_+
5. No Hentai or Pervert things here. If there will be rule breakers, please report them immediately.
6. no bashing gendou members.
7. no breathing. joke.
8. You can be anyone here! you can be an anime character, a villain, yourself.. even a toilet! your choice! ^^

THIS WORLD WILL HAVE IT'S OWN LITTLE STORY LINE ^^: [story line will be changed every two weeks ,for fun ^^]

~theme for these two weeks: hunting~

This "world" might end soon, because Maia didn't pay the electric bills and the water bills [don't know what it's called]! why? because she's too busy being insane. ^^ PLUS! she has a debt to someone that she has to pay, or else this place will be shut down! help her find the bag that was stolen from her while she was running around the mall. clues will be given later

by the way, if you don't want to hunt down for my bag, it's okay ^^ you can skip on this if you want.

anywhoo... WELCOME TO MY WORLD PEOPLE! and please have fun, be random and insane! this is like a tribute for insane people! wai~

The World's slogan [and Lady Maia's motto]:

Sanity is Boring, Boring should die. Insanity is Good, much more fun. © ^^ wai~


*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-11-19 03:36:40 (edited 2006-11-19 03:38:24)
hmm i can be the guard! it suits me well! hehehe
im zparticus at your service...

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 03:42:19
OKAY!! you're the guard Z!! ^____^



*inside the "world"*

wai~! *runs around the place putting on signs saying "READ THE RULES"*


*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Huy on 2006-11-19 04:01:17 (edited 2006-11-19 04:06:47)
Hey, Lady Maia!
I can be guard 2 if you don`t mind! XD
BTW: What`s the task of the guards?

And what does "be RANDOM" mean?

Re: The Insane World
Link | by on 2006-11-19 04:06:27
Me wanna be waitress! :3
Can I? Can I? ^^

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 04:08:11 (edited 2006-11-19 04:09:29)

*points at zparticus* You, go to the bar. Protect Mr. Teddy Bear!

*points at huy* you, patrol the area! look for aliens!



@huy: be random? haha~ it means, do anything that you want to do. Do things or say things that are out of the blue. BE UNPREDICTABLE! or something along those lines... XD

*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Huy on 2006-11-19 04:14:03
Yes madame! Partoling the area! Look for aliens! Escort them to Lady Maia!

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 04:25:52 (edited 2006-11-19 04:37:02)

now, *drags evil kitty*

*changes her clothes to a maid-slash-bunny outfit*

you're a bunny now!!!

wai~ wai~!

EDIT: by the way, I added another rule. Rule no. 8.

*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Huy on 2006-11-19 04:42:38 (edited 2006-11-19 04:42:57)
Lady, here are 3 aliens from Jupiter. They say that they are your friends.

Evil Kitty looks great! Very cute!^^

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-11-19 04:46:10 (edited 2006-11-19 04:46:27) what to be...hey, i'll be a ...a...
i'll be the random toilet wait...make that a waitress....uh...scratch that idea...i'll be...a random bartender!! that barney i see...

@maia, nice pic btw...Mikuru in bunny-maid costume XD

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 04:56:49
*looks at the three aliens huy borught back*

O_O OMG~! *glomps all three of them*


*looks at kay* what do you really want t- BARNEY?!

*looks to her side* *sees barney*

Barney: hello!

Maia: EVAPORATE!!!!! *whacks barney* *barney unconcious* huy~ huy~ huy~ flush barney at the toilet :3

@kay: hahah thanks :3

@evil kitty: LOOKIE!! they said your cute :3

*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Huy on 2006-11-19 05:00:17 (edited 2006-11-19 05:02:00)
Sparticus! BARNEY-ALERT!
Kill him!!!
Protect the Aliens and Lady Maia!
*running towards Barney with a giant FRYPAN*
*whacks Barney*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by on 2006-11-19 05:03:15
@everyone: Aheh heh.... *sweatdrops* ^^;

Kitty:Err....*blush* this is kinda embarassing....

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-11-19 05:03:12 (edited 2006-11-19 05:04:39)
i wish i could do that ("O_O")
*stares at the aliens*
wait...ALIEN EXISTS!? please don't probe me there...(excuse this...i was listening to Blink 182's Aliens Exist (live in LA) track XD) hmm...i swear i saw Barney again...this time in santa suit...

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by on 2006-11-19 05:09:10
*sees aliens*

Kitty:Oh, hello sir. *takes one aside* Can I help you with anything?
Kitty:We have here the very latest in missiles and rocket launchers if your interested in any.
Kitty:Or you can have the newest moonbuggy upgrades just for $19670.99!
Alien:.....Don't need one...
Kitty: Oh, why's that?
Alien shows her gun.
Kitty: That looks....nice. What does it do?
Alien: *points it at trash can and fires* the trash can completely disintegrates leaving no trace or a single piece of ash.
Kitty: ......^^;

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 05:10:25 (edited 2006-11-19 05:16:08)
*pats evil kitty* ^^


Selene: *bows* I'm from the planet Jupiter, on the moon of Europa. *smiles politely*

Artemis: tch. men. *pokes kay with her bow* I bet I can beat you.

Freya: I'm Freya!!! nice to meet you!!!

Maia: *grins proud of her friends*

Artemis: *the one evil kitty talked to and the one who disintegrated the trash can* *smirks*

*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-11-19 05:17:53
Kay:uh..i'm Kay...from a distant planet which is near and yet far away from earth...actually, it's a planet from the 5th dimension, somewhere in between the milky way, yet not in the milky way, but somewhere there...what the hell am i saying...? who'd like a cocktail!?

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by on 2006-11-19 05:18:31
Another alien comes along looking at some magazines.

Kitty: Yes, sir. What can I do to help you?
Kitty: Is there anything here that interest you?
Alien looks up from magazines and stares at Kitty.
Kitty: .......
Kitty: Um....sir?
Alien: .....Pretty....
Kitty: Eh?

*Alien runs off with Kitty on his shoulders*
Alien: Be my girlfriend!

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Re: The Insane World
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-11-19 05:20:55
Freya: *the dense one* ooohhh~! are you from the planet GAFBLFGABL?! oohhh!! I love that planet!!!

Selene: *the serious, quiet one* I would like a cocktail!

Artemis: *the feminist* *disintegrates another trash can* worthless piece of junk.

Maia: stop doing that artemis!! do this instead!!! *whacks another trash can* :3

Artemis: tch... I don't want that. *rolls on the floor*

Maia: o.o

*insert epic picture here*

Re: The Insane World
Link | by Huy on 2006-11-19 05:21:00 (edited 2006-11-19 05:23:50)
Barney and Santa are accomplices. Perhaps Paris Hilton is with them too.
That`s bad. That`s really bad.
I have to use my elite unit to get them.
*speaks into his radio communication unit*
Huy: "Eradication Team! I need your help. Barney and Santa maybe even Paris Hilton
plan an attack on Lady Maia. I want you to assault them!"
Team Leader *out of the mic*: "SIR, YES SIR"

Kitty neads my help!
*running after them*

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