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The Prospect of Information Technology.
Link | by Slad on 2006-11-18 09:19:09
These days not many student are intrested in computer science.This problem has cause a great concern to the the computer industry.So what's your view for this problem and give me some suggestion about what will happen in the future.

Re: The Prospect of Information Technology.
Link | by EmptyMind on 2006-11-18 12:11:11
I think it's a tragedy if that's true. Computers are a very important tool in modern life, I think it's essential to know at least the basics, even if you never write a program in your life.

I also think that the way the public school system is set up in America, students who want to learn about science in general have a very tough time getting a good introduction to the field.

>,>; Did I just say that...?

Re: The Prospect of Information Technology.
Link | by Slad on 2006-11-20 07:46:07
may i ask why student in America have a hard time learning science?

Re: The Prospect of Information Technology.
Link | by gendou on 2006-11-20 08:53:26 (edited 2006-11-20 08:53:41)
In many of the classrooms I have been in, particularly in middle school, science is not presented well.
This is due to a deficit of competent teachers, as well as a waning interest in the theoretical sciences.
A lot of the problem is corrupt politics: millions of dollars are spent on the schools.
Little of that money goes to buying new protractors, much of it gets sucked up by the bureaucracy.
Also, standardized testing is an arguably poor measure for academic achievement.
To make matters worse, math and science are not as culturally accepted as, say, football.
Many kids would rather watch naruto on cartoon network than study physics, for example.

Re: The Prospect of Information Technology.
Link | by Slad on 2006-11-24 05:08:59
haha...well maybe politics are the real problem "maybe".Probably student would be intrested in science if they were told the science behind ninja technique or how to produce a ninja base game something like that.I agree with standardized study though hate it.No use of given a test if they were to judge on our overall score.It lowers the confident of a student.It's like being a jack of all trades.

Re: The Prospect of Information Technology.
Link | by the Wibby on 2006-12-27 08:21:49
i agree with the previous posts. standardized testing is a waste of time as well. my generation was subject to the new SATs (which in my opinion stands for Sad And Tired, Sick And Twisted, Sorry Ass Teachers, etc.) and i got a decent score..i think. because it was the new SAT, i don't think anyone knew how to properly grade the damn thing. science was my best friend when i was younger but now my Nintendo DS, im sad to say. however, i haven't completely left science as i am now in college studying for a Software Engineering degree. i plan on living in japan in the future (for a short while) and they are the smarted continent are they not? amyways, that's my 2 cents.

"In order to acquire a growing and lasting respect in society, it is a good thing, if you possess great talent, to give, early in your youth, a very hard kick to the right shin of the society that you love. After that, be a snob." Salvador Dali

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