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Convert Real Player Files (*rm) to MP3
Link | by Karen on 2005-03-19 23:24:16
Does someone know a program which can convert real player files (*rm) to MP3 (*mp3)? Free program or shareware please thx

Re: Convert Real Player Files (*rm) to MP3
Link | by Bernz on 2005-03-20 01:21:10
If u ask me about converting WMA to MP3 then I can tell u to get an MP3 convertor. I am not that familiar with Real Player files but MP3 convertors should be able to convert the files to what ever format u want(include MP3 of course). Go to to search for a convertor. Type MP3 convertor and search. There are more than 1 kind of convertor advertised there. U can pick the best one by reading the comments from people who have used the program to see if there are any bad side effects like the progrm got lots of spyware and stuff. Next, read the info about the program. See weather the program has to be purchase first before download/try before purchase or if it is free to download and use. Once u have chosen one, download it. Enjoy!!!

Re: Convert Real Player Files (*rm) to MP3
Link | by JasonJason on 2005-03-25 10:17:18 (edited 2005-03-25 10:37:59)
Microsoft has this neat little tool call GraphEdit. It's not really a converter; rather it was meant as a tool for programmers to test DirectShow filters. Nevertheless, I have found it an indispensible tool for both video and audio file conversions, including most RealMedia to MP3.

If you are already comfortable with GraphEdit, all you need is the following formula. If not, skip on ahead for detailed instructions.

******************** MAGIC FORMULA ********************
Install the RealAlternative. The filters (in order) are RealMedia Source, RealAudio Decoder, {MP3 encoder}, File Dump.

Now, for those of you who are sticking around, here are the detailed step by step instructions.

This tool is provided AS IS, and Microsoft will not support it. If you need help, you best bet is Google.

Now, if you're comfortable with that, here's what you do...

0. Get DirectX if you don't already have it. This is a download from Microsoft... try Windows Update. If you don't know, do START -> Run -> dxdiag... check version at the bottom. The latest version is 9c. If you got 8, it'll probably work too. If still have trouble, ask Microsoft. They support this. Or search online.

1. Get GraphEdit. Install it. A simple Google search on "GRAPHEDIT" should bring it up. Or, you can download the DirectX SDK (200+ MB) but it seems you need the Summer 2004 package... GraphEdit seems to be missing from the Oct 2004 and Feb 2005 packages.

2. Get RealAlternative. Install it. Again, a Google search on "REALALTERNATIVE" will do. You say "but I already have RealPlayer. Why do I need something else?" This is because RealMedia is not a true codec. There is no codec you can plug into a converter program to render files - the "codec" is RealPlayer itself. RealAlternative is a codec written to simulate what RealPlayer does. As a result, SOME REALMEDIA FILES MAY NOT CONVERT PROPERLY. Those advanced features added when recording RealMedia files are likely to trip up RealAlt. That being said, most Real files convert properly. I have a 90% success rate with it.

3. Now, run GraphEdit. This tool works sort of like a flow chart. You will put boxes (called "filters") on the chart and connect them together.

4. Go to Graph -> Insert Filters. You should get a list of things like Audio Capture Sources, Audio Compressors, and many more.

5. Expand Audio Compressors, and select MPEG Layer-3 (or any other format you wish), then click Insert Filter.

6. Scroll down and expand DirectShow Filters. Insert the following ones just as you did in step 5:
- RealMedia Source (you'll be asked to select a file as soon as you click Insert. Choose your input Real file here.)
- RealAudio Decoder
- File Dump (you'll be asked to set the output filename as soon as you click Insert. Choose where you want to save it. Give the file an MP3 extension if that's your format, or WMA if you chose Windows Media, etc.)

7. Click Close to return to the graph.

8. Now, you should have a bunch of rectangles with tabs on them marked Input, Output, etc. Click and drag from the Output tab on the rectangle with your input filename on it. Drop the arrow on the "In" tab of the one marked RealAudio Decoder. Drag from the Out tab of the same to the compressor's Input tab. Drag from the Output tab of the compressor to the Input tab of the one with your output filename on it.

Note: If any errors happen while connecting the boxes, then it might not be possible to do the conversion. Start over from from an empty graph. If you've still got problems, search for some tips online.

9. You should now have 4 boxes connected one after another. They should be (in order): {your input file} --> RealAudio Decoder --> {your compressor, such as MPEG Layer-3} --> {your output file}
If you have made a mistake, you can select things and press DELETE. If all is fine, then you select from the menu Graph -> Play. When the progress bar reaches the end, you should have a newly minted file on your computer.

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an expert in DirectShow filters, nor do I claim to be. The preceding instructions are those based on my own experiences on my own computer. It may or may not work on other computers, particularly those with different software configurations. There are plenty more experts on the web. Search on Google if you need help.

I hope this works for you =D

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