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General physics questions
Link | by Josh on 2006-10-20 21:17:18
OK! There are a couple of questions lingering in my mind....... Here goes:
1) A swinging pendulum. If the period of its oscilation varies directly with the square root of its length and inversly with the square root of the gravitational accelaration, how about the amplitude of its swing? Wouldn't it affect the period of its swing too?
2) Is the temperature of an object affected by the average kinetic energy of the molecules? At an objects melting or boiling point, is the heat energy provided trying to overcome the potential energy of the molecules since the temperature doesn't change at this point?
3) Why is it that the speed of a propagating wave is dependent of :
a) its wavelength but not the water depth in deep waters
b) the water depth but not its wavelength in shallow waters

Re: General physics questions
Link | by gendou on 2006-10-21 10:05:55 (edited 2006-10-21 10:09:02)
1. No. Read the note at the bottom here.

2. Duh!

3. a) because it is a standing wave, since it is not resonating off the ocean floor (being that it is far below). b) because it is a longitudinal wave, since it is resonating off the ocean floor.
also see here.

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