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Anime Prejudice
Link | by Shib on 2006-10-07 11:43:00
Im fed up of people looking down their noses at people who watch anime. Why the hell do most people think it's just for kids.
I was really annoyed when i was watching Naruto at college and someone asked me if it was Pokemon, really now how thick do you have to be to not be able to tell the difference.
frankly the person who asked was a complete idiot and they probably wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between popeye and pokemon, but still anime is not for kids and Pokemon is not the only anime!!!!!!

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by pocko on 2006-10-08 06:20:24
In all fairness, not everyone watches anime all the time *to* know the differnce. I don't know the difference between rugby and lacrosse (there is a difference, right?) but to a sports fan, confusing the two might be sacrelige. They probably recognize that it's not your typical Looney Tunes animation, but the only anime that a random passerby is likely to know would probably be PokeMon or Dragonball Z, which are/were marketed predominantly to children.

The next time somebody asks what you're watching, you sould say something like, "It's this show about a ninja that turns into a sexy naked chick to win battles." You know that's not what Naruto is about, but it'll let the other person know that you're not watching a 'kid-show' and it might interest them enough to join you. Or you could just watch anime in the privacy of your own room. That avoids misunderstandings and interruption.

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by karuzo on 2006-10-08 06:30:14
Its better to avoid tha to fight..

remember that


Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by ProjectPassive on 2006-10-08 07:26:21
"It's this show about a ninja that turns into a sexy naked chick to win battles."
Or show him an episode of Elfen Lied...

I think we must work against this prejudice. Everyone who doesnt know about just thinks that anime is only for children or that its porn.
Watching Anime can be a hobby like many other things. It seems to me that most people arent capable to accept this.

Its better to avoid that fight..
Ill fight and win for anime!

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by Mirai no Yume on 2006-10-08 20:59:23 (edited 2006-10-08 21:54:17)
On one hand, anime gets more exposure stateside than it used to, but on the other hand, you have people like the producers of the English dub of Naruto (using it as an example, since it's already been mentioned), who dumbed it down, trying to make it a children's show, apparently without thinking beforehand about how they would handle the intensity of the violence in later epsiodes. This happens a lot to shows that get "mainstreamed" on the major networks, Cartoon Network (admittedly, DBZ got me *into* anime, but most of the other shows they aired a round the same time almost got me *out* of it) and Foxbox (which is the worst thing to ever happen to Japanese animation). I've found that many of the best English dubs are often shorter series that went straight to video, because they didn't have to play as many games with network censors and such, and could much more readily give it a "mature" rating if the story and situations warranted it.

Personally, I don't think the older generations will conquer otaku prejudice, but I believe the younger generation knows better, and has discovered that animation is just another medium, that it's all about characters and storytelling, and age has nothing to do with it.

Mirai no Yume

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by desertpunk on 2006-10-09 18:15:06 (edited 2006-10-09 18:21:34)
Well, a show like Serial Experiment:Lain or Angel's Egg can be compared to an art film like Mondo Cane or Un Chien Andalou. You may not be able to understand any of them, but they WILL make you think critically and laterally. Additionally, the musical scores of some anime are every bit (or more) emotive and complex as any big-bucks Hollywood film.

Just let them watch NASCAR, Jessica Simpson shows, and WCW rasslin'.

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by on 2006-10-10 07:50:23 (edited 2006-10-10 07:50:53)
Yeah I find it utterly annoying when people say "What? You watch Anime? Are you weird or something?"....Okay It's NOT weird to watch Anime and I hate it how they ruin some of my favorite animes with english dubs or "Americanize" it as I call it....for example, I remember watching the episode of Rurouni Kenshin when he fought against Shishiio...they edited the blood in that fight (except it seemed like they were indecisive because I saw the blood appear and reappear throughout the episode)....and YES I HATE what they did to Naruto....just listening to them talk in english voices makes my ears bleed (ESPECIALLY when Naruto says "Believe it!" after almost EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE)....

recently my friend commented on a video on youtube (I don't know what it was about)saying "I love how you appreciate japanese culture"...but someone else who commented bashed her saying "Why do these ****ing Otakus think Anime has anything to do with japanese culture?!"....obviously the baka didn't know anything because if he did, he would know that Anime came from JAPAN....duh! OF COURSE they would include japanese culture in it!...

Well excuse the long rant but I agree with you guys on this....Not every anime is a kids show and many of them are artistic as desertpunk said....more examples of that would be Wolf's Rain and the movie Spirited Away....the music and the animation is just beautiful....

Wherever the wind is, there are spirits.... Fan of FFVII: Advent Children

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by hikari_sora on 2006-10-10 08:18:20
Those people who can't differ popeye from Naruto are absolutely very stupid.
They don't know anime wasn't really meant for children alone.
It has various types of story that can attract us.
And the most important some animes were also meant for adult only like those with sex,violence and complicated stories

~~Chrizz~~ ^_^

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by Gden on 2006-10-10 08:29:45
I don't know, but I did have one person come in while I was watching Fruits Basket, and ask "What is that, Sailor Moon?"

Hi, by the way.

The Cheat says "Meh!"

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by Revelation on 2006-10-10 08:39:55
well, anime has to shake off alot of past critisism in order to get non-believers to think of anime as something more than a kiddy/porno/violent thing. not that it is. i think....

if we want people to accept or even get into anime, we have to show them elements of anime that they haven't seen before.
as ProjectPassive said , show them Elfen Lied if they haven't seen the graphic, deep side of it and they like violence. but if you don't choose you're audience carefully people will think you're a sick pervert.
it really depends on the people.

basically just show them parts of anime u think the people would like and you would be that one step closer to giving anime a better reputaion. and sorry for the long winded speech. took ages to type it up.

Image hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic "They can't catch me when im on fire!"

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by on 2006-10-10 08:49:27
I actually kept a speech about prejudging anime. It was only for my class at mother toungue, but i spoke for whole four minutes in front of all those people, and i was sooo afraid T.T in that class were maybe four people who knew anime and had watched it before. And the others were giggling at me for the whole time :S no theres no way they would be intrested about something so childish xP and im judged in the weird nerds group from now on, because i actually revealed my weird
subject of intrest -.-

I dont like those popular people at my school.. theyre making anime so ashamed thing by thinking it as somewhat embarassing. Well i could care less ^_^

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by Revelation on 2006-10-10 09:02:56
@ NekoMimi; FIGHT THE MACHINE! or y'know avoid it , whatever.

i have an idea! if we get ridiculed that anime is too violent, we can say. "if you think this cartoon is violent then how do you watch live action movies without being a wuss?" or something along those lines. i'm not good with comebacks

Image hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic "They can't catch me when im on fire!"

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by on 2006-10-10 09:07:45 (edited 2006-10-10 09:08:01)
Hiyaah! *goes to speak her mouth empty at those "popular" beings* in my dreams T.T

anime, violent? i havent actually ever even think anime to be violent o.O compared to most of the hollywood *krhm krhm* production you cant call it even bloody or brutal! The biggest barrier between people and anime is that childish image, i think :S

Re: Anime Prejudice
Link | by Mirai no Yume on 2006-10-10 12:13:35
Yeah, a couple years ago, I started sending my friend's nephew (middle school age) taped fansubs of Naruto for his birthday and such, and I remember her and his mother being concerned about violence... until I explained that there was nothing in Naruto (at least) that was any more violent than The Lord of the Rings (PG-13), which were some of his favorite movies, and that seemed to calm them.

Usually, I recommend particular series based on their particular prejudices or preconceived notions, along the same lines as Revelation's idea. This challenges them to step outside their preconceptions, and if they go through with it, they often discover that anime is not just a genre, but a whole spectrum of them.

Sadly, some folks just can't get over the idea that animation is for children, or that making it for adults is some kind of perversion...

Mirai no Yume

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