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Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-21 00:33:45 (edited 2006-09-21 00:34:12)
This is my first attempt at an RP so please bear with me.

The year is 2017, 2 years after the appearance of the 2nd Angel Sachiel. Following the death of the 17th Angel Tabris, AKA Kaoru, the world had fallen into chaos as a massive World War 3 broke out, with SEELE and NERV being the major powers.

Fighting a war like never before, both sides fight to claim ownership of the 1st and 2nd Angel, Adam and Lillith who have both taken up hiding on opposite sides of the poles. One sides fight to reach Instrumentality, another fights to prevent such.

Who will win? You decide!

A few things to point out:
Gendo does not exist because he's dead, info on that will be revealed as the RP progresses, Fuyutsuki is the Commander, Misato is the Sub Commander and Tactical Operations Director until someone takes that spot *hint hint*, and as the RP progresses I'll add more of the story and such to give it a more of a story RP feel.

When you create your character, there are a limited number of Eva Pilots for each side. ATM there is no cap, but I will be placing a cap later. Below is what is required:

Hair color:
Eye color:
Occupation: IE: Child/Soldier/Student/JA Pilot/etc
Bio: Optional

Well that's about it, here's my character profile, and I'll open it up I suppose.

Name: Jonathan Dang
Sex: M
Age: 16
Nationality: Vietnamese
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Occupation: 6th Child
Description: 6 feet tall, a firm build, and has an extreme affinity for using katanas and sniper rifles.

And so it begins.....

Fuyutsuki: Pilot Dang, have you been trained after your selection as the 6th Child?

Jonathan: not really.

Fuyutsuki: I see. I shall speak with our head of Project E concerning your training. As for your living quaters, I shall have Pilot Ayanami escort you.

Jonathan: Thank you Fuyutsuki-san. Is there anything else?

Fuyutuski: No, there isn't. Rei should be on the otherside of those doors. She is already aware she is to escort you.

Jonathan: *Simply nods and leaves the room*

Fuyutsuki: *Momentarily looks at folder in his hands* It's such a shame we have to ask these children to fight for us isn't it?

????: .....

Fuyutsuki: Katsuragi I was actually surprised that you remained quiet through the meeting.

Misato: I was worried about Shinji-kun. He's been really depressed lately with all the fighting. This was supposed to end with the 17th Angel, but now it's led to this!

Fuyutsuki: I know it's hard, but it can't be helped. Perhaps meeting another pilot will help.

Misato: *Sighs* I can only hope.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Sagara on 2006-09-21 03:19:22
Name: Sagara Kazuya
Sex: M
Age: 18
Nationality: Japanese
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red
Occupation: 5th Child
Description: 6.1 feet tall, firm build, and prefers using swords,spears and bows over guns in combat.

Kazuya: *talking to Rei*Hi are you?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-21 07:12:49
(Welcome to the RP ^^ I hope that this turns out well and you enjoy your time here)

Rei: *Raises an eyebrow* Pilot Sagara correct?

Kazuya: Umm ... yes...

Rei: *Turns head* Pilot Dang?

*Kazuya turns to face the door seeing Jonathan walking out*

Jonathan: *Points to Rei* I take it that you are Ayanami Rei? *She nods**Points to Kazuya* So...who are you?

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-21 14:26:09 (edited 2006-09-22 07:31:14)
Name: Commander Robert Freeman
Sex: Male
Age: 39
Nationality: American
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Occupation: Head of Seele Special Operations
Description: 5',8", Medium Build, Hardened after many combat missions.

*Somewhere deep underground*

C.Keel: Commander it is good to see that you are alive and well.

Freeman: Thank you chairman Keel.

C.Keel: Do you have anything to report on ?

Freeman: Yes sir, our intelligence indicates that nerve has been increasingly aggressive in its strikes against our fleets in the atlantic.

Keel: Have there been any reported contacts with evangelion units yet?

Freeman: No sir, as of yet nerve seems to be relying on conventional weapondry in their attacks.

Keel: Thank you for the report commander I hope the next news you bring is more positive. Dissmissed.

Freeman: Sir, there is one other thing.

Keel: What is it?

Freeman: It seems that one of our research teams in Brazil have found something, they believe that its another angel.

Keel: Impossible all the angels where destroyed with the exception of lillith and adam.

Freeman: Apparently not.

Keel: Can you tell me which angel it is?

Freeman: We arent one hundred percent sure yet, but based on its physical apperance the research team decided that it is the angel known as Gabriel.

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Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-21 19:07:28
(Welcome to the RP Feo Muchacho ^^ I hope you enjoy your time here)

Jonathan: So where exactly are you taking us?

Rei: The housing provided to the current and back up pilots.

Jonathan: So at the moment we're just backups?

Rei: Hai. However due to recent activities you and Pilot Sagara shall be pilots of Unit 5 and the recently recovered Unit 4 respectively.

*At Misato's Apartment*

Asuka: Hey Shinji what are you doing hiding in your room?! I'm hungry for crying outloud, and Honour Student is coming with the new pilots for dinner!

Shinji: ....

Asuka: SHINJI!!!!

Shinji: Uh...wha...Asuka? What are you yelling about?

Asuka: Didn't you hear a word that I said? Honour Student is going to be here soon with the new pilots! So get your ass in gear and help me cook!

Shinji: Hai, hai, Asuka.

[Just to let people know, all the canon characters are useable by anyone, just like how Feo Muchacho did with Keel]

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Sagara on 2006-09-22 03:08:48
Kazuya: I see Ayanami..Whos piloting which Unit if i may ask?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-22 14:21:28 (edited 2006-09-22 14:27:24)
*Freeman leaves the chairmans quarters and walks down the dimly lit hallway to containment lab E.*

Freeman:(To himself) I'm getting sick of keels leadership, him and the rest of those suits just sit around and talk while me and the rest of the orginization run around until they find some meaningless task to occupy us. We're fighting a war to "save humanity" but I wonder what the commities true intentions are. They never give us much detail as to what will happen after we defeat nerve, what will happen to the evas? What of the new angels? Im getting in over my head, best that I stick to orders. At least ill have my life.

*Freeman reaches the lab, enters and see's Dr. Motoko Kazama looking into a large microscope.*

Kazama: You ever think of knocking?

Freeman: Metal Doors remember, you wouldnt hear me if I was using a sledge hammer.

Kazama: Very funny

Freeman: I try. So what can you tell me about the sample the research team found.

Kazama: Well its definetly an angel as you can see the pattern is blue on the monitor to your right.

freeman: So it is, any idea what powers it may posses?

Kazama: No, we wont know until it breaks hibernation. But im not sure we want to let an angel loose in the base.

freeman: What did you just say?

Kazama: I said we wouldnt want to let an angel loose in the base, why?

Freeman: You're a genius. *Kisses her on the check, and rushes out the door.*

Kazama: Sheesh what was that about?

*This is a note about the angel gabriel which I will design. Gabriel will be the fastest of all angels and will be shaped sort of like a hairless lion. His skin is blue covered with celestial patterns and he has only one eye and no mouth. The interesting part about gabriel are jis legs which can join togethe forming two whole appendages. This allows him to make quick turns and run extremely fast, this I call speed mode. However these legs can seperate giving him four sets of appendages, this is what I call meele mode.

As for attack gabriel runs in close to the enemy and tears them apart limb from limb, he lacks ranged attacks so that could be a weakness. However his speed allows him to dodge most range attacks.

You may use him as you see fit, another angel im working on is Azrael.*

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Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-22 22:40:48
Jonathan: *Slaps head* Didn't you understand a word she just said? "Due to recent activities [me] and [you] shall be pilots of Unit 5 and the recently recovered Unit 4 respectively." Meaning that I'll be piloting Unit 5 while you will be piloting Unit 4 which was recently recovered from Nevada.

Rei: That is correct Pilot Dang. Pilot Sagara, please pay more attention to words, especially when I speak, for I shall be training you when both units are prepared.

*In the Eva Cages*
*Commander Fuyutsuki and Sub Commander Katsuragi walk along the catwalk as they approach Dr. Akagi who currently is overseeing the maintainence of the Evangelions. Taking a moment to look around, they see before them locked within the cages, 6 Evas which had yet to see the light of day again after the destruction of the 17th Angel.*

Fuyutsuki: Dr. Akagi, what are the status of the Evangelion?

Ritsuko: *Looking up from her clipboard* Well with the recent funds that we've recieved from our allies, the Russians, Chinese, and Germans, Unit 00 was reconstructed, using what little remnants we collected from it's destructiong, along with the remains of the original Prototypes. Units 01 and 02 are ready for combat. Unit 03 is almost ready, but lack a pilot, due to the 4th Child's condition. Unit 05 is nearing completion, but we are testing out the new pistol mounts that we may implement on the Eva series. Unit 04 is still undergoing decontamination which should be completed by next week.

Fuyutsuki: That should do, as the council wishes to prevent SEELE from obtaining Adam and Lillith. They need these Evas ready to go ASAP to allow the construction of the remaining 7 Units.

Misato: It's a shame that all of North America, and most of Western Europe sided with SEELE. Unfortunately that also means that they probably have access to Evangelion technology as well.

Fuyutsuki: Be that as it may, but we have been losing countless lives in our recent attacks in Egypt, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Libya, amoung others.

Ritsuko: Also do not forget about our Pacific and Atlantic Fleets. I have a feeling that at the rate this war is going, both sides are going to end up losing more than they can ever gain.

Fuyutsuki: You may be right on that.

Misato: I suppose that we can't turn back the clock can we?

Fuyutsuki: No, doing so would effectively wipe humanity as we know it. Humanity would start anew indeed, but at a high price. A price I am not willing to have all of Earth pay. Thankfully with the hibernation of Adam and Lillith, the polar icecaps had been restored, thus restoring much of the world, and restored the climate and overall environment to a point.

Misato: At least we have seasons again instead of just blazing heat all year.

Ritsuko: I can agree on that.

Fuyutsuki: In any case, Katsuragi please send word to the council that I wish to speak with them concerning out actions over the next few months. With the usability of the Evangelions just over the horizon, I wish to be able to plan out our course of action in conjunction with our forces.

Misato: Hai.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Sagara on 2006-09-23 03:00:28
Kazuya: I just wanted to confirm.Iam more skilled in using swords,spears and bows then guns but i still can use them.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-24 22:56:28
Keel: So we have all agreed on our new plan.

Comitte Members: Yes Chairman

Guard: Sir, Dr. Freeman has requested to speak with you.

Keel: So soon? Well send him in.

*Freeman bolts through the door*

Keel; My, my arent we in a hurry.

Freeman: I'm sorry sir, its just I have an idea on how we can get nerve to reveal the evangelions.

Keel: Really? How so?

Freeman: You might find this crazy but hear me out. What if we release gabriel over nerve HQ.

Comitte Members: Ludacris, Impossible, Absurd!

Keel: Quite! All of you. Freeman what in the world are you talking about?

Freeman: If we release Gabriel then nerve will have no choice but to send out the evangelions, being they are the only weapons capable of engaging the angels.

Keel: Are you sure you can do this?

Freeman: Yes sir, Dr. Kazama has informed me that the plan is fesible.

Keel: How long will it take?

Freeman: About two weeks, mabye three.

Keel: You better be right about this commander.

Freeman: Thank you sir, you wont regret it.

*Freeman leaves, chairmen leans over to keel*

CM: You really think this will work.

Keel: We need to know the condition of the evangelions and it will provide valuable intel on nerves defense capabilities.

CM: Should we prepare "him" as well?

Keel: No, we'll save him for later.......

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Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-24 23:38:04
Misato: Tadaima!!

Asuka: About time you showed up Misato!

Misato: Gomen, gomen, but I had work to do. Ah I see that you've met Jonathan and Kazuya.

*Spots Shinji's cooking on the table*

So what do we have for tonight?

Rei: The meal is sushi and terriaki chicken.

Misato: *Grabs her beer and sits down* That works for me. *Cracks open a can and downs it*

Jonathan: Oh good god...please don't tell me she does that everyday.

Shinji: *Sitting down* Unfortunately she does so on a regular basis. I try to get her to at least drink tea in the morning, but lately that seemed to have failed...

Asuka: Baka Shinji, can never get anything done right.

Shinji: Asuka why do you always have to insult me for everything.

Asuka: Anta baka that's because you always seem to demean yourself! Grow up will ya? You're freaken 16!

*Jonathan and Kazuya continue to watch in utter disbelief while Rei and Misato continue to enjoy their meals*

*In NERV HQ, Central Dogma*

Fuyutsuki: What is the status of our navel forces Lt. Ibuki?

Maya: Presently the 1st and 2nd armadas are docked in Berlin, while the 8th and 10th fleets are actively patrolling the Atlantic while the 4th and 6th fleets are patrolling the Pacific.

Fuyutsuki: What of our ground forces?

Hyuga: The 108th Battalion is maintain position in Nigeria while the 100th and 123rd Battalions, along with the 15th Wing, are attempting to secure the southern portions of South Africa. As for all other ground forces, they are currently recuperating within the recently acquired territories.

Fuyutsuki: *To himself* Good, so long as SEELE possess limited access to such territories, they will have limited supplies for their Evangelion. *Aloud* Lt. Cmdr. Aoba have you recieved word from the council?

Aoba: Hai, they will convene within two days to hear your proposal.

Fuyutsuki: Good. *In his head* I don't know when, but I have a bad feeling concerning the Evangelions. We need the rest of the Eva series to become operational. We may have excellent ground forces and air superiority, it means nothing as they keep launching their tanks against us. Without such heavy weapons we are at a disadvantage despite the ground we have gained. The Evangelions may be the only thing that shall allow us to combat against such weapons.

*Somewhere in Russia*

Russian President: Is it ready yet?

????: Yes sir, all is going according to plan.

Russian Pres: Good, we shall implement our plan when the time is right. You may leave now.

*Person leaves the room*

Are you sure you are willing to do this, having to possibly return to what was once your mother country?

????: Yes sir. There is someone there who I want to see again. He's very dear to me.

Russian Pres: Hmm...Perhaps you shall be welcomed back with open arms by the Japanese NERV Branch of Tokyo-3. But if not, you are more than welcomed to stay here, and maintain communication with this special person.

????: Thank you very much sir.

Russian Pres: I should be thanking you. Afterall thanks to you, you have provided us with the ultimate solution to our problem with NERV.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Sagara on 2006-09-24 23:50:46
Kazuya: *finishes his meal and drinks a can of cold tea that he kept in his pocket*So Ayanami, what do we have do to for our back-up mission..?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-25 10:29:05
Rei: I am not the one you should be asking. It is Katsuragi-san you should be asking.

Misato: *Sighs and puts her beer down* Well at the moment there isn't much you guys can do except for sync training, as your Evas aren't complete yet. They won't be up until end of the week. So in the mean time you and Jonathan-kun are to simply show up to harmonic tests and the like. Afterwards we'll do an activation test, and from there put you on the main roster, but as secondary pilots, meaning that you act as the second line of defence, while Shinji-kun, Rei, and Asuka spearhead the enemy. Understand?

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-25 15:06:31
* Two weeks pass and the operation is ready to begin*

Kazama: Are you sure about this?

Freeman: Yes

Kazama: But what if the angel breaks hibernation before it reaches nerve? Our evas are not yet ready for combat.

Freeman: It wont

Kazama: Dammit

*Stomps out of the observation room*

Pilot: Preparing to lauch, five, four , three, two, one.

*Stealth Plane rockets forward*

Freeman: May god forgive me.......

*After 24 hours of continuous flight*

Pilot2: Sir we have reached the drop zone.

Pilot: Roger that, comencing drop off.

*The angel egg slides out of the planes cargo hold and smashes to the ground*

Pilot: Can you see it?

Pilot2: No visiual, wait! I see it!

*Gabriel lifts himself out of the broken egg*

Gabriel: MMMMmmmgh.....

*He surveys the area and suddenly bolts toward nerve hedquarters*

Pilot2: How does he kmow where to go?

Pilot: Adam that's how.

Pilot2: What?

Pilot: Nothing, deploy the recon satellites.

Pilot2: Roger

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Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-25 16:02:26
*NERV HQ, Central Dogma*

Fuyutsuki: Report!

Aoba: Unknown entity approaching the perimeter. Whatever it is, it's fast!

Misato: What does the MAGI have to say about it!

Maya: It's Pattern Blue! It has confirmed it to be an angel!

Ritsuko: That's impossible! There should only be 17 in total! Besides Adam and Lillith who are on opposite ends of the Earth there should be no other angels!

Misato: Well apparently there is now. Call in all the pilots! What is its ETA?

Hyuga: It'll reach the city itself within the hour.

Misato: Call immediate evacuation into shelters. I want all available Evangelion units operational.

Fuyutsuki: Contact Russia and have them despatch one unit, and also call in for Chinese air support.

Aoba: That is impossible sir. China has diverted a substantial amount of it's forces into defending Midway. They cannot spare the forces. Russia has already responded and has a unit on the way. It's ETA is roughly 1 hour.

Fuyutsuki: Alright. Status of the Evangelions?

Ritsuko: Evas 00 through 02 are ready to go. Units 04 and 05 are almost ready to go as well.

Misato: Where are the pilots?

Hyuga: All five have just entered the complex, and are proceeding towards their lockers.

Misato: Status of the angel?

Maya: Unchanged, it's still maintaining it's current velocity. ETA 50 minutes to arrival.

Misato: Bear all weapon batteries on it as soon as they enter attack range. I want to slow that thing down as much as possible!

Aoba: ETA 20 minutes before entering optimum weapons range.

*Over Comms*
Asuka: Eh Misato what's going on? I thought that we weren't needed until the end of the month.

Misato: Change of plans, we have a huge problem. There is an angel on the way here.

Shinji: What? But I thought all of them were gone after Kaoru-kun....

Misato: That's what we thought as well. But we have confirmed it to be an angel. You, Asuka, and Rei are going to take on that thing. Hopefully if Evas 04 and 05 are ready, they will be joining you as well.

Jonathan: Are you insane?! We haven't even piloted the real thing yet and now you're asking us to put our training into immediate combat?!

Fuyutsuki: Pilot Dang we have no other choice. Based on data collected from the MAGI the angel posses extreme speed, and from what we can tell, it's a biped, meaning that it walks on fours. That in itself posses a possible threat. You're job will be to work at long range until we can ascertain more information. Do you understand?

Jonathan: Yes sir.

Aoba: Sir target velocity has increased. It has just entered optimum weapons range.

Misato: Fire all batteries! Ritsuko are all the Evas ready for launch?!

Ritsuko: They are now.


Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-25 16:33:17
Pilot 1: The recon droids have been deployed pulling back to a safe altitude.

Pilot 2: Jesues, Look at all those explosions its like the fourth of july down there.

Pilot 1: Its not enough to stop an angel....

*Back at Seele headquarters*

Guard: Chairmen we have established video link up with the recon droids deployed in tokyo 3.

Keel: Excellent, On screen.

* The image shown is of constant explosions, with dust and debris falling from the sky. Then out of the smoke comes Gabriel.*

Charimen: Dear God, He's enormous!

Chairman 2: What did you expect its an angel after all.

Keel: Lets see you get out of this ikari.

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Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-25 16:58:55
Misato: Oh my god...RECAll UNIT 01 RIGHT NOW!!!

Fuyutsuki: Katsuragi?

Misato: Ritsuko how fast can you load up the new F-Type equipment?

Ritsuko: Are you insane? That hasn't even been tested yet! We won't know if any of the systems will work, especially the new N2 Cruise Missile!

Misato: Now is a better time than any. Now give me an ETA!

Ritsuko: I'd need at least 15 to 20 minutes to-

Misato: You've got your 20. Now recall Shinji-kun now!
*To the pilots*
Change of plans. Shinji-kun you're going to return to have Unit 01 suited up in the new F-type equipment.

Shinji: Are you sure Misato-san? I've only tried it in the simulator.

Misato: I am damn sure, now head back now. Everyone else listen up. You are to stall that angel for at least 20 minutes to give Shinji-kun time to suit up and launch understand?

All Pilots: Hai/Roger

Misato: Ibuki get any and all available weapons ready to go. I want them to grab their weapons without any hitch, is that understood?

Maya: Roger.

Misato: Evangelions 00, 02, 04 and 05, Lift off!

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-25 19:40:53
Auska: Eva 02 at the the surface!

Dang, Jonathan, Rei: Dido

Dang: Look!

*Gabriel stares at the evas with his one giant eye*

Jonathan: Jesus, so thats an angel.

Rei: Yes

Misato: Eva's engage the target but be cautious. We have no idea what this angels capable of .

Pilots: Roger

Dang: He doesn't look so tough, im taking him!

*Eva unit 04 rushes forward, the vibro-blade ejects from its holster*

Dang: Die You BASTARD!

*Gabriel steps aside and trips eva-04*

Dang: What!?

*Gabriel reaches down and rips off unit 04's left arm*

Dang: Aaaaaaaaaa

Misato: Dang!

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Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by on 2006-09-25 20:03:30
[LOL Jonathan is actually a self-insert :P and I'm not that stupid normally :P But I guess I'll work with that for now]

Jonathan: Ahh f**king hell! That f**king hurts!!

Misato: Ibuki cut sync for Eva 05!

Maya: Hai.

*Eva 05 falls silent*

Misato: Asuka, Rei, retrieve Magorok swords. Let's see how this thing deals with our blades. Kazuya-kun grab a combat cannon. We need to stall this thing until Shinji-kun can get back up.

Pilots: Hai!

Misato: Ritsuko how much damage can the N2 Missile do?

Ritsuko: If the Evas were to contain the explosion, it should significantly weaken the angel. Providing the AT field is weak the explosion can range from stuning the creature to destroying 70% of its entire mass, allowing us time to reload and attempt a 2nd shot which should destroy the remains of the Angel.

Misato: And should that fail?

Fuyutsuki: Then may god help us. If the N2 fails we shall need a miracle to get out of this.

Ritsuko: Without the Lance of Longinus out of our reach, we are unable to simply destroy them at a distance.

Misato: Then we'll have to make sure that we do it right the first time. How much longer until Shinji-kun is ready?

Ritsuko: ETA 16 minutes.

Fuyutsuki: ETA for the Russian ariel carrier?

Aoba: They recently increased speed and are now due to arrive in 5 minutes time.

Fuyutsuki: Let us hope that she'll be able to give us the time we need.

Re: Evangelion, A Road to Impact
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-25 20:16:31
*Gabriel Stares down at eva 04 like a child*

Asuka: get away from him you bastard!

*Fires her rifel*

*zoom, the only thing the bullets hit is air*

Asuka: What the Hell? Uugh!

*Gabriel jumps on unit 02 and pins her to the ground*

Gabriel: Ilek, Ilek.

Asuka: What the hell? Is the angel talking?

Misato: Rei

Rei: Yes

Misato: The angel is too fast for you to use conventional means, just try and draw it off until help arrives.

Rei: roger

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