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Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by on 2006-09-15 12:50:53
Doing some searches, I noticed that no one had anything to say about the pairings, so I decided to post one. And now I have a question for you guys.

What are your thoughts of the couples being the three main pilots? Do you like Shinji and Rei, or Shinji and Asuka? There is no right or wrong opinion, I'd just like to be able to discuss the finer points between the two relationships, and see how they work and how they don't work. Please feel free to bring in your opinions, but leave your hatred outside the door. So that means don't insult another person's choice for liking a certain pairings just because you don't like it and such.

Personally I like the Shinji and Rei pairing. Now I for one am not a believer of the theory that Rei was created by Yui's DNA, or more to the point that Rei is related to Shinji. Rei has Yui's appearance, and that's that, Rei is part angel and part human, but in no way related to Yui.

I find the pairing to work because for one thing, they're both shy, and possibly introvert, and it is common that quiet people who hang in the back of large crowds tend to converse with one another easier than one who is loud, exuberant, flamboyant and such, like Asuka. The only real issue is Shinji's hedgehogs dilemma and Rei's lack of understanding human emotions. But then again both also happen to cover each other's weaknesses, and that already can assit in one another's growth as people.

I have more to say, but I'm interested in seeing what others think as well.

Well anyways, that's all from me

Cheers ^^ Ja ne

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-15 16:09:18
I actually think shinji would be best paired with asuka. This is not becuase of the end of evangelion but is based on my parents relationship. They are polar opposites of eachother yet as my fatehr tells me thats what attracts him. After watching shinji throughout the series I saw that he to shared this sentiment. She was so unlike anything he had ever experienced that he fell in love without even knowing it. I like asuka though so shinji stick with rei!

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Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by railgun on 2006-09-15 17:49:14
I don't really care either way because even if they did survive to adulthood and all, who is to say that either of them would get together?
I mean, could they stand to be near each other after all that has happend?
If they some how could get along then either girl could possibly pair with Shinji or just go off and find someone else.

There is a saying about 'birds of a feather flock together' and Rei and Shinji are similar in some aspects.
There is also a saying about 'opposites attract' and that could work for Asuka and Shinji.
Or it can be the other way around for the girls, no one knows for sure.

Then again there could be other factors like how Shinji may view Rei as a sibling and Shinji may honestly feel that Asuka just isn't the one for him. Or as in parts of the fanfiction community, Shinji may just go with Kaworu.

While each pairing could be argued for and against, I'm cool with all of them.
I mean in the anime, Asuka and Shinji pairing was being pushed.
In the manga, Rei and Shinji pairing was being gunned for.
Either way it's all the same to me.

I just happen to find some of the weird pairings interesting.
Really the MisatoxShinji, HikarixShinji, ManaxShinji pairings aren't bad.
Though ManaxShinji is kinda normal because of the video game.
The less discussed RitsukoxShinji and MayaxShinji are interesting too.

But on the original topic, I vote both since both could work.

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-16 03:12:20
I don't want to seem ignorant, but who are Hikari and Maya? And more importantly, if you know who Mana is have you played the game? I want to....

Now, I prefer Shinji and Asuka. I can often compare myself to Shinji, and I must say that Rei has nothing I find attractive in a woman. Short hair, lack of emotion, and more importantly, lack of will.

According to the audio commentary, (feel free to dispute this.) A central theme of Evangelion is Shinji's progression of viewing woman as a mother to viewing woman as a lover. Whether or not Rei is in fact a clone (or whatever) of Yui, she does seem to represent the comfortable, warm feeling one would experience when with their mother. But the connection between them is detrimental to eventual propogation. Plus I like Asuka more. Willful, vibrant, and with long red hair! XD Asuka could represent the unfamiliar excitement of learning to love.

I liked the moment between Misato and Shinji in the movie, but can't really see them as a couple.

Now for Kaworu. If a central theme is indeed Shinji's view of women, then Shinji becoming involved with a boy wouldn't be a very good plot point, because it would be stepping around the conflict instead of dealing with it. As a character I don't like Kaworu at all, because of the way he so heartlessly played with Shinji's emotions.

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2006-09-16 11:28:14

Honestly, I don't think either girl is right for Shinji. He realy needs to get a grip on who he is before either relationship can go anywhere.

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-16 16:30:41
Nice movie! XD I still don't like him though, I mean if he cared so much why didn't he abandon Seele? (Did I use the right number of e's?)

Of course Shinji needs to find himself, but his relation to women is part of that, isn't it?

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by keeki on 2006-09-16 19:42:06
I like both Shinji x Asuka and Shinji x Rei, but I think I like him better with Asuka.

And I just have to add, what better way to find yourself than through another person? That's how it almost always works out.

Although I kinda like Shinji x Kaworu too.

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by on 2006-09-16 22:46:50
ARGH!! NO NO NO UH UH NO WAY NEVER NIEN NIET NO ABSOLUTELY NOT DAME AND ALL OTHER FORMS OF NO! I SHUDDER AT THE THOUGHT OF Shinji X Kaoru! That's all I'm going to say as I am not one to bash that pairing considering how famous that one is.

Yes Nekorin, you spelled SEELE with the correct amount of 'E's', and you have a point in which Shinji would need to interact with women if he wanted to find himself. No human can learn everything from just one gender. They'd need to experience being with both sexes to learn anything.

As for your question of how are Hikari Horaki and Maya Ibuki, Hikari was that brown haired girl with the pig tails, while Maya was that browned hair female technician was the one who turned on the dummy plug system during the battle against Bardial the 13th Angel. And if you want the game Girlfriend of Steel, I have a version of it in which it's fansubbed.

Now let's see...I haven't seen the audio commentary as the movie I currently have was one that I downloaded off bittorrent so I wasn't graced with the audio commentary. However I wouldn't dare watch it as it would probably have the English voice actors in the background, and I am really disgusted by their voice actors. I used to at least respect Rei's voice actor, until I saw a clip of the battle against the 12th Angel when Rei called out, "Ikari-kun." The fact she sounded a lot like she did during the Alternate Reality scene really threw me off. I mean in the Japanese anime there was a distinct difference in the way Rei spoke in the series, and in that little segment. But that's just me.

Although yes both phrases holds value, I think that Asuka would be too much for Shinji, especially with Asuka's extreme case of being a narcissist for one thing. Then there's the one phrase she said during EoE that spoke around the lines if she couldn't have all of him she wouldn't want him at all. That already could possibly show that she'd be dominating. Plus if you noticed throughout the series even if there was an attraction, Asuka would not only have a difficult time opening up to the boy she'd probably want dominance or something, unless Shinji really showed that he was a lot stronger than he looked. I don't know, as I still haven't fully grasped Asuka's psychology as well as Shinji's and Rei's.

Now with Rei, although also limited in what he could work with, would have a much easier time with her. If you noticed throughout both the manga and anime Shinji had an easy time speaking with Rei, or rather Rei II if you want to be precise but that's besides the point. With Rei he could teach her and help her open up and grow into a human being while Rei would give him her view on life and maybe help him control himself. Albeit that Rei would have trouble once her emotions really started to surface but she's already well disciplined, and therefore she could help Shinji discipline himself so that he could be more in control with himself.

As for the other pairings, Misato and Shinji is a no in my book. I mean come on! They're at least 10 years difference between the two of them! Even more so between Shinji and Ritsuko! Maya and Shinji is a bit awkward for me considering how she is technically his superior. Hikari and Shinji could work as they are of the same age and all. And I can't believe that I forgot about Shinji and Mana LOL. A definite canon pairing through Girlfriend of Steel LOL.

Well anyways that's all from me

Cheers ^^ Ja ne

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by toushiro-10 on 2006-09-16 23:41:28
rei, beacuse i like rei, shes calm and deadly.

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-17 04:53:52
I do so want it! :O Please? How do I get it?

Although I thought the English voices were great, except for Hyuga in the movie.

"That already could possibly show that she'd be dominating. Plus if you noticed throughout the series even if there was an attraction, Asuka would not only have a difficult time opening up to the boy she'd probably want dominance or something, unless Shinji really showed that he was a lot stronger than he looked. I don't know, as I still haven't fully grasped Asuka's psychology as well as Shinji's and Rei's."

I mentioned that I feel I can compare myself to Shinji. And if we're alike in this aspect, Shinji will need a girl who pushes him around, or else he'll just sit there. Besides, who said relationships were easy?

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by on 2006-09-17 13:52:37
Well if you want Girlfriend of Steel just give me your e-mail and I'll e-mail you the torrent. From there you're pretty much on your own. But don't worry, it's fansubbed so you won't have any problems understanding LOL.

As for the English cast, I don't really like them. They were really bad and didn't really work. Heck they were all sounding like they were in their final year of high school or something! Heck some of it didn't even sound like anyone would sound like that! As for Rei, OH GOD THAT WAS HORRID! especially during this one clip I saw during the battle against the 12th Angel. When Rei in the English version called out, "Ikari!" she sounded a lot like she did during episode 26 when they showed the Alternate Universe. In the Japanese anime, there was a distinct difference in voices between the series Rei, and the AU Rei.

The only thing I really liked from the English version was when Hyuga said, "Haven't they heard of moderation," or something similar. That was the only thing I liked from the English voice cast.

As for Shinji, it's not that he needs to be pushed around, he lacks motivation. Asuka is not the type to motivate him in the correct way, and although I hate to say it, but Rei wouldn't either, but at least she'd be patient with him, since she usually doesn't have anything to do besides the dummy plug system and piloting Eva. That's how much free time she has, and more likely than not, being with Rei would take a load off Shinji's shoulder as then he would not have to always deal with Touji and Kensuke despite how fun they are LOL.

In terms of personal motivation he first of all needs to actually want and try to understand people. He claims to but he only understands from what he takes, not what people give. He only takes bits and pieces, not the entire package. That was one of his problems. The Hedgehogs Dilemma was yet another one of his problems as he feared getting hurt from the contact. However what he needed to learn was that one will always risk getting hurt, regardless. Heck isolating oneself hurts oneself and those who already know one. Shinji never realized it but not really trying to understand those around him only hurted those around him and it continued to destroy what was left of Shinji's insanity. That was how fucked up he was.

Well anyways, that's all from me

Cheers ^^ Ja ne

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Mr_moogle on 2006-09-17 15:28:48
Rei, all the way!!! Asuka pisses me off, so I can't let Shinjin go with her. But Rei is awsome * HEART HEART HEART*

Mutsumi loves you and kisses you all!!!! Exept for the guys, this mutsumi no kiss guys ^^

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by on 2006-09-17 20:56:18
Uhh... that's kinda hard to say... I mean I liked both Asuka and Rei... To think about it that Asuka is rather soblish and Rei's unpredictable... I think to my point opinion... it's best for Shinji to be with Rei... after all, Rei is Shinji's mother's clone. In other words, Rei is Kei's clone...

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-09-18 04:47:25

...and the reason for it is that Shinji is such a whiny little wuss that people have been driven to insanity and dies from hearing too much of it. With Rei, there are dozens of her, whenever Shinji drives one to her death, the next one could just be activated! :P

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by on 2006-09-18 09:42:30
I now have this sudden urge to slap you Sir Bon and Mr moogle ... Probably because the fact was that you refered to Rei being Yui's clone was what set me off ... But that's just me. I really hate that theory, even if it's the 'official theory'. But I mean c'mon, how exactly can the human DNA's identity survive once mixed with Angel DNA? I mean sure Rei would resemble and act like a human but that doesn't mean that she's a clone!

Oi it's too early in the morning for me to make a real rebuttle at the moment. But mark my words I'll come back later in the day and do a proper responce to your insults. BEWARE!!!

*Does evil monkey pose*

Well anyways, that's all from me

Cheers >=| Ja ne

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Mike on 2006-09-18 15:25:32
Shinji and Rei: They compliment others weaknesses. Rei forms almost no emotional bonds. Clue to her feelings when she SD's her Eva to kill Angel.

"I'm just a cook!" Akido Tenkawa

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-09-18 17:26:37
Rei is not a clone? Dood, have you not watched Evangelion? Didn't you see the Room of Guff where all her inactive copies are floating in a huge tank full of LCL liquid?

On on the note of how a human DNA survive being mixed with Angel DNA - it's an ANIME. How about how the hell can the Lance of Longinus be that big? Or how can the AT field be a physical barrier that resists almost all attacks? Let's go to something even more general, How can Catgirls exist?

Lighten up, it's a fantasy. Physics and common sense doesn't always work. If you are going to be pissed off about something minor that asks us to suspend what is accepted reality, you might as well just only watch documentaries.

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Letti on 2006-09-18 17:36:08
I like him better with Asuka, it's more enteraining and Rei doesnt seem TOO interested with romance annyway...she's a robot thing after all! 0_o

I'm not fond of Rei anyway, so yeah, Asuka and Shinji!

~*If everyone says I don't desevre it, how come I get it anyway?*~

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-09-18 20:35:44 (edited 2006-09-18 20:41:24)
That's because Asuka needs to lighten up just a bit before they get together.

Also, I have a craptastic dial-up connection, I can't use torrent. :(

Re: Evangelion Couples, Shinji with Rei or Asuka?
Link | by on 2006-09-18 20:38:07
Hmm Asuka for sure!

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