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Your anime through the years
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-28 01:55:03 (edited 2006-08-28 01:57:34)
List the anime series you starting watching or loved most during your years growing up! 10 years of anime for me, I want to add more but I need to remember! You can also see the trends of anime that was shown on TV.

Age 11: Project A-Ko, Akira, Vampire Hunter D (classic), Demon City Shijuku

12: Robotek, Ronin Warriors (fell in love with Lady Kyra!!)

13: Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Beautiful Dreamer

14: Freiza Saga DBZ

15: Outlaw Star (Fave line: I AM HIZANKO. A CASTOR SHOT WILL NOT WORK AGAINST ME!), Cell Saga DBZ, and most of all: Fatal Fury (fave anime movie for a long time!)

16: Majin Buu saga DBZ

17: Cowboy Bebop (this set off a birthday tradition, always watch CB on my birthday!), Angel Sanctuary (my third fave anime of all time)

18: Inuyasha, Mon Cole Knights (Saturday Mornings fool, what? It was a good sshow!), Gundam Wing, Ninja Scroll

19: Rurouni Kenshin (I thought this show was stupid so I ignored it and then when I was at school my Mom taped it for me cuz' she thought it was Inuyasha, I watched it anyhow and realized it was the best anime ever), Yuyu Hakusho

20: Chance Pop Session, Saiyuki, Wolves Rain, Trigun, (a freind gave me the whole series!)

21: FMA, Scryed, Samurai Champloo, Evengelion, Soultaker, Utena

22: ?????

Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-28 03:02:42 (edited 2006-08-28 03:32:33)
Hmm... I don't remember much....


5: Sailormoon, Voltes V,
6: Diamos, Dragon Ball, Yaiba(??? I'm not sure if this is an anime..)
7: Yuyu Hakushu, Lupin III, Flame of Recca, Magic Knights, Sorcerer Orphen, Escaflowne
8: Hell Teacher Nube, Sorcerer Hunter, Trigun, Gundam Z, Gundam (forgot ...T.T)
9: Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Evangelion, Detective Conan, Pokemon
10: Fushigi Yugi, Sakura Wars, Ranma 1/2, Wedding Peach
11: Saiyuki, Outlaw Star, Gate Keepers, Ayashi No Ceres, Dual, Rave, Yami no Matsuei, Neia 7, Galaxy Angels, Strange Dawn, Cooking Master Boy, Alien 9, Legend of the Condor Heroes, El Hazard, Here, Now and then(I'm not sure about the title)
12: Samurai Deeper Kyo, Boys Be, You're Under Arrests, Digimon, Shaman King, Yugioh, Gravitation, Inuyasha, Naruto, Ghost in a shell, Get Backers, Witch Hunter Robin, Vandred, Shadow Skill, Full Metal Panic
13: Keleido Star, Samurai Champloo, Kyou Kara Maou, Matantei Loki Ragnarok, DNAngel, Loveless, Chrno Crusade, Final Fansaty Unlimited, Bleach, Yakitate Japan, Full Metal Alchemist

Edit: Acck! I forgot a lot!!


Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by Ming-Chan on 2006-08-28 03:18:03
Age 4: Doraemon. (BM...)
Age 5: Dragonball. (BM...)
Age 6: Akazukin Chacha. (One of the bests anime I've watched in my life...)

Skip forward...

Age 9: Pokemon and Digimon.

Age 10: Gatekeepers, Fushigi Yugi, Sakura wars, Gensomaden Saiyuki, Shadow Skill, Eden's Bowy, Niea 7 (Wow, never gonna watch THAT again...), Now and Then here and there, Strange Dawn, Vandread.

Age 11: Rurouni Kenshin, Cooking Master Boy, Yami no Matsuei, Ranma, Rave, Vandread Part 2, Boys Be, You're Under Arrests, Starship Girl Yamamoto Yoko, Power stone.

Age 12: Ayashi no Ceres, Steam Detective, El Hazard, Galaxy Angels, rewatched a LOT of anime...

Age 13: Final Fansaty Unlimited, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon. (Watched it bacause there wan't anything better to watch...)

Age 14: Cardcaptor Sakura, Ultra Maniac, Arjuna, Avenger, Escaflowne, Asobotto Genki Goku, Get backers, Wolves Rain.

Age 15: Sonic X, Rozen Maiden, Rozen Maiden Traumend, Violinists of Hamelin, Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of Condor Heroes. (A whole new lists coming soon though, because Animax is being launched on the 31st of August! Finally, I get to watch Yu yu hakusho!! ^_^)

This might be updated, because I'm not very sure if I included everything...

PMR...PMR... 1 month...

Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-28 03:22:54 (edited 2006-08-29 03:20:39)
This is my anime listing. Pardon me if I forgot some anime.

6 - 10: Sailormoon, Doraemon, Digimon, Dragon Ball, Shinchan, Pokemon, Wedding Peach, Gundam Wing, Meitantei Conan, Sakura Wars, Cardcaptor Sakura

11 - 13: Fullmetal Alchemist, Yami no Matsuei, Yugioh, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, Bleach, Tantei Gakuen Q, Rurouni Kenshin, .hack//sign, .hack//Legend Of Twilight's Bracelet, Strange Dawn, Gate Keepers, Vandread, Rave, Rozen Maiden, Saiyuki, You're Under Arrest, Galaxy Angel, Meine Liebe, Meine Liebe Wieder, Kyou Kara Maou, Princess Princess, Gakuen Heaven, Ouran Koukou Host Club, Demashitaa-! Powerpuff Girls Z

I edited this post. I watched a lot of anime as I grow up.

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Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-08-28 05:50:25
wai~ I easily forget things so the anime listed here are maybe.. 1/4 of the anime that I have seen.. >_< ... I watched a LOT.. and I can't remember all of them.. the recent ones only ^^

5: Sailor moon, Fancy Lala, Akazukin Cha Cha
there were little anime at that time.. I know.. sad isn't it? X3

6: Dragon Ball
>_< I know.. Im not proud of it either..

7: Cyber Team in Akihabara, YuYu Hakusho, Flame of Recca, Lupin III
this was the year where anime started pouring in hehehe

8: Cyber Team in Akihabara, Sorcerer Hunters, Wedding Peach, Card Captor Sakura

9: Fushigi Yuugi, Rurouni Kenshin, Detective Conan, Card Captor Sakura

10: Rurouni Kenshin, Ranma 1/2
I kinda stopped at the age of 10 ^^.. I forgot why though.. and I don't want to find out.. maybe it's better hidden behind my thoughts >.< hehehe

11 and 12: Ayashino Ceres, Legendo of the Condor Hero, Ranma 1/2, El Hazard, Inuyasha, Boys Be, Here and now Then and There, Dual, Rave, You're Under Arrest,
see how I have jumped back to anime loving?! XP there's more! I know it! when I was 11-12 was the year I realy got addicted ^^ I'll update this soon! wai~

13: Almost the same as 11-12.. since there are no anime channels here.. >.< forgot a lot on this too.. but I'm sure I have a lot! wai~ ^^

14: Naruto, Samurai Champloo, xxxHOLiC [I was still 14 at that time :P], Tsubasa Chronicles, Trinity Blood, Bravo Girls, weiss kreuz

[I'll edit this next time, I have not written my 15th year yet! hahaha ^^.. sister needs to use the pc] bye everybody! see you tomorrow! I'm going to be here for my trial! hahaha X3

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by Devine Technique on 2006-08-28 06:00:32
these are the shows i remember from when i was young
Salior Moon dragonball and dragonball z gundamn wing transformers hamtaro samurai jack zoids super milk chan crayon shin chan Ah! My Goddess fist of north star lupin the 3rd ghost in the shell and everything else i don't remember

but now a days most anime has become better a lot better wow look @ the past and the present makes me feel old -_-

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Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-28 22:06:19 (edited 2006-08-28 22:06:27)
Maia you stopped watching anime cuz' of the Shishio biting Kenshin thing I bet! It scared a lot of people!

Re: Your anime through the years
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-08-28 22:39:38
well i dont remeber much...

age 3-5 well volter 5, voltron and daimos...some sentai's were shaider and maskman and bioman

6-10 mostly dragon ball. dbz,samurai x,yuyu hakusho,flame of recca, escaflone,sorcerer hunters,rune soldier,pokemon etc.

11-15 gundam wing, lupin, gensomaden saiyuki,ghost sweeper, ghost in the shell, akira (seen it in axn)the wanderers and other axn anime

16-18 naruto,kenshin ova,chobits,bleach,gto,shaman king,gundam seed,saiyuki reload lablue girl...oppps thats totaly different...hehehehe

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