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Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-25 23:14:30 (edited 2006-08-25 23:15:25)
An anime poll! I'll change the theme every week.

Poll#1: Did you cry when or during...

1.Grave of the Fireflies
2.end of Akira
3.End of Evangelion
4.When Cloud saw Aerith again in Advent Children
5.When Yumi passed away after Shishio stabbed her
6.When Kenshin died
7.When Spike died in Cowboy Bebop
8.When Ed and Ein said "goodbye" in Cowboy Bebop
9.When Al became human in FMA
10.When Sloth died in FMA
11. When Sherice died in Scyred
12. End of Wolve's Rain

My answers

10.yes (at the close of the episode before hand, when Winry smiled)

Add more as a number 13, 14, 15 etc.!

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-25 23:21:13
Okay, I'll add 13.

13. When Hughes died in FMA

1. haven't watched it yet
2. haven't watched it yet
3. no
4. almost
5. yes..
6. ...yes...
7. YES!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
8. haven't watched it yet
9. no.
10. no.
11. haven't watched it.
12. haven't watched it.
13. yes


Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-25 23:24:30
13. yes; when they had the funeral for and they were burying him and his little girl was screaming and Strongarm was crying

Grave of the Fireflies is by far the saddest anime ever!

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-25 23:28:03 (edited 2006-08-25 23:31:00)
@Shishio- Was it good?

I want to add 14. When Nicolas Wolfwood died in Trigun.

14. almost.


And 15 too! 15. Did you cry when Diabolo ended?

15. almost.


Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-08-25 23:30:10
what?! HUGHES DIED?! OMG~ I have to watch more =.= I'm still on ep10.. gao~ T_T

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-25 23:32:43
Hughes' death was a sad moment, but I didn't cry.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-25 23:40:47
Kori: GotF is the one of the best anime movies ever, but at the end all the emotion comes out, like The Green Mile and Amores Peros, they are sad movies that I can only see once, but I highly recommend seeing them.

(The Green Mile was about a death row inmate who was actually a miracle of God, and Amores Peros was partly about the incredible bonds between dogs and their owners, it sounds cheesy but it's anything but and is really emotional, but the end is one of the best and most touching I've seen too...)

14. I cried when Milli was crying her eyes out.

15.What's Diabolo?

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-25 23:45:03 (edited 2006-08-25 23:47:59)
It'a manga.

From anime news network:

Genres: Horror, Supernatural

Plot Summary: Ren and Rai are two unfortunate souls holding a secret war with a society of people that covertly corrupt innocent humans, taking their souls and demonizing them in exchange for fulfilling their wishes. Those that lose themselves are said to have fallen to Diablo. The two discover untold truths about the group, and something else about their own haunted past, where they lost Mio, a girl dear to them, whose disappearance branded them murderers.

Vol. 1 cover:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-25 23:49:12
16: When Nicol was killed in Gundam Seed.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-25 23:54:14
16. T.T yes...


Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by Username on 2006-08-26 00:47:55 (edited 2006-08-26 00:48:20)
no to everything but 13 in which i almost cried.

ill add one although kinda embarrasing
17. When Ash was turned to stoned and then every pokemon started crying (1st pokemon movie)


キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!! that's right. i went there. Image Hosted by

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by Tay on 2006-08-26 14:51:52
Poll#1: Did you cry when or during...

Sounds like a lot of fun, let me try.

1. Never watched it
2. Not really, but i did like the anime a lot.
3. The real ending, not so much, but when Toji & Kauowa died i did so much!!
4. Yes!
5. Sorry, didn't really have much sympathy for her.
6. yes, a bit.
7. Wow I didn't know that, totally HUGE spoiled that for me ^_^
8. Didn't watch yet, hence the spoiler in poll #7
9. Haven't gotten that far yet, but probably will!
10. Haven't gotten there yet
11. Never watched
12. Didn't watch yet.
13. Yes!! Gosh so sad!! Poor Hughes! Then when his daughter was crying, it made me cry even more.
14. I don't remember if i did because it was so long ago, but i remember i was really shocked when it happened.
15. Never watched.
16. Didn't watch yet
17. Sad to say because of embarassment, but yes i really did only because Pikachu kept on trying to resurrect him.

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by gemmy_adik on 2006-08-26 15:00:58
1.hav'nt watched it.
2.hav'nt watched it
5.hav'nt watched it.
7.yes. ;p
8.yes ;p
11. no.
12. hav'nt watched it.
13. no.
14. yes.
15. no.
16. hav'nt watched it
17. yes?

1,3,7-trimethylxanthine addict. they tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no. =D

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-08-26 15:39:56
17. almost.


Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by slayeralchemist on 2006-09-05 18:22:26
No up to 8
9 Almost,but I was happy for him, he got to feel what it was like to have both of his arms back to normal again.
10 Almost
11 No
12 No
13 Yes
14 No
15 No
16 No
17 Almost, it was stupid pikachu's fault.
Let me add 18:
Did you cry when Ed came back to his world again and saw Al and Winry again (FMA movie)?
My answer is no, but some people did.



Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by Immortal on 2006-09-05 18:35:47
oh~! an anime poll! I'll answer that!


1.Grave of the Fireflies
2.end of Akira
3.End of Evangelion
4.When Cloud saw Aerith again in Advent Children
5.When Yumi passed away after Shishio stabbed her
6.When Kenshin died
7.When Spike died in Cowboy Bebop
8.When Ed and Ein said "goodbye" in Cowboy Bebop
9.When Al became human in FMA
10.When Sloth died in FMA
11. When Sherice died in Scyred
12. End of Wolve's Rain
13. When Hughes died in FMA
14. When Nicolas Wolfwood died in Trigun.
15. Did you cry when Diabolo ended?
16: When Nicol was killed in Gundam Seed.
17. When Ash was turned to stoned and then every pokemon started crying (1st pokemon movie)

My Answers!

1. its REALLY sad but I didn't cry...
2. nope
3. kind of...
4. nope
5. nope.
6. that sucks! but I didn't cry althought its very sad...
7. not much
8. nope
9. nope
10. nope
11. nope
12. so sad...why do they have to die!
13. almost
14. nope
15. haven't read the manga...
16. nope
17. nope

I'll add some...
18. when Hina Ichigo stopped moving in Rozen Maiden - *watery eyes*
19. when Sousei Seki lost to Suigin Tou in Rozen Maiden - really sad!
20. when mitsuki heard that eichi was already dead (full moon wo sagashite)- huhuhuhu!

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-09-05 19:49:26
Let's see:

1. Didn't see it yet; n/a.
2. No.
3. Didn't see it yet; n/a.
4. It was touching but No.
5. No.
6. Yes. That movie was really nice, yet sad in the ending...
7. No.
8. No.
9. I don't remember this. Was it in the last ep. or the movie (didn't see yet). Anybody?
10. No, but I felt bad for Gluttony though.
11. Sad, but No.
12. I don't remember the ending but I did see the entire series a while ago.
13. Mixed reaction. Roy seeked revenge.
14. No.
15. No idea of what this is/about/etc.; n/a.
16. I don't remember... a blur about the series for me.
17. That was sad but no. Years ago. XD

Just because I mostly said "no" doesn't mean I get teary when certain anime moments come onto me. I watch a bunch of that Romance-type anime all the time. ^_^


Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by sai on 2006-09-06 02:06:30
1. Will see it in the near future... I've got no time yet! T_T
2. dunno
3. No... Not even sad...
4. No
5. No
6. Almost, really...
7. dunno
8. dunno
9. No
10. No
11. dunno
12. dunno yet, but i have the dvd in my hands... Will watch it soon
13. Sad, but no
14. dunno
15. dunno
16. dunno
17. Chi... I hate to say this but almost... Well, that's years ago... -_-
18. Dunno
19. dunno
20. dunno...

Argh haven't watched most of the anime...-_- but let me add:

21. When Chrno and Rosette from Chrno Crusade die together (my answer is almost)

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by on 2006-09-06 08:59:36
1.Grave of the Fireflies
2.end of Akira
3.End of Evangelion
4.When Cloud saw Aerith again in Advent Children
5.When Yumi passed away after Shishio stabbed her
6.When Kenshin died
7.When Spike died in Cowboy Bebop
8.When Ed and Ein said "goodbye" in Cowboy Bebop
9.When Al became human in FMA
10.When Sloth died in FMA
11. When Sherice died in Scyred
12. End of Wolve's Rain
13. When Hughes died in FMA
14. When Nicolas Wolfwood died in Trigun.
15. Did you cry when Diabolo ended?
16: When Nicol was killed in Gundam Seed.
17. When Ash was turned to stoned and then every pokemon started crying (1st pokemon movie)
18. when Hina Ichigo stopped moving in Rozen Maiden - *watery eyes*
19. when Sousei Seki lost to Suigin Tou in Rozen Maiden - really sad!
20. when mitsuki heard that eichi was already dead (full moon wo sagashite)- huhuhuhu!
21. When Chrno and Rosette from Chrno Crusade die together (my answer is almost)

1. Yes
2. Never seen it. o.o
3. Never seen it.
4. No way. xP
5. Nope.
6. Nope.
7. Yep
8. Nope
9. Nope
10. Nope
11. Never seen it
12. Yup.
13. Yeah, a lot.
14. Yeap.
15. Never seen it.
16: Yes! I liked Nicol. ;_;
17. YES. ;____________;
18. nope, never seen it.
19. Never seen it.
20. Never seen it.
21. Heard it was cry-worthy, but I haven't seen it.


22. Almost everytime Chise cried in Saikano?

xO I did!

Re: Weekly Anime Poll! Did you cry when...?
Link | by Scire on 2006-09-06 18:19:50 (edited 2006-09-06 18:21:49)
1.Didn't see it
2.Didn't see it
5.didn't see it?
9.omg yes
13.omg yes
14.Didn't see tha one
15.Never saw it
17.Oh yeah I definitely cried for Ash I was all like NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I cried even more cause of Pikachu though and Misty :* I can't watch that part anymore.
18.Dag no I still didn't see fma the movie and for me that sucks
19.Oh yeah I cried for ichigo so much
20.Oh yeah I didn't like that one
21.Omg eichi kun eichi kun :*
22.Oh yeah when they died that was sooo sad
23.Never seen it
OK I'm adding
24. Negima when Asuna died

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