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Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
Link | by Juha on 2006-08-18 12:21:11
New combined dojo and hot baths has arrived in Gendou CIty!
Now you can train and/or relax in new place called Yuuha's Dojo/Hot Baths House.
In dojo you can train your martial arts techniques or learn new.
In hot baths you can relax and heal your wounds.

Yuuha Laitamaki

Now first 5 dojo users can get new technique for free. Look technique list:

Blast of Heaven and Hell (magical, only with magic staff)
Magma Knuckle (physical)
Hurricane Slasher (physical, only with sword/dagger)
Thunder Kick (physical)
Divine Rage (magical, only with magic staff)
Magical Ice Fist Shooter (magical, can be used without magic staff)

note: I hope you like this kind of thing.

"World isn't always fair and nice. If you are sad, you luckily have always your best friends with you who always can help you out of your sadness...even if they aren't near. Just remember this and you will be happy and you won't fall in lair of sadness." -I speaking to my friend who got in accident once-

Re: Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
Link | by レン | Ren on 2006-08-18 12:24:12
Theres already a Dojo....
And the hot springs were destroyed due to Spamming lolz....
So........Good luck?

Re: Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
Link | by Juha on 2006-08-20 02:19:53
Oh. I didn't know that.

"World isn't always fair and nice. If you are sad, you luckily have always your best friends with you who always can help you out of your sadness...even if they aren't near. Just remember this and you will be happy and you won't fall in lair of sadness." -I speaking to my friend who got in accident once-

Re: Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
Link | by Amaya on 2007-06-06 15:00:32
well, i'm sure we can make this one work, however, can there be a training thingy for magicians, & something over than what you listed, cuz perhaps everyone's magic, like mine could be Dark Moon Water (trying to follow what you placed in the begginning) & everyone's could be different. Then we can start making friends, making enemies & see where it goes from there! Maybe even empoloyees looking for a job as a teacher or to clean the bath house! ^-^

Re: Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-06-06 15:09:51
(here for hot bath and some training. HOping to learn a new sword technique)

*A humaniod white wolf samurai enters the Bath house covered in cuts and bruises* Hello who is incharge here where can I go get a nice hot relaxing bath?

Name: Ronin Ookami
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (133 in wolf years)
Hieght: 5"6 1/2'
Birthday: October 10th
Arctic wolf that stands on its Hind legs has hand/paws wears a sliver/gray hakama and jade green gi with a green and silver diasho and jitte on a sash. Has many ninja weapons hidden.
is a master of the Mujushin Kenjutsu and is a blade-master *uses wakizashi and jitte to fight* knows the shinobi arts, hand to hand combat, modern weapons, alchemy, magic, and a few other hidden talents.

Re: Yuuha's dojo/hot baths
Link | by on 2007-06-06 20:20:10
*a flash of lightning destroy the dojo entrance*

sorry about that..hello everyone ^^ i just wanna learn some new magic techniques...well coz im a newbie and still in training ^^

Name: Yoma
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Birthday: October 3
A begginer in Magic...he's a staff holder who only knows about weak magic techinques like HEAL and the other stuffs...knowing by joining the dojo he can learn some powerful techniques.

example Keep Holding On...: My diary ^^.

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