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Where can I get this poster?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-09 19:35:16
Can anyone tell me where to get this in very big form?


Re: Where can I get this poster?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-09 20:42:36
dang i still can't fingure out how to ge images to appear on my posts, any wayz do you know what anime that is because i can't tell from such a small picture like that. if u can find out the name of the anime i can probly get you a place or site you can buy or order that poster from. ^.^

Re: Where can I get this poster?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-10 06:56:34 (edited 2005-03-10 07:01:58)
It a poster of FLCL, and if you want to get your picture.....

1.find the picture you want.

2.Right click on it and click on "properties"

3.Copy and paste the URL in either your signature or icon or thread.

4.On the left side of the URL add the trianglur shaped parenthises then the word img and src= and "

5. On the right side, add " and the triangle shaped parenthises

6.then save, and you should have it. Hope that helps.


Re: Where can I get this poster?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-13 05:06:02 (edited 2005-03-13 05:16:58)
Sorry my friend who owns one of those anime stuff websites havn't seen that poster B4, and i also tried to find that same picture online for you but only thing i found was the same size as what you already have there. Sorry ^_^; thought i could of help. Guess it can't be help... Thanks for the help on the picture thou!

Re: Where can I get this poster?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-13 09:27:00
no prob. hope it worked out good


Re: Where can I get this poster?
Link | by cowboybebop84 on 2005-03-16 16:43:30
ebay......I guss.

Do you like horny bunnies?

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