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Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-08 16:39:29
I feel stupid, I don't know what an otaku is. Is it a Manga fan or artist?


Re: Otaku
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-03-08 19:19:51
It's a "hardcore" fan of anime or manga. Take your pick.

Re: Otaku
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-08 20:33:26
the word 'otaku' means geek, nerd, or enthusiast. typically it describes anime/manga enthusiasts, but you could very easily be called a star trek otaku if you know and communicate with your pets and neighbors in kingon.

from J-E Dictionary:
お宅 [おたく] your house, your home, you.
オタク geek, nerd, enthusiast.

Re: Otaku
Link | by cowboybebop84 on 2005-03-16 16:46:43
haaazzzzaaah! I dont know what we're talking about but..........yeah.

Do you like horny bunnies?

Re: Otaku
Link | by Shadow master on 2005-08-12 00:58:39
about mean of 'Otaku',yeah?


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