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Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-06 20:05:43
Hey i was wondering how do you guys get those pictures next to your post? and replys? like how Gendou has his face on his... i wannak now how to do that plz tell me =)

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-07 01:42:18 (edited 2005-03-07 01:42:34)
read the FAQ/Help file

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-08 05:15:31
lol im still at a lost i mean it tells me what to do but i don't know how to do it ^.^ n/m then thanks any wayz

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-08 10:16:48
please, if the directions are unclear, help me to make them more clear so that everybody can understand them! which part is confusing to you?

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-08 16:15:19 (edited 2005-03-08 16:15:47)
Yes, that would help, it took me about 2 hours to figure it out, I suggest you either have a picture walkthrough or explain that you right click, go to properties, copy and paste the URL and then add the .

but in a less confusing way

I think that might help


Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-08 19:58:09 (edited 2005-03-08 20:10:35)
Yes, that would help, it took me about 2 hours to figure it out, I suggest you either have a picture walkthrough or explain that you right click, go to properties, copy and paste the URL and then add the .<-------------------finish sentence?? lol
i wanted to know how to get my Nickname as a picture, and how to get the picture on the bottom of my forums ^.^
Do i past it in Tile fomat or? so confuse lol

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-13 22:52:14 (edited 2005-03-13 22:52:24)
Yay! it worked thanks Pirateking888

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by xxkenjix on 2005-03-14 13:48:49 (edited 2005-03-14 13:49:17)
also if you want the pic to be your nickname put the img src= into your nickname

I won't ask you to forgive me. Hate me... And forget about me." Na-chan

Re: Hey! how do you guys get those pictures?
Link | by Raziel on 2005-06-08 22:23:08 (edited 2005-06-08 22:24:23)
it's easy thought to figure out. why dont you read the faq and copy it to your signature. then you should right click the picture you want and click properties then block and copy the address to your signature example < img height="100px" src=""> then save. the other way to set your avatar is the same as signature but the different is the height must not bigger then 25px or you will be BANNED!!!!! (like my stupid friend he used 30px zenga avatar then he banned)same thought. Happy try! ^_^

Zanpakutoh!!!Hikari no Kami!!!

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