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Gendou Academy Awards!!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-07-23 04:36:30 (edited 2006-07-23 04:46:03)
(I hope this is OK, if not, I'll delete this thread!)

We can take polls here in this forum, so this is the ultimate poll!!!!

Post your fave thread based on these catergories, and at some point in the future I'll add up the results! Let's find out what are the favorite threads of Gendou members! Of course, you can change your answers later in the same post. I'm still deciding...

Best Anime Thread- Can't decide, its between my "Anime Pic", the Sailor Moon Thread, and the "Continuation" thread.

Best RP Thread- can't decide...

Best Game Thread- Can't decide...

Best Waste of time- Can't decide...

Best Other Thread- can't decide...

Funniest Thread- ROFL!!! (in Other)

Most Creative Thread- can't decide...

Most Important Thread (beside rule bearing ones)- The Depression Threads

Best Signature- Can't decide...

Best Avatar- Can't decide...

Best Contributing/Most Important Member besides Gendou and Moderators- I like Lady Maia's games and positive posts, so I pick her! Itachi is really good too, since he is not afraid to speak his intelligent mind.

Favorite Moderator- PSO Player responds intelligently and with compassion, I appreciate that!

Best Non-Gendousama Moment- Can't decide...maybe when those two members said thye were married...

Best Moment with Gendou himself- In "New songs" thread in Anime (Why did he post it there?) he owns bunnie killer; so hilarious you MUST see this thread (search for it, it's locked)

Re: Gendou Academy Awards!!
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-07-24 14:08:18 RP thread? are my choices...

warring nations [a masterpiece]
critics bar [the original RP]
gendou courthouse [insane randomness XD]
wishing firefly bend [a masterpiece]

...these arent in any order...

Re: Gendou Academy Awards!!
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-07-24 15:32:18
Favorite Moderator--Riceboks, and PSO player.....xD

Best Other thread--....*snickers*....absolute boyfriend....xD

Best anime thread--continuation thing......and top 5 hotties.....woOt!! xD

BEst Rp thread--Dark Angel Rpg....xD

Best Waste of Time--A to Z, anime/manga...thread...<3

Funniest Thread--Absolute Boyfriend, and....uhhh....dunno

Most creative thread-- didn't decided yet....^_________^

Most important thread-- Depression thread, though i don't post there....^_______^

Best signature--......itachi's, lady maia's, suzaku's, khatzz's, reich's, and dangel's.....xD

Best avatar--Gendou' kinda scares me, uhh..heh, heh, heh........PSO player's, aino's, suzaku's, shishio, and more....

Best Contributing/Most Important Member besides Gendou and Moderators--Bloodymoon and ...jonathan, and suzaku, and aino......xD

Re: Gendou Academy Awards!!
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-07-27 04:46:28 (edited 2006-08-20 04:35:48)

Best Anime Thread: Anime pic contest and The drawing thread thingy... whatever hehehe ^^;

Best RP thread: I'm not an RP player but I have to say, Gendou Courthouse ^^

Best Game Thread: Kingdom Hearts 2 Humor Thread

Best Waste of Time thread: >.< can't decide... maybe... Question and Answer, The Interview Game I Ban You game and the I like you game ^^ (because it was made by me! wah~!)

Best Other Thread: Shouts to all Pinoys V2 and Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3

Funniest Thread: Kingom Hearts 2 Humor Thread

Most Creative Thread: Anime Pic Contest and the Waste of Time Threads

Most Important Thread: Depression Threads and the Introduce yourself... duh! hahaha

Best Avatar: Dangel's, Koori's, BabyBoiBlue's adn Sai's AVA's ^^

Best Signature: Me again! lol... I'm too childish... uh... lemme see... c.strife, bloodymoon and Jaydel

Best Contributing/Most Important Member besides Gendou and Moderators: uhh....
  • Shishio! wai~! he tells everyone what he thinks and is Open-minded and has wisdom(?, hehe) too!... eto...
  • DANGEL and Reichstadt You need to have fun once in a while... they make me laugh... maybe they make other people laugh too! wai~!
  • BabyBoiBlue hahaha he invented STUPID GENIE! ^^ he makes me smile/laugh too! wai~ ^^

Favorite Moderator: can't decide ^^

Best Non-Gendousama Moment: can't decide... >.<

Best Moment with Gendou himself: nadda...

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Gendou Academy Awards!!
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-20 04:43:14 (edited 2006-08-20 04:44:24)
Yeah.. that's called double posting..

Best Waste of Time thread: Random Word Game, DAngel's Alphabet Game, Take it or Leave it?

Best Avatar: Hmm.. shud I said Maia have nice avatar too?? and also Koori-chan.. I take back what I wrote..

Best Signature: Hmm.. I like Koori-chan's sig..

So that's what I'm gonna add..

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: Gendou Academy Awards!!
Link | by BabyBoiBlue on 2006-08-20 05:21:22
For me, these are the AWARDEES...

Best Anime Thread: Rei Ayanami Fan's Club and Anime Pic Contest

Best RP Thread: Aurora Heaven Speed Dating..., Critic's Bar, Ren's Ramen Place

Best Waste of Time Thread: GENDOU USER CRUSH, Interview Game, Corrupt A Wish, Question And Answer, I Ban You, I Like You, Take It Or Leave It, Would You Rather, ULTIMATE WEAPON: Frypans, 7 Boom... MORE! ^_^

Best Other Thread: Shouts To All Pinoys V2, Any Indonesian People Here Part 3, Gendou Users You Miss, Absolute Boyfriend... MORE! ^_^

Funniest Thread: ULTIMATE WEAPON: Frypans, Corrupt A Wish, Absolute Boyfriend, RP Threads

Most Creative Thread: Waste Of Time Threads

Most Important Thread: Depression Thread, Introduce Yourself, Waste Of Time Threads

Best Avatar: Lady Maia, Suzaku, Hisoka, Koori-Chan

Best Signature: Lady Maia, Suzaku, Koori-Chan,

Best Profile Page [that I have seen]: Lady Maia

Best Contributing/Most Important Member besides Gendou and Moderators:

Lady Maia: Cheers everyone up...
Eternal, Hisoka, Atemu Mana, D. River, and many more: Welcomes new members...
Suzaku: Reports problems, gives honest opinions...
Shishio: Very creative and can be an Onii-San to everyone...
Reichstadt: The one and only VIOLATOR STALKER
Itachi and the Akatsuki Clan Members: C-O-O-L
Shinji: For being such a SPORT and BALD [Kiddin']
Pinoys: For being my friends

Favorite Moderator: Sachiel

BabyBoiBlue, Your Friendly Neighborhood ONII-SAN!

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