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whose the person below you?
Link | by thundergod on 2005-03-05 21:54:59
okay guys, describe the person below you. the person who posted below you..well, i'm below everybody so! wehehe... XP

...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right... -wildstriker_09

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-06 09:30:35
Thundergod......strange...makes wacky posts....looney....Zeus?


Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by Ili on 2005-03-06 13:04:29
Pirateking888 is... I dunno. But I suspect he likes FLCL *chuckles* Oh... and of course a great active forum member, hehe.


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,
and the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger,
somewhere there's injustice,
somewhere else the tea's getting cold.

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-03-06 14:00:12
Ili, lives in Illinois (like me) perhaps? I don't know, but he was the first person nice enough to post in my Spaghetti Bridges thread (of which I will update soon).

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by 70moyo on 2005-03-08 20:35:21
I have no idea who he is but he seems a nice enough guy

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-03-21 15:15:20
Hmmm.....70moyo doesnt seem to be very active in the forums but he is a japanese lover so hes kind of like me alittle

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by forgotten on 2005-03-21 19:23:47
I don't know much about Serie but she seems like a nice person to get along with.


Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by darkhunter on 2005-03-24 00:19:45
i only know that memory is 13. but i think memory is a nice, kind-hearted and also a non-stealer person ^_^ hehe...

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by jihi on 2005-06-09 23:36:57
Fairly new guy, brought to the site by his friend.

- - - - - - -

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by LaminatedKitten on 2005-06-09 23:39:15
i know nothing about jihi except he's got a lot more posts than i do :P

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by nightmare on 2005-07-07 22:31:12
4 posts, something about kittens, and has some song problems

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by Peckle on 2005-08-30 12:01:28
Well... I dont have a clue who nightmare except he/she is like..6 levels higher than me *sniffles*.. and thats it ^.^

What pretty dots in the sky....

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-30 12:27:30
Peckle...I know almost nothing about him except that his name sounds like pickle. And he's made only 10 posts, so he must be new.

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Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by louie on 2005-08-30 20:46:21 (edited 2005-08-30 20:46:49)
Hmmmm...... I dont have any clue about him/her coz i'm also a newbie here..all i know is that he/she is 10 levels higher than me and I think she/he seems like a nice person.

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Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by Kaimira on 2005-08-30 21:12:43 (edited 2005-08-30 22:05:44)
Im new here to the forums as well, but louie as well as everyone seem like friendly people, and louie is new like me. Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by gray on 2005-08-30 21:57:27
learn internet 2 days ago, dont know to use windows, doesnt know what is email, his/her email was made by his/her friend, learn the internet just to get free download, and the last thing i bet he/she is quite atractive and so sorry

kill me or i'll kill you twice

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by eeekar on 2005-08-31 00:37:29
he likes gray?
maybe he's nice...or maybe not...

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by luxifer on 2005-08-31 01:41:39 (edited 2005-09-09 07:08:37)
She likes asuka from evangelion...? or She likes to scream eeek!!! or arghhh!!! when She was on deep trouble. ^_^

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-31 02:10:36
Bleach fan, doesnt know eeekar is a girl, and has the super amazing magical ability to turn a ice cube into water by just staring at it for a long time.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: whose the person below you?
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-01 10:35:03
Jomunga...I'm pretty sure he's male and I know he's American and non-religious.

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