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Quantum Entaglement, heard of it?
Link | by anong tingin mo ha! jokes lang! San-san po toh...(^_^v) on 2006-07-15 03:03:06
I was just wonderin I somehow remember that quantum entanglement had something to do with future discovery or development of real teleportation, is this true? i don't get anymore issues concerning this idea (newspapers or magazine particularly).

so maybe someone can share a bit of idea there, thanks...

Re: Quantum Entaglement, heard of it?
Link | by K on 2006-07-31 10:54:14
I HEARD about it... One of my teachers mentioned it briefly, so I can't really talk much about it.
Apparently, certain wave-particles (I believe you know something about wave-particle duality, or else you wouldn't be asking, right? It's a very long subject, so I'll skip it and take it as if you already know it; if you don't, ask and I'll try to explain it later) show a certain entanglement as to the fact that if you had two particles away from each other, an observation of one of the particles would also interfere with the other one, no matter how far the second one is.
(I say apparently cos' I never fully understood it; perharps I'll try and learn more about this kinda stuff and talk to you again)

Am I too hard to understand? I found this on my way to review what I wrote:
It explains the basics that I've skipped, so take a look if you're confused. If you got the basics, skip to the end of the article, towards the double-slit experiments.

In these experiments, whenever you interact with one side of the experiment (one of two slits or one of two detectors), the second one immediately changes behavior.
The explanation to this "ultra-fast information transfer" between the two "particles" would lie in the wave-particle duality: in this case, the two particles are described as only one wave-function, therefore acting as only one entity.
Didn't get it? It's okay, the duality is very confusing...

Anyway, teleportation. It's possible to take a pair of entangled photons and take then to separate places. Let's call them photon A and photon B. Then, we grab photon A and entangle it with yet ANOTHER photon C. The C photon has an information unknown to photon B, but it will interact with photon A in a measurable manner; therefore, photon B will also change state in the same manner that photon A did. So, scientist A can just communicate to scientist B "yo, my photon changed in this manner" and scientist B will also know (and be able to duplicate) the information photon C held.
That simply means he could remake photon C in EVERY aspect, without having to move photon C from A to B.
Since all particles are also waves, it would be possible to quantum entangle pretty much anything, which would mean we'd be able to copy anything from one place to another.
Yeah, it's not really teleportation... It's more like making instant copies.

..this really got longer than I expected, and since the beginning of this post I've gone from "don't quite get it" to "wow, that's how it works". Damned Google!


"From East Middle School, Suzumiya Haruhi. I'm have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers here, then come join me."

Re: Quantum Entaglement, heard of it?
Link | by Harvey on 2006-08-03 03:10:13
Has far as i remember, it involves excessive complexities in procedure, you have to have a way of knowing what spin/direction each ends particles are going and be able to relay that infomation to each other before you even start. The complication comes in when your not aloud to look at your particles or know which way. theres lots of stupid things that have to be delt with pysically though most of them are all metaphysicall.
I know theres a mistake even with this extreemly vague comment here. needless to say its a massivly complicated thing to do but really what you do is not transport but create an exact replica of how your molecules are set up whilst destroy the originals so anyone religious might worry about leaving there soul behind.


Re: Quantum Entaglement, heard of it?
Link | by anong tingin mo ha! jokes lang! San-san po toh...(^_^v) on 2006-08-14 20:25:49
so presently this entanglement thing creates copies of objects, I wonder it would be a great idea to use as a means of communication like image contact we've seen on those sci-fi movies

Re: Quantum Entaglement, heard of it?
Link | by FiShStIcK-------CaNaDa on 2006-08-19 11:11:15
that's really cool...isn't it?
but I hope this kind of technology will never be materialized...but...what the hell...nobody really care about the nature anyway...(what?!)
can anyone hit me with a stick? cause my head is getting crazy right now..

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Re: Quantum Entaglement, heard of it?
Link | by gendou on 2006-08-19 15:36:57
*hits you with a stick*

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