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Gendou in the face of law: plz make it clearer
Link | by leon on 2005-03-04 20:17:51
this is not a hate message to gendou ( even tho me and gendou have had our troubles in the past) i was just wondering about the incident (if it really happened) with the little girl that was banned for downloading inuyasha , ( she was like 11 i think) and her father got into it and typed a 2-3 page letter to gendou to stop harrassing his child. the website:

all im asking is this why you were kicked from your school server?

once again ... not hate message ok? lol

Re: Gendou in the face of law: plz make it clearer
Link | by gendou on 2005-03-04 23:33:07 (edited 2005-03-04 23:35:33)
the actual issue was not about my email to said user. actually, i was not "harassing" them, all i did was tell them to fuck off after they broke many site rules and attempted to subvert my ban. keep in mind, the user agreement states you have to be at least 13 years old to sign up for my website, so i was oblivious to the fact that i was talking to such a young person.

the user's parent wrote me threatening emails after i banned them. the parent contacted my school, which brought my website to their attention. it was only then that the admin decided the site violated school policy. the official reason my account was deleted was "unacademic use" and i was put on disciplinary stayed suspension for misuse of campus resources. albeit this is exactly what i was doing! :D_

Re: Gendou in the face of law: plz make it clearer
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-05 19:19:27 (edited 2005-03-05 19:19:51)
Da' "man's" bringi'n us down! we's gotta fight da' powa!!


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