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Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-04 19:30:48
Im thinking about dieing my hair a color and changing my eye color what do you guys suggest about this? >.> im a big anime fan lol

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-03-04 19:52:40

blue eyes and blonde hair

green eyes and black hair

gold eyes and blue hair (...hmm maybe that would only work in an anime...)

red eyes and brown hair.

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-03-04 22:56:50
those are some nice combos, but Blue eyes blonde hair? lol.... i wanna be original like a anime char ^.^

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Bigopinion on 2005-03-05 11:51:14
For something a little more subtle, you might go with green eyes and blonde hair. That's always seemed to be an interesting combination to me.

If you're going for an anime look, however, might as well go all out-

Blue hair, blue eyes.
Red hair, red eyes. (See the trend? XD)
Taking from actual series....
Dark blue-tinted hair (Something between black and navy), light blue or green eyes. (Athrun, Gundam SEED)
Blonde/light brown hair, red/amber eyes. (Cagalli, SEED again.)
And, out of nowhere, blonde hair and purple eyes. (Sanzo, Saiyuki)
If you can get some colored pencils, you might sit down and make scribbled patches of two colors stacked on top of each other to see what works. Fun to do it that way. ^_^

Oh yeah, I'm new to the boards, but not the site. Figured I should take advantage of being a member of an intelligent forum, it's a shame they aren't that common. Hope to post more often, and good luck with the new look!

AFURO ga ichiban! (Afros are #1!) -Nabeshin's song

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-05 19:22:26
Maroon hair......yellow eyes......oh ya...


Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by ding on 2005-03-07 03:20:48
I go with green eyes & red hair. ^^; I don't know why. O.o or maybe light shade of hair and indigo eyes. (oooh... indigo...)


Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by shio rocks on 2005-03-11 04:26:24
hmmm... I would go for lavendar hair and perhaps yellow eyes. Dunno why, they combo might be a bit wierd buden I lyk 2 go for the wierd stuff. =)
Oh and btw, red with red and blue with blue are Hikaru Shidou and Umi Ryuuzaki from Magic Knight Rayearth. Just felt lyk pointing tt out.

Tenimyu, my life. First Generation of Seigaku Regulars forever!!
nagayama takashi! - eiji takigawa eiji - buchou kimeru - fuji moriyama eiji! - momo shiozawa hidemasa!!! - mizuki

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Seph on 2005-03-11 11:00:43
Im going with black hair, red eyes, the demonic look.

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-03-21 15:17:25 (edited 2005-03-21 15:17:40)
Me personally like exotic and weird stuff so i would want mid blond hair and PURPLE eyes :)

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by senshijenny19 on 2005-03-23 13:41:14
I say get white/silver hair and purple contacts!! I always wanted purple eyes. Or sea green hair and amber contacts..just a thought.

Jennifer Wolf

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Hiroyuki-chan on 2005-03-23 13:51:13
Hmm... Hair-Eye combo...

Grayish White hair, yellow eyes
light-blue hair, red eyes..

Hmm.. dunno exactly..~!!

Aer derma sacicienda eson blem.. Umerale Nautica!

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Kitty on 2005-04-15 13:52:18
How about purple and pink hair with silver eyes! ;)

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Lady Lotus on 2005-06-15 14:56:35
Black hair with emerald green eyes.

What if it hadn't started to rain
What if he happened to look away just then
What if she hadn't stayed that extra day
What if her date had actually show up
What if they'd never met

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2005-09-30 08:05:42 (edited 2005-09-30 08:06:20)
The blue/white/grey/mint/any color that looks good with RED eyes!!!
Like Rei Ayanami, Vanilla H, Nagisa Kaworu, Pegasus, Many more--- Kawaii!!!

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Sturm on 2005-09-30 08:22:29
I say red hair with blue eyes or
black with green

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2005-09-30 08:26:52
Other than the any hair + red eyes, I also like the blue or purple eyes + brown hair or black hair combo. Quite common with my fave characters.

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-30 08:56:27
White hair and violet eyes!

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Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by adana on 2005-09-30 22:16:33
black hair and silver?gray eyes
black hair and dark black eyes
white hair and red eyes
no hair and no eyes heheh...

smile smile...

Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-30 22:24:50
Reflective mirror type hair and eyes. That would go with any surronding.

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Re: Best Hair Eye Color combo?
Link | by kirisuto_kyo on 2005-09-30 22:35:40
blonde hair, blue eyes
brown/hazel hair, green/greenish gray eyes
white hair, silver eyes
black hair, gold eyes
and some other ones i can't remember...

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