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L'Arc~en~Ciel Funny Ad
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-07-02 08:18:11
This is really funny...

go here:

For L'Arc~en~Ciel fans (well not really..)

Tell us what you think!

Re: L'Arc~en~Ciel Funny Ad
Link | by hobojoe on 2006-07-03 17:28:31
rofl laruku is my favorite band, and i still found it hillarious.

I just got done watchin it, and the only thing i can say is that it's amazing what people think up when they're bored....and you'd have to be REALLY bored to think up the lyrics those people did lol.

Re: L'Arc~en~Ciel Funny Ad
Link | by on 2006-07-03 18:17:13
LMAO. I thought that was hilarious. Especially the "Tequila Canada Day" part. lmaooo.

Man, I admire the person who made this. <33

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