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What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by Bitter Baby on 2006-06-26 22:53:36
So fare ive seen "blood: the last vampier" "Vampier Hunter D" "Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex" Witch was somewhat but not as much as the movie with the puppet master "Serial Exoerment lain" was crepy not as bloody "Gundam 8th MS Team" is bloody depending on the eposode but the one i recenlt recived was "Elfen Lied" witch is what i have seen the most bloodyiest I've ever seen so far. The very first eposode was full of blood but she was naked 0_0 but i can't blame her she was wraped to machienry It's a girl named "Lucy" She's a race known as a diclonius witch is born threw mixtures of certain bloods and sometimes passed on by other like her. The biggining goes that she had been wraped in a stray restraining jacket chained to a slab with metal bars and michenery around her and a odd looking helment witch i got the empreshion that it was a power restraint. that answer is still unknow to me what about you guys seen any blood ones latly?

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-26 23:16:21 (edited 2006-06-26 23:20:41)
Yeay, tacos!

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by Bitter Baby on 2006-06-27 00:18:11
what is your post exactly is " /bb(|[^b]{2})/ %u2190 don't even question it, mortal." your post if it is i searched for mortal and all i found was mortal combat and last time i chected it was not a anime. whas it even japanese made? if you mean another then could you tell me the full name? and by the way ... he missed three times *_~

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-27 00:19:09 (edited 2006-06-27 00:45:36)
Dude..that's his signature... I think it's part (or all?) of an eqaution or computer code... and, oh yeah, it's...

GENDOU'S SIGNATURE. (sweet animation!)

Anyways, gore? Ninja Anything, but especially Resurection. And the most violent scenes are in Angel Cop cuz a lot of them happen in crazy detail and also to women! Taboo!

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-27 00:24:53
FOOL!! you cannot question our admin's siganture quote! j/k!! XD.

....umm can't you read, he say's don't question it, Mortal!

Zim, lol. I forget that Robot's name.

Anyways, with the thread, I would say Elfen Lied or GANTz. Two new anime's (not so new meaing recent) but I saw both of 'em and their endings and it's great!

Check 'em out if you can.


Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by Bitter Baby on 2006-06-27 01:02:34
Oh thats my fault i saw no writing so i assumed but i knew that alread i was just unsure with no writing pardon me for my mistake but yes i have the whole collection of elfen lied and it is agreat series but i think the death of kurama and his daughter was lame just like how wolf wood died in trigun it was wrong, so that is the admin eh? i have had some web sites of my own in the past so i never did that nore did i see it so it was an honest mistake and once again i appoligize

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by Sir Bon on 2006-06-27 06:28:57
I'd like to add Ninja Scroll to the list. A bit old, but still gory to viewers of today!

Elfen Lied was pretty sweet. People just fall apart...literally
And Gantz - if you liked the anime, the manga is even better (ok, a WHOLE lot better)

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by rematche on 2006-06-27 11:06:59 (edited 2006-06-27 11:07:55)
space runaway ideon.
little kids gets head shots and face blown by bazookas and everyone died good or bad in a worst way.

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-06-27 19:08:48
Probably the goriest anime that I have are Elfen Lied, GANTZ, and Fist of the North Star (it's old and dumb but still gory).

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by shai on 2006-07-05 14:00:31
i would sey Elfen Lied =)=)

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Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-07-05 14:37:58
I've never seen it, but want to :Elven Lied. Heard there is tons of gore and nudity? Ah well, I like gore. Not so GUNG HO for the nudity, but well it comes in the package *Shrug*
Oi by the way, Shai, didn't realize till now that I have followed you from one post to the next XD


Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-07-05 14:38:24
I would agree with Elfen Lied.

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by on 2006-07-05 16:48:47
Elfen Lied wasn't that gory tp me. Hellsing would be a good one. Then again, wasn't that gory to me.

Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by simcoast on 2006-07-05 23:05:56
i hearted elfen lied! twas something special about it

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Re: What Kind Of Gore Anime Is Best?
Link | by The Crazy Chibi Username on 2007-07-22 17:45:23
Elfen Lied is good for straightforward gore (like random limbs flying everywhere), but if I want my gore and torture to be unpredictable, I'd watch Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.

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