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Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Fattie on 2006-06-25 19:18:33
So, how many of you folks tell lies? I'm known to lie quite often when it isn't about WAY serious things. You can trust me, just don't expect me to be sincere about everything. I also lie even when the shielding of my anus isn't necessary.

But everyone lies. There are just different types of lies and uses. Unless you're the enviable kind of person; free of all flaws whatsoever. Oh, how I long to be alike, while still relishing in my sins lol.

~ S.A.

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-06-25 19:27:35
oh, i totally told a lie....

when, my mom asked if i finished hw yet, n i said yes, but i rele didn' noe, LAME...but, i got more LIES to

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Fattie on 2006-06-25 19:47:44
I tell "It wasn't me who stole the cookie from the cookie jar!" type lies, if that makes you feel better. I'm a wussie, or rather, wussette.

~ S.A.

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-06-25 19:54:27
oh, LOLZ!!! dun worry!!! u totally made me feel better!!! XD

cuz, everyding u said was TRUE...

AND THE TRUTH.....hurts...lmfaos

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Fattie on 2006-06-25 20:12:12
Sometimes it hurts too much. But that's why we lie. Truth sucks anyway. LOL

Although we must encourage honesty at all times, however difficult it may be. ;)

~ S.A.

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-06-25 20:42:43
You know I am actually Willy Wonka in real life and I own a chocolate factory. I was also the real first man on the moon. It was really I who destoyed Atlantis.

I am also known for being a man of honesty. Actually, I am not a man but a giant paramecium.

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Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by on 2006-06-25 20:46:25
I lie when i don't think it will be good if i told them the truth and usually i get away with it^^.


Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by demon_eyes_kyo on 2006-06-25 20:47:32
i only lie when i have to, which isnt often

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-25 20:58:39
Um... everybody tell lies... those who say they don't.... are liars... that's not a joke.

A lie is a built-in human defense mechanism, it came long with the ability to speak. It's about as natural as breathing.

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-25 21:07:20
lol well i guess as a known fact since everyone tells lies, we cant ust come and sey i tell lies. what makes it more interesting here is to have ppls confess their lies... lol that would b pretty intersting to see =P

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by D Grave on 2006-06-25 21:24:41 (edited 2006-06-25 21:25:17)
I am a compulsive liar. I tell so many lies to my family or to people when they are getting to close to me. It is not a good thing, but I still do it anyway. In my opinion Liars makes the world go round.

All Alone in this so call World

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Fattie on 2006-06-25 21:32:34 (edited 2006-06-25 21:42:50)
In response to c.strife:

Yeh, I know. But you have to understand SOME people. *winkie-wink* Those who have a conscience clear as dirt, yet act the contrary.

Please don't get technical with me. Nothing will be absolutely accurate anyway. Too much "correct" nonsense roams these days. *yawn*

^ALL of that was purely meant in humor. Please don't kill me lol.

But I really don't care if people confess or not. It's their business I guess.

~ S.A.

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-25 23:09:01
i lie depending on the situation,sometimes it helps cause in certain occasion things could get worse if you tell the truth so yeah i will lie when i really need to(^_^)

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-26 08:27:56
i lie when i need the times when i didn't hand in my homework(when i was 12) on time and when the teacher returned us our work and i'm the only person who didn't get it back,she'll scold me and ask for them.i'll just say i've handed them in and proves it to her(note:i sneakily put my homework on her desk when she went to class,and i came to class before her[i know the shortcuts in school^^])then i said to check her desk....and voila,there's my homework...i did this trick for the whole year i'm in school...and she always runs to her desk whenever she thought i didn't hand in my homework

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Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-06-26 09:28:10
i lie to my mom when i wanted to send sach a present XD

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-06-26 15:08:57
well, like i didn't LIE to my teacher, but she fking said i diD!!! i mean, how rude!! ......eesh...she said i lied to her bout...everything...gawd, wat a @$$hole...

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Fattie on 2006-06-26 20:06:37 (edited 2006-06-26 20:07:19)
Sometimes it wasn't me who farted, but because I'm really immature I grin about it. But then everyone says "Ooooh, I know it was you. Just look at that sh*t eaten grin." And so I spend a bunch of time trying to convince them otherwise. ;.;

But on a more serious note, I once confronted my mom about something personal that happened to me when I was little. I had kept it from her and everyone else in my family for about six years. I couldn't tell them, becuase the person who victimized me was lodged in our family ties. So when I told her the exact truth, she called me a liar. She said that she thinks that it was so bad that I can't remember the rest, and that I refuse to tell her the whole story. Moron for a mother I have.

~ S.A.

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by taishi on 2006-06-30 17:36:13
I lie sometimes, but the thing is im a quite person, I simply dont give people enought to go on and so they just dont question me in the first place. BECAUSE they know I wont be into what they have, to say anyway, I really dont care about peoples opinoin

a. bai

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-06-30 18:11:52
I lie when I want to play a game (as in mind-boggle-the-person-your-talking-to or something)... I can SOMETIMES work my way through to people like telling me their secrets... but I rarely do that... I LIE MY WAY IN... I'm EBIL! (EVIL) MUAHAHAHA...

I also lie when I have to... which is often... but I'm a trustworthy kinda girl... I NEVER tell anyone's secret... NEVER as in my entire life I have never told anyones secret or until they tell me it's okay to tell it to some people (nice)...

I never lie here in gendou... (don't want to lie here ne? ^^)

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Liar liar pants on fire!
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-06-30 20:05:00
well, as far as i remember, i nvr lied again since i was 10 yrs was a very very bad lie. i was so guilty to God n my parents -_-

nowadays, i don't lie anymore (i believe so)..or maybe i do, but i call that as being trustworthy and clever, hahahaa..i don't lie, i just shield some stuffs away^^

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