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Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Snoweon on 2005-03-01 05:10:54
What u all feel about Full Moon wo Sagashite?
For me i Like it veryyyyy muchhhhhhhh ~~

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Khal on 2005-03-01 07:41:26
It's one of those shows thats loaded once u get past the beginning. At first its just a sweet show with a dark background, but by the end they've got you really attatched to the's great for tugging at your emotions! I think its a great show, especially for anyone that has a big dream, u can relate better.

Personally I like the manga better, they go into more detail about each character but hey, both are well worth the time!

"Acts of men are better than acts of God." - Misato Katsuragi

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Image Hosted by on 2005-03-04 20:50:51 (edited 2005-03-04 23:25:06)
I've just start reading fullmoon and only finished reading on volume two. But I start reading it because lots of my friends do like it very much.
Please, can someone recommend me any fullmoon song that you like the best?


Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Neowin on 2005-03-07 17:59:17
i really like the song smile for an allrounder. Focus if your like more upbeat and endless snow if your into slow

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Latias_girl on 2005-03-07 20:14:23
I've only read the first volume (Can't find the next chapters only vol. 5), but It's one of my favorite mangas. My favorite songs are (as stated before) Enternal Snow and Focus.

"Well, I'm not sure. A little voice in my head is saying 'this is a bad idea' but I can barly hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is yelling "LET THE 12-YEAR OLD DRIVE!'" - from The Cat in the Hat

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Kuguinha on 2005-03-18 06:09:06 (edited 2005-03-18 06:10:06)
I have the manga complete =D And 7cd's... My favorite music is love chronicle and Smile =)*


Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by SHA on 2005-04-05 00:00:04
I LUV FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE!!! especially, the music, i love the music. eternal snow is one of my fav japanese songs!!! the only problem is that i've only seen it in korean(i'm not korean though) and read a little bit of the manga so i'm not as learned on it as most, but i still love it!!!

**We are all strange in a normal way**

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Daisuki on 2005-04-11 05:54:43
I love all full moon wo sagashite song.. You should try listenning to "Changin'my life " album Its really cool

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by TenjouMeia on 2005-04-13 03:53:27
Love Chrnonicle and Smile is damn good...

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by TenjouMeia on 2005-05-08 03:08:53 (edited 2005-05-15 04:50:46)
I just finished watching FMOS anime and manga and i'll tell you what i think... It's totally different! I think the manga is better though. The anime is almost totally different from the manga. I'll tell you the differences:- (without actually spoiling it for you)

1) Takuto did not die in a motorcycle accident
2) Izumi is not totally a bad guy
3) Takuto did not lose his memory when he turned to a human
4) There was more romance (definitely BIG difference here)
5) Mitsuki's dad did not have black hair (although he looked cooler in
the anime)
6) Most of the plot (almost 92%) is different
7) Meroko did not remain a shinigami
8) Mitsuki did not go to school at all when she was sick
9) The manga ended 3 years later when Mitsuki is 16

Well, i think thats all that i'm sure of. Please i encourage you to read the manga. There use to be a download site for it but the site is currently down. ~_~

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by eternalliefallingsnoe on 2005-06-03 23:44:13
i love this anime! it made me cry at the end. TT.TT waaaah...i agree...the manga is totally better dan da anime but da anime was still good cuz dey both made me cry...-sigh- but at da end, Mitsuki still have her voice and that's da important thing right? dat she could continue singing and doing wut she likes.


Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by on 2005-11-05 19:58:20
I want to Read and Watch this Anime sooooooooooooooooooo much essep I don't have money to buy it now
I love their songs tho
I like Myself and Enterna Snow
Doushite Doushite.......~~~~ lalaalala
sorry I got caried away

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Kyon on 2005-11-05 20:07:50
Never watched the anime, but I'm collecting the manga. I love it so far...


And the music is great too. I really wish I had Anime Network or something...

Kyo's MINE. MIIIINEEEEE....*glares*

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Kouichi on 2005-11-21 12:45:50
I Love FMWS!

It's one of the best Anime i've seen, and Manga i've read.

Cat Cat Cat

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by AnimeAngel27 on 2005-11-21 16:20:51
FMWS was cute. I can't say it was the best I've ever seen, but I did thouroughly enjoy it. I haven't read the mangas yet, would anyone suggest that I do this sometime soon? Are they worth reading? Thanks!

"Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have any film..." "Friends are the people who know everything about you and still put up with you!" "Nothing in life is free, even death costs us."

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Ranritsu4 on 2006-09-09 14:35:04
I also love Full Moon wo Sagashite. i love the music New Future, Myself and Smile. Only the full version of New Future almost when she sings the end, i really didn't like that part...

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Hirozanriu on 2006-09-09 15:21:53
I think is a good anime, but if you all said that the manga is much better I`ll read the manga

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Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by AnnaYolei on 2006-09-09 23:48:09
"I think the manga is better though. The anime is almost totally different from the manga. "

The reason they're so different is that the anime was green-lighted beofe the fourth chapter of the manga was published by the company the author was signed on with.

Perhpas that's why, IMO, the anime has a lot more cohesion than the manga, which at times felt like there were plot twists just for the hell of it.

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-09-10 09:24:17

cause, the anime ending SUCKED, we don't know what happens to Takuto and Mitsuki....

but, the manga did tell what, it's better....<3

i didn't really like the story very much, cause it sounded kinda pathetic, all those lovey dovey stuff...T.T...but, it was okay...^^

Re: Full Moon wo Sagashite
Link | by Chubster on 2006-09-10 17:48:57
I love the anime...the music is of my all time favourites in anime, music and manga...the manga is better than the anime in the it's all good...hehehe...I would recommend this to anyone and everyone...hehehe...unless they don't like this sort of anime...but then again...I'll make them watch it...hehehe...

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