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GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 10:42:41 (edited 2006-06-18 22:00:38)
Welcome to my 2nd Release (Kingdom Hearts: The ..::RP::..) on Gendou City. If you're interested, come join, and read the rules carefully. HAVE FUN!!! BTW, GAS: 51 means Gendou Anime Series: Season 1 "8',".

..::The Prologue::..

In the Feudal Time Period, there were countless groups who were together, living in harmonly, peacefully, and were all unified until one day, the power of the entire country, The KING and his Imperial Army (13,000,000,000 soldiers who won't be defeated easily) took advantage and requested to control the groups. The KING's real goals, were to destroy the Groups, and planned an ambush to set all the groups up, and force them to kill each other. Now, only the ELITE warriors, know his "true" intentions and those warriors will go after the KING and attempt to ambush and destroy him on his own Throne on the other side of the country!

..::Firstly, some Guidelines::..

1. Before you start to RP here, you'll be a part of a group (like I said in the intro). Certain Groups are Friends, others Foes. Depending on who joins, or how many people join, I will assign certain leaders of their groups. Create a name, invite other people, but notify me first, w.e...

2. Post using Script Format. Ex...

DANGEL: post like this..... XD

3. When you post, put your group infront of your name, ALWAYS, like this.

Member of the Gendou City Klan, DANGEL: *but you only have to put it in a few times, depending on how much you post.

*I will update groups and LEADERS daily, just notify me or I'll never know!!!*

4. There will be a 4-5 Group Member Limit. Only Leaders can "invite" people who aren't in groups to join. Solor members can request what group/klan they want to be appart of but choose wisely because they'll be no traitors or anything, lol. (meaing you can only choose once and that's final!)

5. You are allowed to use other Characters from other animes, games (final fantasy), etc... but keep it organized, don't use like 15 dif. characters, lol XD

*anime characters can be apart of your/a group but you MUST have 2-3 GENDOU members to do so*

*common characters that'll certtainly be used here will be characters from Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X as well), InuYasha, Naruto even, and others that involve Feudal Events, etc....

..::Finally, the "Profile"::..

Name: ???
Age: ???
Klan/Group Leader: ???
WOC (Weapon of Choice): ???
Special Abilities (powers, techniques, etc...list only a couple XD: ???
A Brief Profile (to learn their personallity XD. Keep it brief: ???

Here's Mine...

Age: 15
Klan/Group: Paradox'z Klan
Klan/Group Leader: DANGEL
WOC: DNA² Hirotomes
Special Abilities: Gendou Guramna (solo trinity and tech. similar to Ryu's multiple attack), Timezone Split, others that'll be revealed later on...
Profile: Family Masacred and Village Destroyed by the Imperial Army thanks to the KING at only age 5. Trained for 2 years from ??? and trained 3 years alone. 5 years later, he's planning on an all out Rumble at the KING's Throne alone with....

..::Basic Rules, AGAIN!::..

1. Use the correct Format Ex: Member of the Paradox'z Klan, DANGEL: *blah blah blah*...
2. Group Leaders can "invite" other members who aren't already a member of a group to join.
3. Members who aren't invited to a group yet, can request to join.
4. 4-5 members MAX!
5. There'll be groups that can become Friends, and groups that become FOES (EACH WILL BE CREATEED!!)
6. Last but not least...HAVE A FUN, CREATIVE, AWESOME TIME!!!!!!

..::The Klans (notify me if there are changes to be made)::..

..::The Paradox’z Klan::..

Leader - DANGEL [Devils-Angel] (P@P (Profile @ Page 1)
Member - papermaster [PAPERMASTER] (P@P 1)

..::The Azure Klan::..

Leader - Kay [Bloodymoon] (P@P 1)

..::The Ryugan Klan::..

Leader - Kojirou [Sagura] (P@P 2)
Member - Zero [Zerp] (P@P 2)

..::The KING's Daughter (Spy)::..

The Imperial Army's Secret Spy - Chiko [eternaltorture] (P@P 2)

..::Solo Warriors (FOR NOW)::..



Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 11:28:47 (edited 2006-06-18 02:38:46)
name: papermaster


klan: paradox'z clan

WOC: anything made out of paper

special abilities: ability to control paper(?),super intelligence,a VERY fast reader,is very acrobatic (despite the fact that he smokes alot)

profile: a heavy smoker, papermaster is just a person that is easy going.can be arrogany at times. his abilities are unknown to all others. he always carries around a silver briefcase, and he is always reading a book.some say that he can use what he learns from books to defeat his enemies with ease.his past is a mystery....

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 11:39:16
Well papermaster since you're here first, want to join my Paradox'z Klan?


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 11:43:46
clan? whats that?....who are you?

*blows a puff of smoke at DANGELS face

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 11:47:00
*DANGEL smacks the puffs away*

DANGEL: there's no time! I need strong allies to accompany me! Don't you remember when the KING destroyed your father's Library full or BOOKS!!

*flashback to way back when*

The KING: ahahahaha...destroy everything! BURN it to ASHES!!

papermasters's father: no, I won't allow you!

*you can hear screams of terror and fear*

The KING: oh don't worry, I'll piss it out.

*return flashback*

DANGEL: ........!!


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 11:50:04
(ummmmm...dont create papermasters past for me....)

i dont have a father....

*reads a book

if you want me to join...give me a good reason why i should

*blows more smoke at DANGEL

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 11:58:41
DANGLE: ahh, I see...

*smoke puffs begin to swirl around DANGEL*

DANGEL: I guess you're an arrogant one, aren't you?


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 12:01:47
maybe...people see me as arrogant

*finishes first cigarette, light up another one

lets get straight to the point

*puts book away

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 12:07:06 (edited 2006-06-17 12:11:33)
Leader of the Paradox'z Klan, DANGEL: the point is, you can fight alone. I'm not the one to beg!

*it's also night time now - so it's dark and the moon is out*

Shinta (aka Himora Kenshin from Samur X: Reflections): what are you doing so late out here, DANGEL?

DANGLE: ah, X, how are you?

Shinta: haha....why are you out here so late? Hurry back, Kaeke will get worried.

DANGEL: as so, Kaoru?

Shinta: yes *walks back* I'll see you back at the Dojo

DANGLE: *turns but faces papermaster* I'll leave this invite for you to join us up to you. I'll see later on today...

*walks into the evading shadows*


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 12:12:40
you arent going to leave that easily!

*paper briefcase opens....amd paper inscribed with spells prevents DANGEL from escaping

tell me more about this clan.....

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 12:15:35
Leader of the Paradox'z Klan, DANGEL: *makes a stop and notices an attempt from papermaster*

*the shadow portal fades away*

DANGEL: so you want to know more? Are you in consideration of joining? This Klan of ours has our eyes set on the KING. Any other interuptions will be sorry. Surely you do not think you can defeat the KING's 13,000,000,000 Mortal Army alone, do ye?


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 12:18:14
*blow smoke at DANGEL

ill join...on one condition

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 12:20:13
DANGEL: *closes eyes and walks away, then stops...Turns head but doesn't competely look at papermaster*


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 12:24:13
let me read as many books as i want

*follows DANGEL

are you listening to me?

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 12:25:49
DANGEL: books? If you love books that much, you can stay in the Library Dormant = a room just outside the Library. The most ancient of books are in there, be careful as there are also spirits roaming around in there.

*the shadow portal opens again.....*

DANGEL: shall we?


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-17 12:38:55
lets go.....

spirits are no big deal...

*follows DANGEL

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 12:45:13
DANGEL: prepare to get the biggest welcome as you arrive in our dojo (huge like a mansion). Our old master owns it, so show your respects. He's faught with the king countless time in his days.

*DANGEL and papermaster walk through the portal and appear infront of the Dojo*

DANGEL: hello?

Kaeke: walks out! DANGEL has returned guys

Kaoru: ah, DANGEL, welcome back. ?. Welcome (to papermaster) who's this?

DANGLE: well, introduce yourself buddy


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-17 12:58:02
Name: Kay Serenade
Age: 19
Klan/Group: non
Klan/Group Leader:
WOC (Weapon of Choice): Sword of different attributes(the same one from the Light of Hope RP)
Special Abilities: Element manupilation
A Brief Profile: Used to be the KING's highest ranking general. Having enough of the KING's brutal and cruel ways,he betrayed the KING and ran away

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-17 13:14:37
(Bloodymoon, since your new, you can either become a leader of your own Klan/Group/etc... or wait til someone who's already a leader to invite you. You can also request to be appart of a group. XD)

(BTW to solo members (for now), you don't need to write your klan infront of your name because YOUR NOT Part of a group yet, lol)

Shinta: is this the same person who I saw you talking with before?

DANGLE: yes.

Kaoru: so, what is your name?

Sousuke (RuroKen): yeah buddy, we won't bite. Trust me! XD


Re: GAS: 51 "Read 1st Post to Join"
Link | by Zero on 2006-06-17 16:28:54
Age:????can change his age)
klan/group:none currently
specail abilities:shapeshift,control darkness
Breif profile:cant remember his past can be very freindly but very very violent

figthing is the only important thing in life so fight.........fight 4 ur life

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