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Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-11 09:52:19 (edited 2006-06-12 00:09:08)
Okay.Now to join this thread you need the usual Profiles.Thsi RP takes place after the Getbackers series.But Ban and the others are stil available chars.You can join either the Get Backers or Himiko's group.Ill control the events.You can control Important people.

The two factions are Retreivers(Bans group) and transporters(Himiko's

Name:Ennosuke Kenkyusha
Powers:Able to control shadow.Able to conjure items.Skilled with a sword
Group:Transporter(Himiko's Group)
Bio:Kinda like Akabane.Looks like Kadaj.

You can control up to two chars.The main char and the sub char.But it has to be on the same group as your main char.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-11 11:13:22
This is my first time to join in an RP so.......
can i use characters from other anime i'm kinda attached to them....

Name:Hisoka Kurosaki
Hair: Ash brown
Partner: Tsuzuki Asato
Powers:Emphathy, Telepathy, able to summon a shikigami and is skilled with a katana.
Group:Himiko's group
Bio: Came from a very old family, who left his family in serch for the meaning of life....
looks very much like him ^-^


Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by sai on 2006-06-11 11:50:37
Uhh, never been to an RP too, so... I'll start with an RP of an anime that i know...

Name: Amano Saiga
Age: 17
Eyes: Black <--uhh is this necessary?
sub-character: A dying Grandma...
Powers: Electricity (same with ginji), resistant to extreme cold
ultimate attack: Sen(blitz) - an electric explosion, range 50M
group: GetBackers (will hang out with them a lot)
Bio: A long lost relative of Amano Ginji, possibily brothers. Separated since born.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by Sagara on 2006-06-11 21:24:45 (edited 2006-06-22 03:08:44)
Name:Kojirou Ryugan
Hair:short styled back black
Powers:Demon magic,extremely skilled with his katana Muramasa n bow Artemis,Angel magic,Arcane Edge(unmatched speed all-angle style)
Ultimate/Special Abilities:Reality Marble(duplicate any object he has seen),Oblivion(dimension tat he controls)
Group:Himiko's group
Bio:a cool,serious n smart halfdemon halfangel.friends with Ennosuke n prefers to remain silent unless needed to speak.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-11 22:13:36
Anybody else going to join?

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by imppy on 2006-06-13 06:44:24
Ken! I didn't know there's an RP like this! I only look at page 0 :P ok, I'll join!

Name: Tasuki Kusanagi (yes, Ichiban sucks XD)
Age: 18
Eyes: Maroon
Powers: Silent Death, Ending Fate (assassin style)
Weapon at use: Twin daggers
Group: Himiko-san!
Bio: Childhood friend of Enno, he's the only one who can understand that he's a half demon and half human when he was a child. Swears to fight along side with him, and kills in a silent manner. He has dark hair, not too long nor too short, wears a ripped cape inside of it is a sleeveless but torn shirt. Doesn't talk much, concerning that he was trained to be an assassin.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-14 03:07:03
Shall we start?

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by Sagara on 2006-06-14 19:50:37
yeah,lets start

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-15 01:54:23
(Here we go guys)

Enno:*standing on the roof of a building*...

Akabane:*Draws his usual 180cm Scalpels and Slashes Ennosuke*

Enno*Jumps up*Is that a proper greeting to an old friend?


Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-15 02:40:36
*sudenly appears, with his partner Tsuzuki, behind Akabane and Enno as he silently watches them"

Hisoka: What are you two doing? *he ask stoically*

Tsuzuki: Hisoka... im hungry....

Hisoka: shut up! we have more pressing matters to attend to. *getting angry with his partner*

Hisoka: Oi! Akabane what are 'you' doing here? *getting ready to draw his sword.


Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by Sagara on 2006-06-15 03:03:47
*suddenly appears behind Tasuki*

Kojirou:ure Tasuki Kusanagi correct..?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by sai on 2006-06-15 05:15:55
Meanwhile, in a remote place somewhere in Hokkaido island in the north, a boy is sitting beside his granma's bed, ready to hear her last messages...

Granma: Saiga... listen to me well, i don't have much more time...

Sai: Yes...

Granma: Go to the main island of Japan... If i remember correctly, the place's name is Ura Shinjuku...

sai: But, what should i do there?

Granma: Just listen, there's someone you must meet there... The name is Ginji, Amano Ginji... He's............*RIP*

Sai: Granma? Granma!!!! Damn!
*holds the cold hand of his granma*
Sai: Dammit.... dammit....
*starts thinking of his granma's messages...*
Sai: Name... and place... That's all i got... Damn........

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by imppy on 2006-06-15 05:27:03
*Tasuki grins at Kojirou*

Tasuki: "Yes. I believe I should...enjoy this group for a while."

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-17 04:17:36
Akabane:What are we going to do today,Ennosuke-chan?

Enno:Wait for Ginji amano's group...

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by imppy on 2006-06-17 04:23:06
Tasuki: "So, they're coming here, then."

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-17 04:26:25
Akabane:It seems so...

Enno:....*closes eyes*

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by noobie on 2006-06-17 04:28:11
Excuse me... umm, can i join?

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-17 04:29:33
(sure man!The more the merrier!Just make a character profile)

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by noobie on 2006-06-17 04:53:32 (edited 2006-06-17 04:58:49)
Name: Renji Ayamaro
Age: 17
Powers: Superhuman strength, nearly nonexistent recovery time.
Attacks:Ground Pound( strikes the ground with his fist to create a mini-earthquake ) and Destiny Strike( jumps high into the air and tackle the opponent from above ).
Special Features: His strength gives him the ability to jump 5 stories high.
Group: GetBackers
Bio: A mysterious young man looking for a job with the Getbackers. Laid back and lazy, he is nonetheless a reliable partner in battles.

Re: Get Backers RP thread (Read first post!)
Link | by on 2006-06-17 07:12:19
Akabane:*plays around with knives*...This is getting boring..

Enno:*opens eyes*Well I didnt tell you to hang around did I?Where's Himiko?

Akabane:Doing some delivery I think...


Akabane:Lets go get something to eat shall we?

Enno:Whatever*puts hands in pocket*

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