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Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Ultimate Coordinator on 2006-06-10 05:28:51 (edited 2006-06-10 05:29:29)
who do you think will win if Heero Yuy of the Wing Zero battles Kira Yamato of the Strike Freedom?i think that Strike Freedom(Kira) will deliver some serious ownage to the Wing Zero(Heero)...

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-06-10 05:42:22 (edited 2006-06-10 05:43:14)
Well, Heero is no doubt the more experienced pilot but we can't ignore the fact that Kira's a coordinator so that'll be a really close match. But I think Heero would win being the more experienced one and the fact that he was trained since childhoood to pilot a gundam.


Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2006-06-10 05:56:48
i think strike freedom will win.SF is more agile and has more firepower than zero,although zero twin buster rifle very powerful,but SF has laser shild that can protect it from any kind of attack.

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Maladis A.T on 2006-06-10 09:02:00
My personal belief is that the MSZ-006 ZETA, would be more dominant its pilot Kamille Bidan being a newtype and all (See;-U.C 0087 Z Gundam)... but i would favor in this case Kira and the GAT-X105 STRIKE. as Heero's abilities where enhanced by the Zero System.

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Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-06-10 09:17:15
Strike Freedom with 'seed mode' Kira Yamato

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Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by h4xordude on 2006-06-10 18:57:24
This has already been argued, although it was with the Freedom instead of the Strike Freedom.

And the Zero would win, for reasons I refuse to repeat. If you are going to post here, at least list reasons why a battle between the Strike Freedom would be any different from the original Freedom.

These posts as taken from:

"Someone said before that Kira has more determination????!?!?!??? If he had more determination he wouldn't be crying every other time he fights!!!

And someone else here said that the freedom had 6 buster rifles? No, they are ion accelerator particle cannons, and don't nearly have as much spread damage capability nor power as the Twin Buster Rifle. In addition if you compare the thrust outputs, weight, POWER CAPABILITIES (this is big since the Freedom only EFFECTIVE weapons are energy weapons and it's power supply (nuclear reactor) is 8 kW less than the Wing Zero's), and manueverability, the Wing Zero has higher stats (except for weight, weight=less mobility per pound of thrust).
Back on the Twin Buster Rifle point, the TBR has a greater spread capability and thus it wouldn't matter where Heero aimed so long as he aims in the general direction and it wouldn't matter how fast the Freedom moved considering it's a constant stream. Basically I'm saying where as the Freedom may have a higher chance of hitting when using more guns, the Zero has a GUARUNTEED chance of hitting (especially with heero at the controls).

And another thing if Kira went berserker, Heero could go Zero System. A human brain may calculate fast and have quick reaction time, but a computer is always faster."

"All you Kira fans out there, I don't mean to upset you but....aww heck I'll speak frankly: Kira doesn't have a chance in heck in either pilot strengths or his Mech's strengths to beat Heero in the Zero.

I'll explain this in a simple point-counterpoint comparison one last time.

1) Heero "I'll kill you" Yuy's will to kill vs. Kira "I don't want to fight" Yamato's will to kill----Heero wins
2) Kira's Coordinator capabilities vs. Heero Yuy's Training----close draw, so I'll say they're even just to make it simple
3) Kira's Berserker mode vs. Heero using the Zero System----that's basically Kira with faster reaction time versus a computer, a computer always wins that sort of fight----Heero wins
4) Wing Zero T.B.R vs. X10A Freedom's I.A.P.Cs = really big beam vs. lots of tiny less powerful beams all over the place----Heero wins
5) Wing Zero stats/capabilities vs. X10A Freedom's capabilities----according to the Gundam Technical manuals the Zero is higher in the fields of generator output, mobility points, and thruster outputs for increased speeds (plus the Zero is slightly lighter)----Heero wins

In all the major catagories as you can clearly see, Heero wins or they tie.

A better fight to compare for all you Seed fans would be Freedom vs. Heavyarms, or for the Wing fans (the real gundam fans if you ask me) check out the Eva vs. Gundam thread on this forum."

"Alright, just to finish this once and for all, I'm staring at the Gundam Wing Technical manual AND an imported copy of the Gundam Seed Destiny Technical manual.

The Wing Zero destroys the Strike Freedom. In almost EVERY catagory.
The TBR's output alone overpowers ANY weapon Kira has, even with the extra weapons modules. The piercing-damage capabilities of the TBR and shoulder mounted Gattling cannons are more than capable of destroying/disabling any of the Strike Freedom's lightly-armored (by comparison) weapons.

According to the response time charts listed in the import versions in both manuals, the Zero system's stats for reaction capabilities are equal to that of level 3 coordinator abilities (that's about Kira or Athrun's level since it's the highest)

The weight-to-thrust ratio on the Wing Zero Custom completely DESTROYS that of the Strike-Freedoms (by a factor of almost 3 to 1), and then there's the issue of power supply,

The power supply is the ONLY catagory that I see that Kira wins in, but not even by a considerable amount, plus that doesn't matter that much anyway (how many times has a gundam from GW had power issues? now, how many times has one from GS had power issues? point proven). They both have built in reactors anywho.

The specs comparing Gundanium Alloy to Phase-Shift Armor aren't very different. The only difference is that Gundanium has a slightly higher impact tolerance (it's VERY miniscule, a 4.8 PSI difference)."

As you might be able to tell, I've become very well-versed with Gundam Seed vs. Gundam Wing arguments, and (although these are the somewhat more aggressive posts of mine) I try to not lean to either just cause I like one more.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Mako on 2006-06-10 19:12:16
Another Seed Junkie thread!?!?!?!
When will you guys learn that Kira, Athrun, Shinn or any other character from the Cosmic era have absolutly no chance of beating a character from the Universal Century, the After Colony period or even the Future Century?

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2006-06-10 21:30:29
When will you guys learn that Kira, Athrun, Shinn or any other character from the Cosmic era have absolutly no chance of beating a character from the Universal Century, the Future Century period or even After Colony?


For what it's worth, for a weapon of its storyline significance, the Wing Zero is suspiciously underarmed... I suppose it depends on just how far the Zero system can compensate its pilot...

Given Kira's fairly redundant tactics, I'd put my money on Heero in the Zero to win. But wouldn't put it past Kira to survive the resulting catastrophe through some sort of voodoo ritual that results in a new Freedom incarnation with even more bells and whistles...

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Shining Blaze on 2006-06-10 22:55:16
So much to address, so little time...

Alright, let's start by comparing technology. Strike Freedom is about ZZ level to CCA level of technology, plus Beam Shield, which makes it lightly touch on F-91 level technology. As for Wing Zero, it's firmly on F-91 level technology. For those who don't understand this, basically, I'm saying this: Wing Zero is much more technologically advanced.

Now, let's discuss defense. Gundanium versus Unlimited Phase Shift Armor + Beam Shield. Beam Shield is fancy and somewhat useful. Phase Shift is God against most physical weaponry. However, Gundanium is both anti-beam coated and able to withstand a lot of physical attacks. Plus, it's got a stealth feature thrown in. Technically, I give this one to Wing Zero.

As for weaponry, this is where things get shakey. Strike Freedom has tethered DRAGOONS, Railcannons, Combinable Beam Rifles, and a Silica Cannon, plus CIWS. Wing Zero has the legendary Twin Buster Rifle and Machine Cannons. Both have two Beam Sabers, but Strike Freedom can combine them together. In terms of amount, Strike Freedom gets this one. In terms of power, that's where Wing Zero wins.

Now, let's talk speed, which will touch upon weight. Strike Freedom weighs around 80 tons, while Wing Zer weighs 8... With the lack of weight, Wing Zero is superior, plus the thruster power in the wings. Technically, Wing Zero and Wing Zero Custom are the same, so I won't throw in the Waverider factor. In any case, Wing Zero is around 5-6Gs, and Strike Freedom is about 3-4 Gs. The acceleration isn't verified, but in any case, Wing Zero wins.

Now, for discussion on the pilot. Kira spams and basically magically disables his enemies. Heero uses his skill to easily take down enemies, killing them in most cases. Also, it is arguable whether Heero is a NewType or not, though signs point to yes. Kira IS a NewType, but it doesn't completely matter. They are even in that sense. Now, it's Seed Mode versus Zero System. Seed Mode isn't completely fast reaction times. At times, it randomly enhanced the Gundam's performance without upgrading from within, which makes no sense. Zero System enhances the pilot by forcing him into fighting and also calculates strategies how to win, depending on the pilot's intentions. I give this one to the Zero System. As for achievements, Kira struggled against the three Druggies and got his ass handed to him by Shin. Although this is from a game, Heero easily took down the three Druggies in no time and even beat down the Frost Brothers from Gundam X. Heero wins, but Kira's not dying because of Fukuda and Morosawa.

In an actual fight, Heero can evade the DRAGOONS and even destroy the tethers. Chances are Strike Freedom will rely on spamming out guns, which Wing Zero can evade or survive. When it comes down to the inevitable Beam Saber combat, Heero is much more talented with the Beam Saber, so he would win there. Lastly, should Strike Freedom put up its Beam Shield, the Twin Buster Rifle can pierce it, since it has the same power as a VSBR, which is infamous for breaking Beam Shields.

All in all, Heero would win, but Kira will survive because of his damn main character shield. Only way Heero can kill Kira is if he enters the same badass mode he uses against the Frost Brothers and the Druggies. Then, and only then, will I be happy.

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Raye19 on 2006-07-25 08:48:17
Strike Freedom Has A "BEAM SHIELD" Heero Is in A Disadvantage heero can't move around while firing his Famous "TBR" That's Where Strike Freedom Has A Definite Advantage DRAGOONS Can move Independently Heero Can't Evade All Eight Dragoons unless you have a prove that wing zero can evadeit, did he encounter such things in gundam wing? Kira Can Maximixe The use of all His Weapons while heero can only depend on his shoulder gatling guns and beam sabers And all of you must have seen SF and you have to Agree its Fast Besides Wing Zero's weight is totally ridiculous it must be more than 8 tons more like the same as Strike Freedom

People who rely in the gundam seed:destiny and gundam wing technical manual
should have realize its just mere "FICTION" besides sunrise did'nt make a "REAL" Wing Zero and SF just look at their performance on their respective shows and that should be more than enough

Who said's that Gundam Seed And Destiny can't compete on other gundams
Gundam Seed Destiny Has The most Powerful Mobile Suits on the entire Gundam Series of course you know that Gundam Seed Destiny Was based on Older Gundams ONLY Modified to the point that their predecessor can't even take them on a head-to-head battle even Amuro Ray Will Have A hard Time Deling With them
Especially to AKATSUKI heck They Have the same Abilities "Delta Formation"


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Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by H on 2006-07-25 09:26:47
no offense but RAYE you should look at the facts that there're more seniors in this forum who knows more about Gundams... Heck, I'm no match for them.

I would say that "tie" is the result but when some of my friends saw this thread, all of them said "Of course there's no chance for Strike Freedom to beat WGZC." I can't give as much explanation like the seniors above but I'll try to explain it in my own way.

The TBR is a mass destructive weapon that surpasses anything in StrikeFreedom's arsenal (and I think it's more powerful than VSBRs). Heero isn't that stupid to fire that recklessly against a tough opponent like Kira. I think he rarely shots it when he has to face Zechs or anoher rival. He prefers hand-to-hand combat with beam sabers.

If you say that Amuro Ray will have a hard time dealing with Kira, then you're very wrong. U.C's newtype are far more superior than the Coordinators. Plus, Amuro piloted Nu and Hi Nu which are considered as two of the most powerful Gundams ever.

And when you said GSD's MS are the most powerful, maybe you should take a look at the Future Century MFs, namely the G Gundam series. TouHouFuHai will beat the crap out of every MS in GSD.

once again, no offense.

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-25 14:40:45
Wing Zero was made in the 90's and Gundam Seed was made in early 2000's I think. So the Freedom would have more technology built in it then Wing Zero of 'Wing'.

Wing Zero is like, one of my favorite Mobile Suits. If you update the Wing Zero, even though I think Heero Yuu would decline, I'm still going with Wing Zero. Heero is a better pilot but they're similar in ways.

For a quicker explanation, just check the people who put extreme detail, regarding their votes for Gundam Wing's Lead Mobile Suit. XD


Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by rematche on 2006-07-25 23:02:04
hey, captain and h fancy seeing you guys here.
anyway people if you really to compare moblie suits you should, if you're now talking about advance gundams. well to me, i'll go with u.c.'s gaia gear alpha for being the most advance. it's in that post.

about this thread...simple's a draw. and you ever compare them both to u.c. characters for they're gods who walk amongst men.

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by on 2006-07-26 08:29:40
I'd say the Wing Zero would win! the Strike would be no match^^

But if you ask if the Wing Zero or the Freedom gundam then....... that's would be a different story, the Freedom would totally trash the Wing Zero!


Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by calamity58 on 2006-07-26 08:45:49
i think wing zero is win wing zero because heero have experience to pilot the gundam since childhood XD

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-07-26 08:48:27 (edited 2006-07-26 08:48:38)
...try taking on a mobile suit with a gun capable of wiping out entire colonies in one shot...XD...WING ZERO pwnz...

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-07-26 09:25:25
Wing Zero...end of story.

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Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Xaria on 2006-07-26 10:12:20
ARGH i hate it when i like both >.< but if i had to choose i would say Wing Zero. If it were Strike Freedom + Meteor Unit then its different story. BTW some of you guys were talking about the regular Freedom isn't this about he the Strike Freedom ^^??? If it is i say Strike Freedom cuz it has the strikers it could so just fly around and own Wing Zero.

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Angel_of_Kaze on 2006-08-02 16:06:17
well at the fact that wing zero's twin rifle is powerful, but it need time to recharge(more than 7 sec usually), althrough heero did have more exp, but from the gundam power, wing zero probably stronger. Strike Freedom have greater speed than wing zero , this gundam base on speed. Kira Yamato, have fast recation when at seed mode, he can shoot alot of target and use dragoon system when fighting, and is using nuclear power it, it should give some advantage for Kira to win zero( a bit slower) ...well i was just base on the two gundam's data ... not that i would argue who's better who's not , Strike freedom can win the zero cuz, when it use full blast it can hit any location, if you have saw the ep 50 of GSD, the fight of strike freedom and legend, there is no way to avoid that, unless it can reflect beam ...

Re: Wing Zero VS Strike Freedom:winner?
Link | by Lunar L on 2006-08-02 18:59:49
the only gundam series is
gundam wing so
i would say wing zero

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