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Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by kaitoKid on 2006-06-08 01:10:17 (edited 2006-06-16 23:58:55)
Does anybody know the Manga Named IS?? It is very creative... if you know what i mean... hehe

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by blue on 2006-06-08 02:48:01
It is I"s? About a guy named Seto Ichitaka and his love story in high school?

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by on 2006-06-08 03:25:21
a friend lent me that manga. aside from being a yaoi nut, i am also a hopeless romantic and i love romantic stories.
too bad i wasnt able to finish it. he only has a couple of it and i dont have enough money to buy the manga.

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-08 05:28:29
Oh yeah i heard about that anime but i never actually seen it yet^^

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by Chubster on 2006-06-08 16:12:57 (edited 2006-06-08 16:13:31)
I"s is great...oh...I love it...I like the story to it...I have all the current manga at the moment...waiting for the next volume...I also have all the current anime episodes as well...I would suggest people to read the manga and watch I"s Pure...the other I"s OVA is alright...but I"s Pure is alot better...hehehe...

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by Chi on 2006-06-08 16:16:29
Yeah I've heard of the manga I"s. I havn't read it though. I think that it would be a pretty good manga because it is made by the same creater as Video Girl Ai and that was a really good manga.

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by icedoor on 2006-06-08 22:08:45
Man it’s great if you like love story… wait I do

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-06-08 22:12:29
sorry to say this but I''s is not my fav love story..hahahahaaa..

i donno why,i juz don't see any chemistry between the guy and the girl(sorry,forgot their name already)..i actually read the whole manga..but my eyes were strained as the letters were so small.haha..^_^ the story is like a telenovela to me.too long -_-

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Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by hakuryu-kun on 2006-06-08 23:52:59
I"S not IS. Its a very romantic story about a student boy who loves this very popular girl. Seto Ichitaka, the boy wants to protect this girl, Iori Yoshizuki from the men who wants to take advantage of her.

But he dosen't propose to her because he is too shy.

Ichitaka wishes he wouldn't keep thinking of Iori as a sex object. His shy nature prevents him from coming forth with his feelings towards Iori despite several opportunities.

And so Ichitaka stumbles from one situation into another, with his street-smart friend Yazumaza offering him plenty of advice and often coming to Ichitaka's rescue...

The story falls a little flat at first glance. The characterizations seem rather typical—Ichitaka as the shy boy with trouble expressing his feelings; Iori as the cute, softspoken love interest; and Yasumaza as the savvy, loyal sidekick.

Our protagonist Ichitaka does have one redeeming quality, in that he tries very hard not to think of Iori "in that kind of way" despite the occasional wild fantasy, but volume 1 of the story spends a lot of time covering the relationship between Iori and Ichitaka without covering a lot of ground.

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If you are not brave, you will lose but you still have the courage in your heart!-->

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-09 01:28:28
Lol i love that Iori..she soo KAWAAII (~~), i had read the whole manga and I love the story.. I don't know about anime.. don't want be dissapoint if the quality of anime very low like what happen to Ichigo 100%.

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Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by Chubster on 2006-06-12 17:17:21
@ Arcshiki

no...the quality of the anime is really good...they took a few things out here and there...but the story is very similar to the manga...I"s Pure is the one that I'm talking about...even though it's 6's still very good...but hey...I don't know how high your standards are for quality of's up to you I guess...if I don't know how good an anime or manga is...I try it first...hehehe...

Re: Do you know the Manga I"s
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-12 18:25:54
I'S, huh? Really good. Romantic indeed. Great drawing. The character I love the most was.... Asou, if I remember it correctly. The one living next door?

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